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Everything posted by ELT

  1. Anyone on the forum carry folding bicycles for short trips? I would like to fit 2 in the rear baggage of an E thru the baggage door if that is possible. If you have accomplished this with an E let me know the bicycle brand and model and any problems. I used to carry 4 Dahans in the rear baggage of a Piper Gastec. Thanks, Eddie
  2. AHI Josh, I will happy to show you my 1966E at KMRH (Beaufort). My wife and I are traveling right now and will be back after the holiday. I can email you on return or call if you give a phone number. My cell is 919.819.3451. Eddie
  3. Hi All, I would like to know more about the doghouse conversion on an E model too. Thanks, Eddie
  4. Thanks for all the information. It appears it would be best to fly on a weekend, VFR at 5500 feet or above, use flight following, use victor airways if needed and fly up the Jersey shore. 5b6 would be top of my list as my son has a house in Falmouth. I did operate the Mooney off a 2500 foot grass strip for 4 years so length is no problem. My concern with 5b6 is wind and a single runway. We have the same always 20-30 knot winds here in coastal NC but MRH has 3 runways. Thanks again for the advice. The flight planning begins. Eddie
  5. Hi All, My son and his wife are now working with Woods Hole Oceanographic in Cape Cod and we have a new grand daughter. It looks like this old North Carolina boy will be traveling north a lot. I have flown the south east, Bahamas and central parts of this country a great deal over my 44 years as a pilot but have generally flown airline to major northern areas. I am Instrument rated and current but do not log nearly the hours I used to. I usually file IFR on trips even in VFR conditions. My E has 430W, 496 and Fore Flight on panel docked iPad and iPhone. Home base is Beaufort NC where we have little traffic except for military operations. Any advice or suggestions would be great Eddie
  6. Yes, you can slip an E. Yes, you need to know how to slip as it is one of the few tools to lose altitude. I too had read some crap on never slipping a Mooney when I got mine. So I found a Mooney owner/experienced instructor and we went training. The Mooney with full flaps slips very nicely and drops the nose in a slip with no pitch up. Best to slip at 80-90 mph. We full slipped the airplane at speeds down to the stall buffett with no nasties. He nor I would want to stall from a slip even at 5,000 feet. Different Mooneys due to rigging behave differently. Get a good instructor and learn how your Mooney behaves.
  7. Yes, I just went thru this. However my 430W was installed new in late 2012. The antenna reradiates a signal and takes out ALL GPS equipment on the aircraft. My instructor and I launched in a 400 overcast for a ICC. The 430 took out my 496, iPad and iPad mini. The only approaches and navigation here are GPS. FUN, NOT. The avionics shop got my antennae covered under warranty. This is a know problem Eddie
  8. Would making the change to non commercial cause any problems for IFR or limit operation areas?
  9. Hi Chris, I just replaced all my 1980 King avionics last year except for the KY197. I might be interested in the 197 as a spare. Any idea of price? Eddie
  10. Hi Dave, I have had foreflight (not pro) for about 3 years. The new fltplango is supposed to have georeferenced charts and plates, adsb weather, aircraft tracking, mx capability and taxi like foreflight pro. I will probably have a chance to download and try the new app this weekend.
  11. Hi, If anyone is using or will be using the FltPlanGO app could you give a report on it. How does it compare to Foreflight. Looks good and free. thanks, Eddie
  12. Could it be MMO. Some swear by MMO added to the fuel (Marvel Mystery Oil). Others swear at it. Any way MMO is not approved for use in aircraft.
  13. Have not had the jammed selector in a "J" but I landed a "C" in a field due to the selector jamming in OFF. Mooney fuel selectors have jammed. Eddie
  14. Be sure your airplane has not been modified to an impulse mag. You can remove the SOS and install an impulse mag.
  15. Hi Bill, I had the same problem after annual in April. Mechanic talked to Don M., replaced ignition switch, SOS, P leads points in Left mag and then sent the 50 hour Left mag back for check. The engine shop found no problem with the mag but on general principles did replace the starting points again and OPENED THE POINTS MORE. It started working. I really think the problem was that the points needed to be opened more, The ignition switch was worn and we burned up the SOS module trying to crank it. Kevin, my mechanic and I were talking about this today. Kevin did the right thing and ate many hours of labor and the parts. I researched this probklem on the Mooney Tech site and others have resolved the problem without finding a "smoking gun". I really think my problem was that the starting points in the left mage need to be opened more. If you want to call me 919.819.3451. We wasted 3 weeks trying to fix it. Eddie
  16. They blew away while on a trip. I only found one and trashed it. Check your fuel supplier too. We had a problem with the FBO tanks at MRH. Also, once I got water from an FBO in Aztec tanks. If you have bladder tanks it is hard to get all the water out.
  17. Forget the suction type. I got some and the first time I used them they blew away. Replace the o rings and sump the fuel good.
  18. Attached should be a picture using a modified RAM mount. Needed to relocate the engine analyzer. The mount is stable and angled for a good view. Best I could come up with. http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/33893-/
  19. I mounted it right of the tach on the panel. Check my gallery pictures.
  20. thanks All, Moodychief, We have a printed copy of that good read. Greg, We did an impedance check of the new switch before and after install and it checked good. The old switch did check bad. Incorrect install is possible but IA and his AP checked, redone and have a wiring diagram. Wildhorseracing, Were you able to start OK but when you moved the switch to "L" did the engine quit?
  21. thanks All Jlunseth, the shower of sparks system uses only the Left mag to start the engine. Thus if the left mag is not firing the engine would not start. N601RX, Yes we suspect the replacement ignition switch is bad. However it is strange that now both the new switch and the old switch now manifest the no run on Left problem. The old switch did not have that problem before. I saw the ASC switch but it requires a 337 form for use in cert. aircraft.
  22. Yes the jumper was installed
  23. 1.During Annual the keyed ignition switch was replaced due to intermittent starting (it was bad). 2. Upon post annual run up when the switch is moved to the "L" position the engine looses ignition from both mags. If the right "P" lead is disconnected both mags fire normally. 3. Suspecting the new switch (new problem look at what was done)the old switch was reinstalled and still the engine looses ignition when the switch is moved to the ""L" position. 4. AI checked mags, shower of sparks, wiring and is pulling his hair out. 5. Engine kicks back on start (new problem) 6. Both Mags are 51 hours since OH. 7. Did not have this problem prior to annual. 8. Disconnect right "P" lead and it starts and runs fine Any Suggestions
  24. Hi, I need discs for a 1966E. The Cleveland number is RA164-00900. Do you have the Cleveland number? Thanks Eddie
  25. Hi Redraider, I think your Mooney has 3 interconnected bladders in each wing. It is difficult to fill all bladders with 1 filling. You must ill the bladders, then refill them 2 more times to completely top them. I keep a 5 gallon can around. If bladders leak they LEAK.
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