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Everything posted by jkb458

  1. Quote: Steve65E-NC Use it on my E all the time in clear air on cross country. About 1" more MP. Just have to be careful to close it in any kind of precipitation.
  2. I'm glad to report that my Mooney passed her AD inspection today with "flying" colors!!! Everything was assembled correctly and there has been no movement of her huck bolts. To celebrate, we went flying...
  3. Great story Squirrel!!! I'm glad your fur didn't get singed!!!
  4. My son and I will be arriving on Friday for the weekend. This is our 1st Sun 'n Fun!!!
  5. Quote: colojo I shot this video two days ago using a GoPro HD camera mounted on the glare shield of my Acclaim Type S. It's a flight from Denver Centennial (KAPA) to Durango La Plata (KDRO). It starts out at normal speed, then kicks into afterburner mode to make it more interesting. Enjoy!
  6. Quote: Kris_Adams Excellent suggestions. I passed the along. Jeff we should connect some day. I'm at LZU--can't get much closer.
  7. Quote: Kris_Adams Hi Everyone, I have a friend that is going to start flying and he would like to know if there are any Android Tablet Apps to recommend? I have a 696 and an iPad w/Foreflight so I'm not any help. Any suggestions? Thanks! Kris
  8. Quote: BlueSkyTraveler The plane is sitting at Donegal Springs, PA identifier N71 Appears to be registered to a St. Louis individual?!?!? N900TL is the tail number. If anyone has any info please share.........
  9. Quote: allsmiles Now, with practically no current draw, how are you going to preflight test the ammeter!
  10. Flew from Jackson Co airport (19A) to St. Simons Island (KSSI) today at 9500' MSL. The winds were very kind... I just wish flightaware.com had been updated.
  11. I ordered my M20E a Christmas present. I finally got it installed today. Whelen Parametheus PAR 46 from Aircraft Spruce. With the engine off, I used to get a 0.4V - 0.5V drop with the incandescent landing light. The LED landing light does not induce a measureable voltage drop.
  12. Quote: maropers My expreience with insurance - Newly minted PPL 95 hours I bought my 67 F - paid right around 2400 for the first year of insurance - This year it dropped to 1200. I bought my plane right so the hull value the first year was < 40K I increased that with the improvements I've put in over the last year. So I actually got higher coverage for less money.
  13. Welcome Greg!!! And congrats on a very nice airplane!!!
  14. both squirrel and mrs. squirrel were in attendance.
  15. Great to meet everyone today at the fly-in!!! Couldn't have asked for better weather. Thanks for ordering that for us, Squirrel... Here's a link to the pix that I took. https://picasaweb.google.com/jkb458/MooneyFlyInKGKT02262011# Fly safe!!! Jeff
  16. Hey Scott, The co-pilot side of the panel looks great!!! Jeff
  17. Congratulations Dan!!! Fly safe...
  18. Very nice pix!!!
  19. The previous custodian of my 66 E had the step removed. I have the step and can tell you it weighs about 4-5 lbs. I use a folding, plastic stool when passengers need a step to get in and out of the airplane. I do not use the step myself. I have discussed with my A&P about getting the step re-installed. It is such a good design that it makes sense for it to be there.
  20. Congrats Alisha!!! I know you'll be happy with the F!!! Can't wait to hear it's yours!!!
  21. Hey Robert, Call Nick Porcell at Lowe Aviation, (478) 788-3491 (Middle Georgia Regional). Excellent avionics shop and first-class people!!! I fly into PXE often (twice a month) and would love to see your Mooney!!! Best regards, Jeff
  22. I had 59.5 hours when I purchased N6091Q (66 M20E). A good friend has a 78 M20J. I knew that a Mooney was the airplane for me. It turns out that I was more right than I could have ever known... I now have 111.6 hours in the Mooney in the 10 months that I've had custody of her. I'm working towards my IFR and have 30 hours completed. Looking forward to finishing up and moving on to the next flying challenge!!! My son is 13 and is already dreaming of the day when he'll take care of the Mooney...
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