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Ned Gravel

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Everything posted by Ned Gravel

  1. José: Where is the front end of the venturi located in your setup here?
  2. Quote: jetdriven Parker leaves it there as the annual takes 12 months to do. Then it is due again. He does get to test fly it occasionally. I think Don painted the outline of the 252 on the floor where his is parked :)))
  3. Jackn: I also learned that the iPad is a power hog. The charger that comes with it is a 10 watt charger. The iPad demands around 5 volts from the charger at 2 amps. On a three-hour flight I tried to plug it into the usb connector that was being used for my AV8OR and it did not register enough to charge it so I disconnected it and charged it overnight. Mine is a 12 volt system. The charger-adaptor kit cited by gjkirsch meets that spec, but its draw in the cockpit is apparently making it hot (as he has mentioned). 10 watts off of 12 volts needs an amp. 10 watts off of 24 volts needs only half an amp. The 24 volt system should be easier on the whole setup - so I am at a loss to figure out why it is getting hot in a Bravo (unless it is a 12 volt system).
  4. That is exactly what I would have done.
  5. Quote: Shadrach My cylinders peak anywhere from 1580 to 1430df depending on which one, MP and RPM... What does that tell anyone?
  6. Quote: Hank FWIW, my carbed C model usually peaks [on my EGT] between 1500 and 1525, depending on conditions. Unlike you guys in E, F and J models, our carbs often do not perform well LOP. Thus the bit about back off on throttle enough to move the MP needle. .......
  7. Quote: CABANABOY How do you guys install the saftety wire when changing oil?
  8. Here is a set from a 337 for a K model that I have planned to use, but never got around to doing. For those of you ruled by the FAA and not Transport Canada, you will have your own regulatory requirements to meet to do this, I suppose, just as we have ours up here. Enjoy. YMMV.
  9. Quote: Shadrach Ned, you screwed the pooch and my poll. right out of the gate... Our plane is 45yrs old and has had a few rash incidents over the years. It's never been on it's belly (There but by the grace of God go I)..., but it's essentially a one partnership machine. Maybe 7 or 8 people have flown it in its whole life.
  10. Oops. I said NDH, but I forgot about my own little hanger rash incident. So put me down for the second option. "Yes but well repaired and logged."
  11. When I did the major on my engine in 2009, two of my cylinders had less than 250 hours on them. The others had over 1700 hours. So I bought two new and overhauled the other two. By the time I got to overhaul, the price of the cylinders was no longer a shock to me. But at twice the price of the flat deck ones?
  12. Well done. Better than the solution I have been using on the other side with a cut away quart oil container and a series of pour spouts connected together.
  13. Aaron: You are going to beat yourself up a long time over this and I am only going to give you one piece of wisdom here - earned the hard way from a 2003 gound loop in our (11 partners) 1969 Piper Arrow. Many others that have experienced something similar (even Jolie when she mushed into the trees after her engine quit many years ago). As Sleeping Squirrel (that wisest of rodents) intimated, you will remember (and gain) from this experience. Learn. Live. And move on. Believe it or not, you will probably be a better pilot because of it. If you can forgive yourself. My $0.02.
  14. Quote: JimR I would like to see photos of how you mounted. This is primary reason I don't have one (accessability). Thanks.
  15. Quote: HopePilot I have the usual H3R, but I was thinking of switching to chrome: http://www.autosportcatalog.com/index.cfm?fa=p&pid=6279&sc=3364
  16. Lowbid: The others have said it here in your terms. Now consider Cole's terms. A pre-buy is also an examination of the work that has been done on the aircraft by others. Cannot get around that. Your pre-buy mechanic will find things. You are asking Cole to audit his own work. Best for you (and for Cole) to have someone you pay to do some sort of inspection (however that may be done) on your behalf.
  17. Dan: Cheapest air conditioning unit you will ever install. Works great even for those of us with "broader" physiques.
  18. Jason: I think this was discussed earlier but for the iPhone. If you can get the version of the POH that was part of the Mooney distribution of manuals and docs about three years ago, you can load it directly to your iPad using GoodReader. See attached. GoodReader is about $5.00 or so from the iTunes store and the POH is a version done correctly without the pagination difficulty you mention. Do you know if you can get hold of a copy of one of those?
  19. Now Norman... Lars: This is being done on a Mac. You should probably not use the Quick Reply, but do the full Monty using the Post Reply button at the bottom right of the thread. This will open up a new window to create your text. Note the area at the bottom for "Image Attachments." Once you have finished your text, click on the Browse button at the bottom of the entry. This is to identify the image you wish to upload. Select the file (primarily graphic and I only use jpeg format) from your computer. Give it a title in the Caption box and click Attach. Wait...... It will then show the graphic thumbnail at the bottom of your intended post and you just click Submit. That's it. I am attaching my avatar as an example. This is the 66 Kb version. The actual one is 1.4 Mb and might take somewhat longer to upload.
  20. Quote: DonMuncy Yes, but I haven't picked it up yet. IPad 2, w/ exteral GPS and Foreflight subscription.
  21. This thread, and the one about equipment carried on the aircraft, got me to thinking about the two lists I keep for such things. Being an old soldier, I tend to plan for contingencies in case of adverse circumstances. Flying in Canadian winters at -40 deg C and loosing the big cooling fan up front is considered such a contingency. I have taught pilot survival training at our local club, so my list for that not only meets the Canadian regs, but it allows me to be comfortable (relatively) in the event I end up on some snowdrift in Northern Saskatchewan in January. That list is appended to my onboard checklist and it has items that are only needed in winter. My tool kit resembles Shadrach's. I am not really keen on being the person who fixes my Mooney, but I want to be prepared and I am now competent to do some things on my own, such as change the oil and filter. But I never kept a list of the things I keep in the tool bag. Finally, my flight bag (now significantly lighter from my purchase of an iPad) has a list for its things too. All three lists are now on one - kept in the flight bag. One page-two sides. Because of this discussion, I have also downloaded my Mooney maintenance documentation etc to my iPad. Thanks for getting me started on this little task. Helps sort things out for me. As for JP's question, here goes: What tools and items do you fly with? (see attached jpegs) If any of them are aircraft or Mooney specific, where did you purchase them? (no where specific - just gathered over the years) What types of repairs/maintenance are you anticipating you might perform with these tools. (survival only - or changing bulbs and oil/filter)
  22. 82 for me this year. Life is getting in the way of flying.
  23. This is hilarious!! One way to give Rudolph an attitude adjustment! He'll never snap one again and neither will his buddy! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  24. Bought it in Jan 2005. Took delivery in March of the same year.
  25. No flying for me till I get back to Canada. In Bangladesh on UN duty till the end of January. Isn't Skype a wonderful thing? Happy flying all of you. Keep safe. Have a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
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