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Everything posted by Sabremech

  1. One other thing you might check before cutting through your baffle and adding their doubler is to check the clearance of the oil cooler to the engine mount. I did one and found the cooler was too close to the engine mount for my comfort. Had to do some more modifying it to get clearance. I can’t really fault them for kit fit as each one of these birds was hand built and none are the same. David
  2. I had to laugh when I read this. No offense to you and your thought process as I agree with it. As things are currently being applied, McFarlane should be receiving a letter as well. I’ll leave it at that for now.
  3. What part of the OPP rules is McFarlane complying with? I know plenty of vintage Mooney owners who’ve called them up and ordered a cable and then installed it via OPP. What did the owner do to comply with the rules of OPP in this case? They didn’t! Are the rules being applied the same to everyone? The answer is no.
  4. No others outside of the group were produced or sold.
  5. I was trying not to reply as it’s a sensitive topic that has not been finished. I asked Mooniac58 to take them down for now as to not offer anymore free information to those who are looking for it and reporting it to the Friendly Aviation A. I don’t have anything I’m willing to share on this public forum as it is being monitored and I know by who. When it’s come to a satisfactory conclusion, I will tell the story. Thank you,
  6. Even though I’m done with the flying part of life, I’m getting more involved in the Mooney maintenance side of aviation. Looking to expand into new things Mooney related. Adding some more parts into my over due cowling project that will give it a good kick start again! David
  7. I’ve thought about retuning to flying and it’s just not in me anymore. The fun factor has been killed by the cost. I’ve returned to old muscle cars and am having a blast.
  8. I tried to get BasicMed and none of my doctors will do it. They would on their own but the system they work for had told them absolutely not. That was just another part of me getting out of owning and now flying. David
  9. Hi Don, Plan is to retire from full time work in a little over three years. Then it’s on to the fun Mooney stuff on my schedule. Not planning to open a shop full time, but will be doing cowlings, and other neat Mooney things I can get into. Thanks, David
  10. Hi Don, before you choose the GFC-500 auto pilot, check with other Mooney owners who’ve installed it. There’s a problem with pitch that Garmin has not addressed and seems to be avoiding. Don’t spend the money until they certify a fix which appears to be the gain setting. David
  11. Hi Brad, Its still progressing although slowly. Too slow but at some point the log jam will break. Thank you, David
  12. None remaining as I couldn’t make any more than for the group per the FAA to comply with the regulations.
  13. If it did come apart or get damaged, as long as it’s shape is still there, I could have a new one rolled out of aluminum to replace it. Could be a good option if needed. David
  14. Hi Don, I spoke with LP Aero Plastics several years ago at Oshkosh and they said their windshields will fit. Maybe a little more trimming. They may have even told me that they supplied the windshields for SWTA. Worth checking with them. David
  15. Absolutely will. Thank you, David
  16. It’s killing me to take so long! Marauder is still first if he’s still wanting it when I get over my hurdles. Since I sold my Mooney a while ago, I didn’t have an airplane to fit parts to and prove my kits as I assemble them. I purchased a forward fuselage this spring along with an engine mount, prop hub, an spinner back plate. I’m waiting on O-360 crankshaft bearings so I can assemble the mock up engine and know that all my pieces fit correctly. I was hoping to find a used set of standard bearings as I don’t need airworthy parts. If anyone has any laying around and wants to part with them, let me know. The bearings are the last items I need to ensure my cowling fits correctly and then I can have the mold corrected. Still making progress, just way slower than I want to be. Thanks, David
  17. Bracket has been removed and ready to come your way. David
  18. You might be surprised on parts like this. Many others are like you say, not close. David
  19. I do have this part still installed in the K model fuselage I have. I’m willing to drill it out and sell it if that would work for you? David
  20. Not quite understanding what your asking here?
  21. Hi Becca, I was one of those people who wasn’t going to let my airplane go out of my hangar and to an unknown shop. I was more than willing to have the airplane opened up for inspection by the buyers mechanic. I had all the tools in my hangar to do all that needed to be done. I know that I shortened the buyers list by making that known but was ok with it. I was going to be certain that the airplane was reassembled correctly after the pre buy and not hurriedly put back together by someone I didn’t know. It was about the details and it’s safe to say, not all shops let alone an MSC pay attention to details. Maybe Hammdo will comment on this thread from the buyers perspective of how the sale went and the product he ended up with. David
  22. I do. E-mail sabremech@gmail for pricing. Thanks, David
  23. I believe the caps and flanges I installed are Newton Aero 200 series caps. It’s a nice easy mod to do and the FAA just asked for me to fill out a 337 for the next owner. Fuel caps are used on new production aircraft so no field approval required. David
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