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Everything posted by Parker_Woodruff

  1. My brother (non-pilot) shot this from the back seat of a Maule M7 on his first seaplane ride with me. ~35 sec http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qR76NRvS4-A Last weekend the my roommates and one of their little brothers went down to Key West for a few hours with me. It's an absolutely beautiful approach. ~9 sec http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Fo5h9hzGn4
  2. what immelman said. You're leaning to begin with.
  3. Target EGT. Mooneys climb pretty quick anyway, so you'll be down there in the low teens in fuel flow in a matter of minutes.
  4. Quote: johnggreen Over the last year, I have seriously considered moving up to pressurization and more room. I looked at twins and singles. My insurance agent is a very gregarious fellow, excellent pilot, and loves talking about airplanes in addition to writing insurance. Due to the depressed market, I/he looked at various aircraft and their pros and cons. He got me all kinds of quotes on insurance and not once was the issue of pressurization raised. In fact, I was kind of surprised that I could go to a pressurized twin with almost no increase in rates/thousand of hull value. I do have a fairly broad range of experience and hours and no claims in almost 50 years of flying which I'm sure helps a lot. I am waiting with bated breath for "AGE" to become an issue though. Yes. Plenty of competition out there, so the companies are chasing all kinds of business. The only real issue I encountered was that insurance companies now look at a piston pilot moving to turbine power with a serious jaundiced eye.3 Not really...quite a few specialty markets. They'll just want some mentor time post initial training. After looking and considering operating and acquisition costs, I decided to just continue to enjoy the Bravo. BUT !! If I was going to move up, the Mirage would be the likely candidate, with the Meridian next if they will just start drilling for natural gas at my ranch. nothing beats Mooney efficiency in a 4-place certified piston single.
  5. Quote: GeorgePerry The other thing to keep in mind is the added insurance costs associated with a presurized aircraft. Get a quote and stand by for sticker shock. your better bet might be an A36TC.
  6. I'd just have Don Maxwell in Longview do the prebuy/annual. His knowledge and the other Mooney experts in his shop will be worth the flight there and back.
  7. Article is from 2010. But I hope it's still true.
  8. EDIT: Looks like I'm most likely back on for Saturday...anyone else going? Anyone with time to kill in the morning or afternoon and looking for a really fun experience should go visit Tripp and Dan at Ryan Seaplanes on the field and fly the Beaver or the Husky. http://www.ryanseaplanes.com/
  9. My M20K does best LOP between 2500 and 2575 RPM it seems. Below that, I can't get it as far LOP without a bit more engine stumble...
  10. Quote: 201-FLYER Not according to their website. Last I spoke with them they were going thru an approval process which hadn't been complete. I know people are obviously using it with turbocharged engines and I would not think it would be a problem but one has to wonder why the seperate approval process for NA vs. Turbo engines if it's not a "big deal"?
  11. Quote: 201-FLYER I would be using camguard as I did in my 201;however, it's still not approved for use with tubocharged engines for some reason?
  12. Another reasonable choice would be a Cessna T-210 or P-210. Back seat pax can't be too big. I'm not sure on the actual useful loads of the PA46-310P, 350, or 350P. Be sure they can carry the 6 people plus bags you're looking to carry. If you're looking on the newer side (closer to $1MM airframe) and can afford 50 gallons/hour, then consider a TBM700.
  13. I currently don't use anything, but have considered using Camguard. My plane rarely goes a week without flying twice or more, especially this time of year. Now that I'm out of my huge stockpile of Aeroshell, I'm switching to Phillips, which I just purchased a large stock at a good price at SnF. At the end of the day, the Camguard helps, but flying frequently is the best idea. The current owner of my old Cessna 172 is flying through about 2600 SMOH just fine. Me and my buddy were flying it 80-100 hours per month when I owned it. (4 years, 2400+ tach hours, 3100+ hobbs hours, on that engine, IIRC. 6000 TTAF Hobbs and it was only on the 2nd engine.
  14. That would be quite an undertaking to fix. That plane was for sale about a year ago and I couldn't make the numbers work to buy it, so I got my 252 instead.
  15. Yeah...all I care to look at is AIRNAV or whatever Foreflight offers. 100LL in a pinch...
  16. Quote: bd32322 ok now I am back into buying a turbo aircraft mood - just dunno which one
  17. How high? I only have experience up to FL190, but probably will never fly unpressurized above FL230. I do have a lot of time breathing through a cannualla between 14,000 and 17,000. It's not uncomfortable. Just be ready for some dry nose. Keep in mind, you're using a mask above 18,000 ft pressure alt. The speed increases for long cross country flights are more than worth it!
  18. I have a lot of friends who work in Dallas and Fort Worth...some had some pretty neat pictures from their office buildings. It sounds like the airports on the south side of the metroplex were more or less spared. I haven't heard anything on KADS and KTKI, but it sounds like some planes could be stuck on the ground at DFW and DAL for awhile. I'm wondering about the extent of the hail damage there.
  19. I don't know too much about the destinations you'll be visiting here, but when you're in Tulsa you'll be near Don Maxwell Aviation at KGGG...highly regarded MSC, as I'm sure you've read here.
  20. On the surface, that looks like a decent plane, though the GPS unit is outdated. Where do you live, and who is doing the "fresh annual"? There are very few people in Florida I'd trust to annual my Mooney.
  21. - M20J - Nice plane, my first Mooney - 150-155 knots on 9 gph while Lean of Peak. 160+ knots rich of peak (10-11.5 GPH or so.) - Get a prebuy/annual at a competent Mooney Service Center - Not hard. Fly with a CFI who has a lot of Mooney experience. Fly the numbers recommended in the book for your specific weight.
  22. Glad you can now be confident behind your engine. Are you attributing the "skip" to the worn cam? any increase in climb performance?
  23. Correct, #2 is in the back, closest to the pilot. Right next to the oil cooler IIRC. I did a lot of talking with GAMI this week at SnF and they gave me lots of things to check out
  24. The 252 runs perfectly cool at 100% power during climbout and high power settings while LOP. The exception on my plane is cylinder #2 which takes special care to keep in the 380s or lower. I'm investigating the baffling now and hoping that's what's causing the heat. That cyl is also my worst compression, at 68/80. Engine has 900ish hours on it with no top overhaul. All other cyls in the 70s
  25. Talked with Avidyne today at SnF and am excited for their new product developments. They read this board and from what I understood, we'll have support for some of the King Autopilots, too when Mooneys are approved.
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