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Ned Gravel

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Everything posted by Ned Gravel

  1. 43 pages of the stuff when I last looked. Glad its over.
  2. Glad to have our site back.
  3. Dunno. As well, I am not certain that something that is not as aggressive as a superhydrophobic compound should even be considered for anti-icing. Sent from my iPad
  4. Superhydrophobic compounds are probably very toxic. Which is sad, because they would be great.
  5. I would go for the E model as well. Except for the electric gear, it appears to be the better deal.
  6. I had one like that once that was a leak caused by a worn out O-ring on the oil drain valve Sent from my iPad
  7. I used to do them for the first five years I owned C-FSWR. Now I don't have time. They are fun and you really learn a lot, especially if your mechanic is patient and willing to teach you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  8. Changed to the Concorde sealed battery in the second year of ownership of C-FSWR. Never had a reason to look back. Great battery compared to the Gill (went through three before changing). The current one is in its fifth year on the aircraft.
  9. Two of the folks flying Mooney's at my home drome do not use takeoff flaps. It is not that I am smarter than the folks that wrote our "Owner's Manual" or that I will slavishly follow any now-proven-to-be-bad-advice from it, but on page 20 it says: "Check and following items before takeoff:" Number 6 on that list is: "Set wing flaps to take-off setting (see indicator)." My experience in both following that part of the takeoff checklist and not following it has provided me with sufficiently good reason to use them. My friends who do not use take off flaps both have three bladed props and this may be why they can get the takeoff performance they want without the takeoff flaps (just me conjecturing here). They climb better than mine and I have flown with one of them in theirs (a now-sold 64 E model). In mine, I find that the aircraft gets airborne easier with the takeoff setting than without. So I normally do use flaps for takeoff.
  10. Yves: My iPad 2 is very readable in the cockpit. I use the AvPad 2 as its kneeboard mount. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  11. Yves: Clarence at Tri-city installed the replacement kit for those springs on mine. Cheap too. Worth never having to worry about a broken one again. I replaced springs six times in the first three years of ownership. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  12. Yves: Nice to hear another voice from Rockcliffe. We are parked at opposite ends of the taxiway (ramp).
  13. Mine is like Moodychief, but with a manual gear E model.
  14. If I wasn't so concerned about the potential to poison the environment, I would support the use of superhydrophobic compounds that prevent water (in all its forms) from adhering to any surface. See the page from one of the developers of this technology at http://www.neverwet.com/. Once a month application and even dirt wouldn't stick to the airframe. No more greasy belly??
  15. Thanks. Had tried all that and had no joy. I think it is probably be a setting linked between our personal preferences and the viewing of a topic within the fora (or perhaps in each specific forum) but I just don't know. If anyone finds it, shout it out.
  16. Anyone have an idea on how to set the forums so that the newest post is at the top? I managed to do that on the old forum but this new one has me stymied for this one little niggle.
  17. This is mine but with a fluorescent yellow tag. http://www.sportys.com/PilotShop/product/9649
  18. Ha!! Good one Byron.
  19. I am with Mitch and the others on this one. Learn in a plane that forgives your mistakes (C152, C172, PA28 140-160). Then buy an E model. Not a C. Not an F. Not a J. Not a K. Not an R (sorry Mitch). An E model. Is my bias showing???
  20. PS unit will have better shielding from radio RF.
  21. Sorry folks. Got a return PM from Jose yesterday. I am sending him the envelope this week with the return postage.
  22. SideSlip: E-mail me (egravel at rogers.com) and I will send them to you.
  23. Craig: I am on it and it is great!!!! Well done sir.
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