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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. South jersey regional or sky manor also qualify. Sky manor often has lower cost 100LL -a-
  2. Tony, Should be hands off... There should be a short period of time when the fuel is balanced and you can fly the plane by weight shift. Lean forwards it goes down, lean sideways and it will turn. Left turns are more difficult.... At least that was my experience with my m20C. Hard to believe for such an old bird. Stable air mass will be required. Dents and bends and gear doors may need attention. Best regards, -a-
  3. Gary, Garmin stock is inversely proportional..... Nevermind, let's say I'm bitter with Garmin for two reasons. Expensive data plans being second. -a-
  4. 201er, We need to pick a day......and a hot dog stand. We have Jasong, cris, the good dentist and a couple others in the neighborhood. If you consider nj in your neighborhood. Best regards, -a-
  5. Get a decent cover. Save $6,000 per year. In 10 years, buy another mooney with the down payment saved from not using a hangar..... Or move to a more hangar friendly state. Best regards, -a-
  6. This is another IOS 5 point... Did you know that there is an undo button? I have had this thing almost a year and I just found it, or it is an IOS 5 upgrade..... Shake the ipad up and down and an undo typing menu appears... I have yet to test if it works for accidental cut, when I meant copy..... Best regards, -a-
  7. Phil, I know it's not the same, but it is available to ease your pain while you wait.... Create New APP Icons You can add a new app icon for any website to your home screen. whilst browsing in Safari, tap the "arrow out fo the box" button and then tap add to home screen. Some websites supply an icon; if not then a screenshot of the current view is used. Tapping the new icon launches Safari and takes you to that website. Tips & Tricks iPad Secrets... available for a few pence at the App store.... IOS 5 version.... Now that IOS 5 allows direct typing into MooneySpace, with some spell check, this is a pretty good solution... Best regards, -a-
  8. Dave, Interesting find. I could not get the sound with that, as there seems to be some narration from a chase plane/pilot... Observations.... Looks like a 65 or newer M20C or E ? (square windows) Wheels up, skips once and seems to stop within 50 feet of first contact. Good reason to have shoulder harness. Landing light is on and stays on through the first impact. Stays dry long enough for the pilot to exit. Best regards, -a-
  9. Thoughts on the factory building new planes... For me, the new birds were for someone else. For economic reasons, I got the hand-me-downs... Don't get me wrong... I am looking forward to the factory making the next greatest planes, somebody else buying them, having them depreciate a bunch, and then putting them back on the market for me. It's a long chain of events that takes about 15 years to play out. So I wish the factory would get going again. I am going to need a, new to me, old acclaim in about 15 years. As for C,D,E,F loosing any more value... They are fully depreciated and retain their value based on the merits of being an econimcal, fast, efficient flying machine. Keep 'em flying.... Best regards, -a-
  10. There is no substitute for cubic inches.... Don Garlits?
  11. I think squirrel has hit on something... Brownian motion, or random walk theory, or drunken navigation. When the pump turns to carbon dust, their isn't much driving force to keep that dust from spreading in all directions. Upstream or downstream of the pump. Keep in mind that the pump drive keeps turning even after the failure. Gyros are assembled in a clean room environment because of their sensitivity to dust. Now would be a good time to see how yours is plumbed. Filters and back-up systems too. As for what pendulus vanes look like, consult an IFR text book. Its mandatory trivia learning for the rating. Somewhat like buckets on a water wheel....oldschooool. Best regards, -a-
  12. Marketing was brilliant that day. If you can't achieve the book MP, then you can't complain when you don't reach the corresponding book AS. Best regards, -a-
  13. Thanks Jose, I'm going to need an IR sensor for my iPad.... Best regards, -a-
  14. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=y9zjvlfab&v=001_bti-hHe0CxMrzeTzrOiTW0lS3wu17rkTUaMUs1Th5qAKTTeu7JabSIRBDOkyLITlfhu-l7rhBvBkZB9xqReGLC611HGwLm_tE4XeC815yA%3D According to Hilton... (1) they lost contact with their subscribers because of Apple glitch... (2) memory limitations can cause automatic loss of data....ongoing. Don't overload your iPad without checking your data... (3) the future looks good to be able to integrate ahrs, weather and traffic with only one blue tooth connection.... (4) confirmed their relationship with the integrated cockpit concept. aspen folks. The attached link is a copy of their email news letter. On the others and, they did not mention their shoe size.... Best regards, -a-
  15. Would it make sense to use lock-tite to keep the new heli-coil in place? Thinking out loud... Best regards, -a-
  16. I have had good experience at air mods. But have no rigging experience there. Best regards, -a-
  17. Gary, The spell check is both automatic and somewhat erratic at the same time. You may need to exercise longer words and some intentional misspelling to see it happen..... Best regards, -a- (Anthony Caruso 1994 m20r ovation)
  18. Jolie, Keep up the good work. Your market penetration is outstanding. You are in my AOPA magazine this month. I just came across last years empty tin from mooney M&Ms de la Sloshkosh. Yesterday, my boy was wearing an Ambassador's T-shirt. Best regards, -a-
  19. Todd, It probably took longer to put the apps back than the operating system upgrade. I used my PC and skipped the cloud. Best regards, -a-
  20. Bodie, Something to consider... Often these cracks are nothing more than a weld going away. I had one re-welded once for an m20c. Unfortunately I don't remember the details. A mechanic took care of it years ago. Best regards, -a-
  21. We even get some spell check with that... Ipad1 may take a few hours to upgrade. Ipad2 not nearly as long Best regards, -a-
  22. If you travel commercially too much, this might be for you.... http://auction.continental.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ProductDisplay?prrfnbr=166674746&prmenbr=73052744&aunbr=167021456 Continental airlines is auctioning off a pair of warbird rides over an NFL stadium in Texas in early November. Best regards, -a-
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