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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. I think that that pretty well clears it up.
  2. You might want to try: Light back pressure on the yoke as you begin the take-off roll and just let it fly off. (This works well with T/O Flaps) Tap the brakes and retract the gear once you have a positive ROC Select Flaps-up & immediately take 10 swipes forward on the trim wheel. Fuel pump off. The POH for my '67F suggest 26" & 2600 for climb, and that works OK but there is no rush.
  3. I just forwarded the bounce notice to your other email address. Also, please put me on the list.
  4. Mike - This email address is bouncing.
  5. OK, I forgot about the pride that all of us take in the CB moniker. How about $750?
  6. You may be too fast for this segment of the approach. The autopilot is generally limited to no more than 40 degrees or so of bank. As your speed increases the amount of bank necessary for a standard rate turn increases as does the distance necessary to accomplish the turn. Try a little slower. It may work. Please note that I am not a CFI nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn Express.
  7. The yokes are aftermarket, Cygnet-Areospace,,they also provided an adapter to allow use of the original shaft.
  8. I confess that my love of round gauges began more than 40 years ago when I took my first flying lesson. I thought that if I could learn to master (probably not the right verb) this, it would be a significant accomplishment. They still speak to me of the romance that I originally associated with learning to fly. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have no interest in video games, but keeping the needles centered while maintaining a basic scan is still enjoyable to me. It is probably a generational thing. Alternatively, maybe I'm just to cheap to go for the Garmin 500.
  9. I felt the same way about round flight instruments when I redid the panel in my M-20F, I added the STEC 55X and the JPI 900 at the same time and have been very happy with it. The GTX330es provides both traffic and ADS-B out. The GPS 496 provides XM-WX and music. I have owned this airplane for more than 30 years and this upgrade still makes me smile every time I fly it..
  10. I am thinking of selling one of my three Bose A20 headsets and trying out the new David Clark DC 1XP. The Bose that I would sell has been very lightly used as it was for my daughter who grew up and moved. The headset does not have bluetooth, and is in the original Bose headset bag. Please note that the headset has a lemo plug, so it does require a matching plug in the aircraft, or an adapter. I think that $800 would be a fair price. PM if interested. Thanks
  11. Mike has given me quite a few IPCs and BFRs in my J-bar "F", when he was based in Indianapolis. Additionally he owned an F with one of those questionable electric gear switches on the panel. He is a good instructor.
  12. PS Engineering offers a vertical option. http://www.ps-engineering.com/pma8000b.shtml It fits nicely between the structural tubes.
  13. While we are all scrutinizing Garmin's policies and intentions, let's take a minute for those of us who have been flying for a few decades to remember the avionics landscape prior to Garmin. KX170's and NARCO. No moving maps, no NEXRAD radar, and towards the end no NARCO parts to the shops in the field. Garmin was a game changer, that we have all benefited from, even if using brands that have followed the path that Garmin pioneered.
  14. Midwest M20 did mine about 9 years ago. The kit was from Lasar. No more leaks.
  15. It is good to see so many well cared for older Mooneys.
  16. Perhaps the decision should be whether or not to go to work. Flying is a given.
  17. I put the items to which I most often refer to the left. Once in flight the transponder gets little attention and the #2 430W is primary for traffic. In weather I look at the 496 a lot and the autopilot being right over the throttle is handy. Additionally two 430s and the transponder make for a tight fit depth-wise at the top of the stack, if all were in the center. The top 430 would interfere with the structural tubes.
  18. Yes. I had quite a bit of other work that was bundled in done at the same time, but I think the autopilot portion was about $21K.
  19. I had a 55X installed in my 1967 "F" by Muncie Aviation http://www.muncieaviation.com/ a little over a year ago. I already had an HSI, so I did not require a new DG. They coupled it to my GNS430W and it is a wonder to behold. I did not have the electric trim module installed. It beeps when it needs to be manually trimmed. This saved me about $5,000. I do not know anything about the model 30, but can tell you that the 55X will fly whatever flight plan I put into the GNS 430, including course reversals on an approach, and holds altitude way better than I ever did.
  20. My suggestion is to go up high, and practice slow-flight. Put the plane in landing configuration and do turns as well as perfectly straight and level flight all with the stall horn sounding. That muscle memory will help you in the flair. Disclaimer: I am not a CFI, nor have I recently stayed in a Holiday Inn Express, but I have encountered this problem more than once and slow-flight has worked for me.
  21. Yesterday I was talking to a Comanche owner with a similar addiction. We agreed it can no longer be called an investment. It is the price that we are willing to pay for the enjoyment.
  22. What could possibly go wrong?
  23. Mike, I will look for you at Silverwings on Thursday.
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