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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Don't worry too much, my vote doesn't really count for much based on my current residents deep in the heart of Texas with Ron Paul running unopposed as my Representative for a decade now and more than 60% of the voters going straight party line, I'm not exactly in a swing district.
  2. Quote: JimR Gotta love those turbo Mooneys.
  3. Quote: allsmiles ....do you mean the 796 handheld perhaps rather than the GTN?
  4. I flew behind one yesterday. The PIC was smart, well trained, and a good stick. All I can say is too much data and stuff going on in one place, with way too much heads down button mashing during IFR approaches for me. Plus the damn thing cut out for 15+ seconds during a practice ILS approach. In real turbulance, the button mashing must be a pain. I might like it more if I had more experience with it, and if a certain "know-it-all" dentist didn't claim it was the best thing since sliced bread, but for me, no thanks. I'll suffer behind my 530W.
  5. I used to fly with the wife all the time. Some very nice trips. Trouble is her husband found out ;-)
  6. Parker is in thea air right now and showing off a bit. Up around 17,500 and 235 kts. Still not LOP I suspect, since the engine still runs a little rough. We'll have to flow match his stock injectors, before buying GAMI's. http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N252BH/history/20120116/1535Z/KRBD/KOLV/tracklog Nice.....
  7. Quote: allsmiles
  8. This is the type of fun odyssey that would make a fine MAPA article....keep good notes, Patrick.
  9. Quote: alex Shell = Garmin Mobil = Aspen Got it!
  10. Quote: Hank If Phillips is so good for your engine, and Aero Shell is so bad......
  11. Quote: jetdriven
  12. End of April or early May for me..... I stay in TX while Don is doing his magic, so I'll probably be returning to FL in early May. Let's coordinate as it gets closer. We should be able to work something out. Sort of a airplane daisy chain :-)
  13. Quote: Parker_Woodruff
  14. Quick search, for your perusal. It's all there. Good luck. http://www.mooneyspace.com/index.cfm?mainaction=posts&forumid=3&threadid=3315 http://www.mooneyspace.com/index.cfm?mainaction=posts&forumid=4&threadid=1911 http://www.mooneyspace.com/index.cfm?mainaction=posts&forumid=1&threadid=3414
  15. Actually "search" in the upper right hand corner will be a treasure trove for you. We've mowed this grass before ;-)
  16. Quote: jetdriven We wash our aircraft cover in the front-loading washing machine every couple monthes when we are using it regularly.
  17. Quote: M016576 Has anyone tried using car headlight cleaner on the windshield?
  18. Water, applied by lovings hands :-)
  19. I read the good news on the Mooney list, Alan. Congrats again! Now you can get lots more utilization out of that 262.
  20. Quote: Mazerbase Gayle had been using a corner of Sarasota Avionics' hangar at VNC. She may have moved though and I think you need to get the info from her directly. Extra padding? I don't think I would like the diameter of the yoke to be any greater than it is now.
  21. http://www.airnav.com/airport/KBTV = KBTV. Money model, year, and name; unknown.
  22. Quote: gregwatts If you are referring to PJ, he is at AVO now.
  23. Quote: maropers OK if they have bikini airplane washes in Florida I'm there in a heartbeat!!
  24. We've been told the software platform is a somwhat fragile, but you can't beat the price, the lack of ads, the great people and the free advise.
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