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Everything posted by FAST FLIGHT OPTIONS LLC

  1. When I watch the wife pack for a trip I wish I owned a Bo. When I'm fueling I wish I owned a C-152. All other times I consider myself fortunate to own a 231. Unless you need a TKS system or something else specific to one model over the other don't discount the 231 if you go with a turbo Mooney. Why? because if money matters to you, you can find a great example of a 231 for about 50 percent of what a comparable 252/Bravo would have cost. When I looked at the price difference between the 231 and the superior 252 the 231 won hands down for me based on difference in purchase price.
  2. If your going from a GB to LB you have to go with a factory reman for the update. TCM factory is the only game in town as far as that upgrade goes. I too have a GB getting up there in time and operate same as the OP. no mid time top needed thus far and all compressions in the mid 70's. +1 for turbo LoP operations
  3. Call autopilots central in Tulsa. They will tell you exactly what the problem is as well as what it's going to take ($$$) to fix it
  4. On a semi-related note...I have a hanger available in St. Augustine on a temp basis for the summer months from Mid March until mid August if anyone is interested. You can email or call me for additional details.
  5. The STC would not be cheap and I'm told would cost 100's of thousands of dollars. They would have to find a way to get a total gross weight increase as well for it to be worth it as the engine is heaver and most would not want a lower useful load. If it happened a guy like me with a 201/ 231 would be happy; however, the 252 owners might start to kick themselves as the price premium we are seeing with those aircraft for the firewall forward stuff would go away as the 201-231-252 would all be the same aircraft if outfitted with that TD-300 right? If your going to hold out hope for something I would sooner bet on the panthera then I would a turbo diesel alternative for the mooney in this economy.
  6. If he's in palm beach it's 561
  7. I like/have the full sized iPad 4 running foreflight. Didn't care for the smaller mini
  8. Flaps change the camber of the wing which will increase lift (and drag) thus lowering the speed at which the plane will stall vice the angle
  9. If you remember back to your PVT pilot written test you may recall that an aircraft's wing always stalls at the same critical angle of attack
  10. The wife and i are heading down to key west on Saturday and will be passing right by there around that time. Count us in
  11. Phil Jiminez - Avon Park will be your best bet for someone in FL 954 868 3319
  12. Gary: Returning from Afghanistan on 22Oct so I'll see you guys at the 10Nov fly in! You will be able to see my hanger from the resturant in St. Augustine. FYI...Self Serve fuel pumps at the base of the control tower are substantially cheaper the the prices at Galaxy @ SGJ
  13. I have an 82 M20K 231. I fly 28" 2450 RPM. Which equates to 65% power LoP. FF of 9.5 - 10GPH at all altitudes. I lean to about 50 degrees LoP based on TIT which yields me about 1500 degrees these days. I have stock injectors and no intercooler.
  14. How about this one. It fits into the panel and I belive it's a viable replacement for the TC? http://sarasotaavionics.com/avionics/gemini-pfd
  15. 1- DON'T remove the autopilot. A working autopilot is better than no autopilot in most cases and if you ever decide to sell it would be something most potential pilots would be looking for. 2- Consider the JPI EDM 900 vice the 930. It’s a newer version, doesnt cost as much and doesn’t take up quite as much panel space. Other then that I think your on the right path Aspen was supposed to be getting approval for their Evolution 2000 system to run w/o the need for a separate dedicated AI. Not sure what’s happening with that right now?
  16. I think if I were in your position I would do the same thing
  17. Quote: moodychief Considering it crashed while buzzing a house at low altitude, yes, I think that is a fair question...even after 36 years.
  18. John: I would be on the dissenting side of your outlook. I would advocate for a person’s ability to post experiences they have had with aviation related businesses on this site. The Original Poster appears to have merely stated the facts and circumstances surrounding a maintenance issue and a shops refusal to reimburse him for expenses. I would opine the reader(s) would be free to form their own conclusion as to who should have been responsible for what. Intelligent people could usually see through what’s a legitimate complaint and what’s BS. I won’t fly to an FBO without checking AIRNAV first and reading the comments…same principle applies here, post your experiences and leave it up to the person reading the thread to form his/her own conclusions regarding their desire to spend or not spend money with a business. There is nothing more empowering in this day and age then the internet and if it makes a business work that much harder to earn someone’s business then I think that’s a good thing.
  19. Quote: allsmiles And what makes you think my or your local FSDO will approve something based on somebody else? It's called discretion, common practice and regulatory precedence already set by another FSDO. Which one or which combination of these can really depend on which FSDO your dealing with. (Excerpt from 29Aug10 AvWeb Article)...It's probably not unreasonable to ask a manufacturer to do simple RFI trials. But even that might be overkill. At the FSDO level, some offices routinely approve Form 337 requests (good for them) for LED installs while others refuse, for no imaginable reason other than they can.
  20. So was it an engine issue or a mag issue?
  21. Doc: I don’t disagree with you. I'm just trying to put some new lights on my plane and remain compliant with FAA regulations. I guess it’s easier said than done.
  22. HELLO: I was wondering if anyone would be interested in purchasing my 3M WX-10A Stormscope system. It works perfectly and I’m considering selling it as part of a panel upgrade I’m contemplating in the near future. I’m not sure what its worth but there are 3M WX-10 Stormscope systems listed on eBay for $1800.00 and the WX-10A systems are being listed for $2200.00. I’ll sell it to the highest bidder so PM or email FASTFLIGHTOPTIONS@gmail.com if interested.
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