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Everything posted by amillet

  1. I have a 97 J so I assume the KC192 is the later version. Do you recommend replacing the capacitor now as preventative maintenance?
  2. posted in an older thread earlier today @Jake@BevanAviation My KC 192 was last updated in 2016 by Capital Avionics in FL when I was having trim issues. It’s been working great since. Is there any advantage to preventatively replacing the capacitor that often leaks?
  3. @Jake@BevanAviation My KC 192 was last updated in 2016 by Capital Avionics in FL when I was having trim issues. It’s been working great since. Is there any advantage to preventatively replacing the capacitor that often fails and leaks?.
  4. Today I took two of my sisters to Arlington (KAWO) and met my other sister and niece to walk the airport trail. Beautiful Pacific Northwest spring day
  5. Last year somebody mentioned Tub o towels so I ordered them from Amazon a stuck them in the hangar. Today I changed the oil and as I reached for the bottle of degreaser I usually use to clean the belly pan I saw the Tub o Towels sitting on the shelf. I was amazed at how well it worked on the exhaust residue and breather oil. It just wiped right off without the normal elbow grease.
  6. My favorite Mooney photo all time. I look forward to someone beating "it". I nominate
  7. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/26/former-boeing-employee-speaks-out-00142948#
  8. I just read an article about a Boeing manager who recently quit and says he will not fly on a max
  9. Flew to Anacortes (74S) for fuel ($5.72 vs $6.80 at home airport). San Juan Islands.
  10. New federal regulations require all us companies to report beneficial ownership information. https://www.fincen.gov/boi
  11. Amelia’s reopened in a new building
  12. Took our new Japanese exchange student for her first small airplane flight. We picked up @JRo at Harvey Field (S43) and flew to Bremerton KPWT for lunch at Amelia’s
  13. https://usaircraftfinance.com/
  14. Flew to Salem OR and met up with @Bolter for breakfast. He was about 5 miles behind me near Bremerton in his Ovation (172 knots vs 160 in my J) ; and 10 miles ahead at KSLE https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bkyg90q0l6n8yso78fua3/20240203_111330.mp4?rlkey=q7zoh5qvckas4fgrr30ee7kdm&dl=0
  15. I’m registered for KSMX
  16. The adjustable seats also move forward as they move up. More seat cushion to compress against the middle console
  17. Alligators eat the dairy cows?
  19. Not where I live
  20. I’m 6’3” 210. Longest day was 12.5 hours (3 legs) coming home from Oshkosh. I was glad to finally land but wasn’t too uncomfortable
  21. In most states and federal bankruptcy law, retirement accounts are exempt from creditors
  22. You all had it easy with your fancy calculators. Here’s what I had to use in my college physics classes
  23. I had to be treated for CRVO (central retinal vein occlusion) last month. The treatment ( injection into eye) increased my vision in the right eye by four lines a month later. I’m glad I have a basic medical!
  24. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Size_Me
  25. One long cross country. Lots of shorter local flights this year
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