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Everything posted by fantom

  1. Quote: Dale I have flown into both and find that for whatever reason that Everglades City seems a little easier.
  2. Quote: Dale When I came out to get the plane they told me I had to wait for a few minutes for them to add the camguard to the oil. I ask them why they didn't do it in the morning after they changed the oil. They mechanic told me it was best to add the camguard right before you start the engine, so it would properly mix with the other oil in the plane and not to add it and let it sit for even a couple of hours without running the plane and bringing up the oil temperatures in the engine. I suspect the guys at Premier (?) just had to run out and buy some Camguard, Dale. When I asked Camguard at Sun&Fun, maybe 4 years age, they said to add mid oil change. That's what I've been doing ever since.
  3. Quote: Parker_Woodruff
  4. Quote: allsmiles These "reasons" do nothing for me!
  5. You certainly have your spending priorities straight, Parker Encore conversion over furniture any day.........until you're married
  6. A guy who used to live down here, and now lives in Leeward Ranch, Ocala, FL landed at Cedar Key a few years ago in his Eagle. Had about a 200 foot rollout, sans gear, which he inadvertently kept in the wells. 2,355 ft. is way more than enough with full flaps, on speed, gear down, and less than a mid field touch down.
  7. Quote: Parker_Woodruff
  8. Quote: N4352H With the turning radius and longer wing on a Mooney, it isn't hard to ding a wing while turning. I have done it and I am sure it happens. I would be most careful if a lineman positions you to a turn, you focus on him for a split second and take your eye off the turing wing. There's a recipie for a ding-job.
  9. Quote: flyboy0681 One of these days I'm going to land in Cedar Key for a $200 hamburger, or stone crabs as it may be.
  10. Quote: Mitch Jim and Mitch, I saw not long after he passed, his E model was on the block somewhere in Florida. Looked like it had been sitting outside for quite a while.
  11. Quote: N4352H I use my tail number which anybody can run in 12 seconds and always provide my name on demand
  12. Quote: Parker_Woodruff +1.
  13. We would prefer a photo of the girlfriend, Parker, over two tired looking guys :-)
  14. Quote: co2bruce Wow, we have nothing like that here in Florida.
  15. Quote: allsmiles Which part of "...until proven otherwise" gives you guys the most trouble?!
  16. Quote: xftrplt Gotta love it. Above, we have highly experienced military and civilian aviators warning of the risks of winter IFR and icing, especially in low-powered, S/E recips. Then, we have someone who hasn't even had an instrument ticket for a full (and unusually mild) winter expounding on weather theory and IFR flying and blithely plowing along in icing conditions, if its only stratus. Well, I guess you pays your money and takes your choice. (But, with over 13,000 hours flying MD-80's in the northeast--DCA, BOS, LGA, ORD--in all sorts of weather, I know who I'd choose.)
  17. Some of this is painful to read. Those of you who council that an engine over 12 years old has no value because it automatically needs an O/H will sing a different song when you're a seller, and we do get a lot more buyers around here than sellers. As has been pointed out above, a thorough engine inspection can alleviate most concerns. I suspect much of the discomfort comes from those new to airplane ownership. My advise is if you like the plane otherwise, dig (inspect) deeper, and come to some reasonable middle ground. Being to unreasonable can cause some sellers of otherwise nice planes to walk away before you do.
  18. Quote: co2bruce ?????????
  19. Quote: jetdriven My wife was a little apprehensve at first, now she doesnt mind accompanying me to Oshkosh or Kew West.
  20. You need a pressure compensating whiskey compass when flying that high and that fast, Parker If you need a sign off, we'll get one for you, so no worries there.
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