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Everything posted by carusoam

  1. The older hartzell filler plates cracked at the screw holes too. Best regards, -a-
  2. Fuel at 88J, allendale, sc $4.80... 1.5 hrs from KORL, for you mouse house visitors... I am a fan of 11,000 to 12,500 for NA planes, no O2, and lot's of time for plan B. the back seaters will be asleep unless they are actively using their entertainment. 3.5 hours is a long time in the back of any vehicle. I try to plan 2/3 of the trip, stop, 1/3 of the trip. Mentally a little softer than 50/50...? Best regards, -a-
  3. Ben, 5.25 USD per gallon in the NEW Jersey today. Down from 6 USD. @N40 Sky Manor. Good luck organising your fly in, wish I could Mooney fly Europe.... Best regards -a-
  4. Heading to Florida to visit with the mouse & friends around Orlando. Any recomendations for airport and FBO would be appreciated. Looking for a rental car when we get there. Best regards, -a-
  5. Job, Nobody gets the board curmudgeon award without a fight... Your are going to have to be really bitter and try really hard for that honor... Best regards, -a-
  6. It must be lady bug season. I let one out the vent window yesterday while taxiing. Best regards, -a-
  7. Sorry guys, Looks like I threw a life-saver to a drowning snake oil / enzyte salesman. Thought he might have an interesting technique to measure take-off performance. I would really be interested. Best regards, -a-
  8. This is an added safety device. In the event of a vacuum failure.... Smash the glass to release the bug. The bug, while flying, should indicate which way is up. Did the bug come with proper paperwork? -a-
  9. Glen, Since it is your first time at MooneySpace, first of all, welcome to the board. Take a look around at some of the threads here. You will find that the type of product being discussed requests facts or links to documents that support the product being discussed. Often there is disclosure if there is financial interest in the product. You can look up (search) avblend, prist or other oils as examples. You can also find a thread or two that allows you to introduce yourself. Sorry for the rude awakening. They didn't single you out in particular, it was the lack of facts or details in your first post that made it difficult to separate a competent product user from a snake oil salesman. You can believe there is plenty of snake oil available in aviation. As for my avatar, I didn't have to sneak into the airport to get that picture, they let me in.... Going to stick around? Not everybody does. I am seriously interested in how you measured the performance improvement of the fuel additive. Best regards, -a-
  10. Phil, ...what Ned said + I was referring to the IO-550G in the Ovation. Where, in fact, the POH allows continuous operation at SL in LOP mode at about 83% power. As you can see from my note above. WOT Experimenting should be done above 8500' (< 65% my recomendation). Engine science is complex, but engine operation should not be. I like the JPI and the G1000 and other devices that calculate %hp for you using all of the proper inputs. Best regards and go Halos! -a-
  11. Decorum.... Aren't we supposed to pull the legs off the spider and toy with him a bit before smiting him? Best regards, -a-
  12. 75 is 75 but... The M20 R POH over simplifies the situation slightly. It indicates that 65% power is achieved at the same combination of MP and RPM at either 50 LOP or 50 ROP. The MP Required to reach this target % value also decreases with altitude. Hp is MP (O2) limited when ROP Hp is FF limited when LOP At low altitude, back pressure is higher than at high altitudes. Colder air is more dense than warmer air (at the same MP) Fortunately air gets colder the higher up we go. Overall the number of situations is large, but it can be simplified, and is simplified, When ROP, MP is the driver, but I follow the POH chart, and expect it to be truthful. When LOP, Follow the FF, it is highly converted to power. For proof, maintain altitude (MP) and rpm and vary mixture from deep ROP, through peak, deep into LOP. Chart your airspeed. Do this at altitudes where HP does not exceed 65%. I think Byron gave the rule of thumb, add about 2" of MP to ROP conditions to achieve the same HP LOP. Best regards, -a-
  13. They're all m20s. But ATC gives us one identifier M20P (propeller). Best regards, -a-
  14. Consider turning down the brightness for a bandaid solution.... I use my iPad 1 with ios5 all day for emails and mooneyspace..... Best regards, -a-
  15. EB, Great picture. Wait a few days, you will be able to follow it for "dead" reckoning... Best regards, -a-
  16. Compression ratio for the IO550G 8.5:1 Not so surprised..... Best regards, -a-
  17. If you guys pick a north MD, or want to join some folks in south NJ, we can probably make a big get together? If not this time around, maybe on the next one. Best regards, -a-
  18. Mike, Thanks for joining us here. We have a semi-lively discussion going on. Maybe you can help us separate fact from opinion from straight fiction? It seems the original poster was interested in the Savvy maintenance management program for his mooney. The discussion seems to have strayed a bit. I would be interested in knowing what the program is about and how it relates to private ownership of a mooney. As for personal disagreement or dissent, there is a PM function to take those discussions off line. Not many people are interested long-term in mud slinging. Mud slinging has not helped the Mooney community or GA a whole lot. Again, welcome to MooneySpace. Best regards, Anthony
  19. New Question on the same topic..... LOP (or peak) @ 65%bhp but compared to what? My engine max output is 280 bhp (at 2,500rpm) . It is detuned from much higher possibilities. The O3 engine max output is 310 bhp (2700 rpm) Is my O1 red box the same as the O3? 65% for the O1 is 180hp (180/280) ...from my POH and supported by using 15gph X FF... 65% for the O3 is 201 (201/310) ....Supposing here... Can I use the same 201hp and safely stay outside the red box? Has my math gotten fuzzy? Best regards, -a-
  20. DanB, Comparing the numbers you gave above to my POH 14.7 or 14.9.... 15 works just as well....65% power at 12gph = 180 hp (roughly 12 X 15).
  21. The other one is IO-360 Power Calculator from Air Dave, LLC. It is free and covers -a, -c, -d, -j and -k engine groups. Would be nice to know how accurate the free one is? Sounds interesting, but does not cover my IO-550G needs. I sent Air Dave a request, but have not heard back.... Does anyone know Air Dave? i will share POH power chart data. I have it typed into an excel spreadsheet already.... Best regards, -a-
  22. Flight following is great for migrating through extensive military airspace. You don't need to know the individual status of each airspace. Your flight track is often posted to flight aware for later review or family to watch. Best regards, -a-
  23. JL, Just as you described, they stay independent of each other. Follow-up question is, do you rearrange all top plugs to fire on one system and all bottom plugs to fire on the other, or leave them as they are (mixed)? Lot's of questions. Looking forward to their success. I think there is much to gain. -a-
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