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Joe Zuffoletto

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Everything posted by Joe Zuffoletto

  1. I never forget names since I took the Joe Carnegie course.
  2. They can form in the lee of mountain ranges, even low ones. Here's an informative graphic someone posted on another aviation website while discussing this topic:
  3. That's a standing mountain wave cloud in the lee of where the wind is crossing those mountains from left to right. I giant version of the same thing commonly parks itself just east of the Colorado Front Range in the winter. I've seen it span the distance from Fort Collins all the way to Colorado Springs.
  4. exM20K, time to change your handle to exM20TN. Congratulations on your Acclaim purchase! I hope you love it as much as I've loved mine. To others who have replied: I don't game the tax man. If you can't afford table stakes then get out of the game. Just my opinion. The downsides outweigh the upsides.
  5. Thanks, guys. Not sure when I'll be able to move the plane, but after I do we'll arrange a fly-in somewhere in Northern CA! DAVIDWH: Sales tax isn't an issue. CA is very aggressive about the property tax.
  6. Denver is my primary residence. I spend about 2 months a year in CA, but I'll put more hours on the Acclaim in those 2 months than I would in a year in Colorado. CA has property tax for airplanes and CO doesn't, but that will be more than offset by the lower price for the hangar in CA.
  7. That's pretty funny, but I'd rather have both!
  8. One of the reasons I decided to put my Acclaim up for sale a couple weeks ago is that my wife won't fly with me any more here in the Rockies. Too much turbulence for her taste. Well, 3 days after listing it for sale my name came up on the waiting list for a hangar in Petaluma, CA (O69). Wasn't expecting that! Petaluma is near my second home in Marin County, CA. My wife loves flying on the west coast. Much smoother air, much shorter flights to get to interesting places. So, after a few days of deliberation, I decided to take my Acclaim off the market and relocate it to Petaluma. Pretty darn excited about it!
  9. Mooney owner for almost 17 years. Instrument rated since 1994. Since almost all my flights in the Mooney are interstate trips I often fly IFR, but if weather permits I'll fly VFR with flight following.
  10. Same way I missed Oklahoma:
  11. My RV-8 is carbureted and normally aspirated, and my leaning procedure is quite simple: at the end of the high-RPM portion of my run-up I slowly pull the mixture back until the RPM peaks and then starts to decrease again; then I move the mixture knob forward about 1/2" to set the mixture just on the rich side of peak RPM. Next, I slowly pull the throttle to idle to do my idle check, and at my lean mixture setting the engine idles very smoothly. BTW, if I try an idle check with the mixture full rich, the idle is very rough. On climb-out I need to keep the nose down and airspeed up to keep the CHT's in the green. The RV has no cowl flap. This is the same procedure I used for my old Archer II (pretty much the same engine), and it has always worked well. Field elevation at my home drome is 5,800' and DA is typically above 7,000'.
  12. Absolutely. 40kts better.
  13. I flew 710 hours in my Encore and I'm up to 210 in my Acclaim.
  14. I somehow missed this thread until now. All the hangars at KAPA are privately owned. Prices vary, but they're all expensive. Your choices range from unprotected tie-downs, to shade hangars, to Port-a-Ports and then box hangars. I own a Port-a-Port (t-hangar) that I'm renting out for $450/month. It has no power or water. Par for the course. PM me and I'll be glad to give you more information. JZ
  15. I had my M20K Encore for 11 years, from 2000 until 2011. Then I traded it for my Acclaim which I've now had for 5 years.
  16. I've just listed my Acclaim with Jimmy Garrison. If you or someone you know are the market for one I think it's the best one available. I've really enjoyed this airplane for the past 5 years, but as I'm getting older I'm becoming more inclined to let Southwest take me on long trips. I also want to downsize from two airplanes to one. This plane is fast, efficient, and all-weather capable. Not to mention its looks really knock people out on the ramp. The pictures don't do it justice. I'm really going to miss the pride of ownership I have with this beautiful Mooney. http://www.controller.com/listings/aircraft/for-sale/1461295/2008-mooney-acclaim-type-s
  17. +1. It's a swamp that a few pilots have turned into their personal blogs, posting all sorts of non-aviation nonsense.
  18. I think the 310hp upgrade is still available but I don't know who holds the STC. It has changed hands a couple times since I did mine. Contact Mooney; I think they know. It is absolutely a worthwhile upgrade. The redline on the G1000 gets properly adjusted. I always keep about 5 gallons of TKS onboard and it is included in my W&B. If you need to haul more stuff in the Acclaim then you simply haul less fuel. I typically launch with 60-70 gallons onboard which still gives me plenty of range at 15gph fuel burn. I only top off when I'm going 700NM or more.
  19. Conrad, where are you in the Bay Area? I have a second home in Sausalito and park in Petaluma when I'm there.
  20. Kudos to you. I meant no offense. Just made a lame joke.
  21. I see Reno or NASCAR in your future....
  22. I think the parachute is the single biggest reason that Cirrus has been killing it over the years. Comparing Cirrus SR22T sales to Cessna TTx sales is the best way to see that; the planes are otherwise almost identical. That, combined with the ridiculous useful load on the latest SR22T, make it a very appealing airplane. I get depressed when I see the new Cirrus birds coming out with ADS-B in/out as standard equipment, yet I can't add it to my Acclaim because no one in Kerrville or China is writing software that will interface my G1000 to Garmin's ADS-B compatible transponder. I'm becoming concerned that come 2020 I'll have a plane that I can't fly or sell.
  23. Anthony, I was hoping you would weigh in on this because I remember you commenting on it in the past. Good to know. I checked out the Acclaims for sale on Controller and most of them have spinners that appear to be better aligned than mine. I'm going to at least look into the possibility of adding shims.
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