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Ned Gravel

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Everything posted by Ned Gravel

  1. Besides, aren't the LASAR ones also an STC'd speed mod? Sent from my iPad
  2. Ha!!! They (Factory Direct) are using mine as their E model demonstrator! See http://www.factorydirectmodels.com/FD10-2231.html. How cool is that? Their set of pics includes one I have never seen before where C-FSWR is about to touch down. Sent from my iPad
  3. This is the one on my desk. It is a replica of my Mooney. Sent from my iPad
  4. Getting out of the weeds. We have all had some acquaintances come out to the airport to go for a flight with us. Doesn't matter if there are two or three, the combined weight of these fine folks will not allow us to put them all in the aircraft with ourselves and the full fuel tanks and take off in accordance with the published specification. Two hard points. The first is when you ask them for their weight (and one of them is a lady). Bad enough that this is not a polite question to ask a lady, but when the number comes back and we all learn that we are collectively over gross. How does she feel? The second is when you have to ask one of them to sit it out while the other(s) go with you (who goes is their choice of course) and then you will come back and the take the remaining person with you. I have had either (or both) of these situations often enough to know that it will not be easy, but it can be handled gently. In the end, they will all understand about not pushing the envelope their first time out. My 0.02.
  5. I agree with Aaron. Happened to me too and I held on to the self recrimination for too long. Sent from my iPad
  6. I am in the "it has not yet happened to me" category. Never say never. I too warn folks about the bad effects of messing with either the rudder pedals or the yolk. One way to make it clear is to do the "full deflection and free" control check before the run up. Passengers sitting in the right seat bumped by the yolk during this check become very conscious of where they put their feet and their knees.
  7. Nope. JPI 700 without fuel flow. Sent from my iPad
  8. Ottawa is 182' msl. I don't have fuel flow on my JPI. Sent from my iPad
  9. Understood but these have been installed for over five years. Sent from my iPad
  10. So it was the same as me leaning to run LOP? That would make sense. I only ever see temps like that when leaning. Sent from my iPad
  11. Went for my first flight since the beginning of Dec (we were away) and after it was warmed up and started up, things looked really good (normal). I have an A1A. On climb out, I noted that the JPI was showing me EGTs about 100 degrees higher than anticipated. CHTs were low 300's. Mag check was normal OAT was close to minus 15 Celsius. Sent from my iPad
  12. I have crossed fence doing 140 just to pull the throttle, drop the gear and raise the nose for the airplane to start settling down for a greaser 2000' down a 10,000' runway on a cloudless night being followed by a "Speedbird" (British Airways) 747 some 8 miles behind me. ''twas a beautiful calm night flight. Length of runway, and visibility were my acceptance criteria for the clearance to land with a similar instruction. Calm winds helped. Sent from my iPad
  13. Yves: It is the aluminum cover over the engine and under the actual cowl. It is to force airflow and improve (allow) cooling for the engine. Sent from my iPad
  14. Looks like someone drumming up support for their version of a rejuvenated Mooney Aircraft Corp based on revenues from airport services. I won't invest because of the word "franchise". Sent from my iPad
  15. Halos for me too. Been about five months and they are great.
  16. I have them too. Great little devices. Sent from my iPad
  17. Coma Have you seen the EVS 100 system? (http://www.forward-vision.net/) Pretty expensive, but it appears to work pretty well. I believe it is based on thermal imaging. I don't think they have an STC for any Mooney models yet.
  18. Gary: I don't know why your J-bar is giving you such trouble. I am not certain it should. Mine works easily and does not require any real effort at all. On go-round, throttle, trim for the climb, gear up, flaps up on reaching 1000' AGL,
  19. Dan: Some form of chart is required in Canada for all VFR night flying, VFR over the top flying and IFR. Here is the quote from the CARs (Canadian Aviation Regulations). Regular daytime VFR is not mentioned here. Note that it does not specify that the charts must be paper. CAR 602.60 (1) No person shall conduct a take-off in a power-driven aircraft, other than an ultra-light aeroplane, unless the following operational and emergency equipment is carried on board: (a) a checklist or placards... ( b ) where the aircraft is operated in VFR OTT, night VFR flight or IFR flight, all of the necessary current aeronautical charts and publications covering the route of the proposed flight and any probable diversionary route; ( c ) a hand-held fire extinguisher in the cockpit ... (d) a timepiece that is readily available to each flight crew member; (e) where the aircraft is operated at night, a flashlight that is readily available to each crew member; and (f) a first aid kit.
  20. McStealth: Flight following, for VFR flights, is indeed superior. Flight following saved our lives on the way to Sloshkosh (Oshkosh 2010). Heading south in WI and not seeing the target, Green Bay approach let me know of the target (a 182 headed Northwest) at my altitude but invisible to me. When I could not see the target at 1.5 miles, they suggested a left turn. We did so right quick and about 7 seconds later we spotted it. Missed us by about half a mile. They were probably only talking on the VFR en route frequency. I fly almost exclusively IFR in the US now - partly because of that incident.
  21. Thanks John. We have already commenced our offline discussion.
  22. Gotta agree with you RJ. Best of the Mooney line, in my opinion. But I am probably biased.
  23. Seth: Sounds like you need to go and pet your Mooney from time to time. I have been told that such activities will reduce stress.
  24. Eldon: iPad 2 for me with Foreflight with the combined US and Canada subscription. Next year I am getting pro version to allow geo referencing the plates as someone else has also mentioned. I have three GPS in my Mooney. The one in the panel is connected to the autopilot and its job is to guide the aircraft. The one on the yolk mount is for my situational awareness. Where is the nearest....? Terrain awareness and (someday) weather. The one on my lap (AvPad kneeboard system) is my iPad and it is used for flight planning and my EFB (approach plates, way points, frequencies, boundaries, E6B, etc.).
  25. Folks: I am looking to purchase a used KR-87 with the tray and loop sense antenna to replace my T-12C, for about $1,000 plush shipping. Tagged units only please. I can be reached via PM or at (egravel03 at rogers dot com).
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