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Ned Gravel

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Everything posted by Ned Gravel

  1. Tipping your mechanic? If I offered Clarence a tip, he might be a little disappointed in me. His work is not "tip for great customer experience" work. It is "keep Ned alive" work. For me, every other aspect of his work is absolutely secondary to that and some of you already know what quality he puts into his work. He sets the price and I will never complain about it or try to negotiate - and he knows this. If he wants more money, all he has to do is set a different price. I like this arrangement and it is not about the money. When it gets too expensive for me, it is time to sell the Mooney.
  2. My solution too.
  3. Sorry Becca: Disagree. Fisk arrival scares the living BeeGees out of me. Did it in 2011 and found too many pilots not trained to fly in shared airspace. Not trained Not looking. Not listening. In the Caravan, all my element teammates, regardless of which one of us was element lead, knew how to fly with others in relatively close proximity. Safest method for me to fly into Airventure. Did it 8 times. If ever I go back, it will be with the Caravan. Flanders.
  4. Thanks. They have some things, but no jeans shirts.
  5. Got lots of caravan polo shirts and T shirts. They provide bragging rights. Looking for jeans shirts with the Mooney logo. MAPA used to have them, but no more. Any ideas?
  6. Me too. 120 mph to the IAF and any IF. Gear down first to slow to FAS (100 mph). First GUMPS call-out. 6 T’s, flaps, and 100 mph before the FAF. Second GUMPS callout. On GS small trim. Slow to 90. Third GUMPS call-out. Cross the fence at 80 and the threshold at 70. (slower E model)
  7. My setup since October 2018. Well minus the NARCO radio, the JPI 700, and NARCO transponder (replaced by an SL30, a GTX 330-DES, and a JPI 830 of course). But the iPad Mini 6 sits on the yoke.
  8. I used to wear sailing gloves so that vibration of the throttle wore less on my palm. Mine did not have the vernier anyway. Caravan procedures require next to zero manipulation of mixture and prop while in formation. My recommendation would be to not block your hand with one of these. It might get in the way when something quick has to happen. But that is just me.
  9. In Canada, we lose all flight status privileges with this diagnosis. I still have 12 months of hormone therapy following my radiation treatments that ended in January, so I will not get my medical back until late next year. Flying with a commercial PIC in the meantime to get hours in. Good Luck Andrew.
  10. I had 250 hours when I bought my E model. Three years later, I finally got my instrument rating. Mooneys are great instrument training platforms.
  11. Negotiation on that 2200 smoh bird will have to include a discussion about either the provision of an engine with significantly less time than a run out one, or some sharing on the cost of the overhaul as part of the price. Or you can walk away and look at another opportunity when it comes up. Luck is defined as "preparedness" meeting "opportunity." Be prepared (mission, airframe, engine, and avionics specifications you have set your sights on) and you should be able to identify the opportunity when it occurs. And "correct" is way, way, way more important than "quick."
  12. I bought a cheap digital smart watch for this functionality. Checked it against my medical pulse oximetry and it is within one percent. So I am good, but I keep the pulse oximeter in the flight bag just in case. Now checking every 15 mins or so above 8000’ is no big deal.
  13. +1 for the same ones referred to by Lee above. After 10 years, however, the little suction cups do not work very well and the shades need to be replaced. But hey, for $7.00, I got nothing to complain about.
  14. When I had to replace my AI on my E model in 2007, it was measured to be 8 degrees, but it was not the split panel that existed in others of the same vintage.
  15. Foreflight.
  16. About ten tears ago or so, Clarence walked me through building something like yours during an owner-assisted annual. Nice and simple. Then, four years later, while on a MAPA Pilot Proficiency Program course, the instructor I was flying with indicated I really needed to lock the baggage door to prevent its opening in flight. He, apparently, had this happen to him. However, since it never happened to me, I declined. Doing so negated the utility of the new egress safety device on the door.
  17. Just finished something similar. My GPS is a 480 and my NAV/COM is an SL30. Same order top to bottom - PS 8000, GNS 480, SL 30, GTX 330D-ES.
  18. +1. Owned mine for nearly 20 years and it doesn’t get unbalanced at all - left or right.
  19. Or, when you need it to enter rule airspace so they will actually clear you into the zone of one of the large number of US airports with Class C. Not a requirement in Canada yet, but it is coming. I don't need the hassle and normally flying IFR allows for a couple of other sets of eyes to watch what is happening in my vicinity. So for IFR flying, it is clear to me that ADSB out is required. ADSB in? Depends.
  20. That is what it cost me to replace the outer port wingtip and first skin inboard of that.
  21. Or you can ask someone who has no bias at all, and they will tell you to get a 65 E. OK maybe a little bias.
  22. I find the 700 to be "good enough." I would prefer a 900, but I am not there yet. Got enough issues with having to replace my Narco Mk 12D with an SL 30 (and the associated resolver), and installing a GTX 330 DES to cover all of North American ADSB transponder out requirements.
  23. Thanks for the response. I was mostly wondering about the fit since the spruce speaker appears to be slightly larger than OEM. Mine fit fine.
  24. Still works good. Don’t use it much, but it is there if I need it
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