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Alan Fox

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Alan Fox last won the day on August 31 2023

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About Alan Fox

  • Birthday 05/01/1965

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    KVAY South Jersey
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  1. It is very subjective , and almost impossible to assess , they all look bad at times.. it has compression , doesnt burn too much oil , and trace metal in the filter... Leave it alone and fly it... check it in 20 hours ... I wouldnt even think twice about signing it off at annual..
  2. Anybody know the size of the steering link bushing , as I am thinking of making one from bushing stock.
  3. I have a freshly overhauled B hub prop still sitting at Stallings , 1st run blades and a b hub , 9K but it might already be spoken for... As far as the Mcauley 3 blade , it will need a fresh overhaul , for Artie at new england prop , to sell you an STC ..
  4. I have one of the Dave Staffelt "new" downlocks in stock , I have resisted selling it because it is an OPP part...
  5. I have one off of a 252 , and a 83 J should be the same. 1000.00
  6. I have a heated pitot 12 volt and tested 800.00
  7. Levers will go with seats
  8. Engine is 17800.00
  9. Looking for a removed standby vacuum system removed from an Ovation , , probably any 2000 or newer long body , Pre G1000. Alan 856 419 5209
  10. Located at KVAY (East coast) AP is a century 2000 , Nose wheels are 500 , I have a few .. Engine is a IO-360 A1A wide deck , 19XX Hours since factory overhaul in 2000 , Last flown 2022
  11. Parting out a 67 F model , plane is complete , sorry prop is already spoken for , Reg is N3463N . Engine is an IO360 19XX SFOH in 2000 .. Alan 856 419 5209
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