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Everything posted by Hank

  1. I actually saw one on the ramp once, somewhere out in SD or somewhere. The pictures are on my camera not my phone. Jaguar logo, British Racing Green trim. It was a beautiful plane, despite the Beech logo on that funny tail.
  2. Yeah, that one confused me, too, @HRM! How's life on an airpark in Wilmington???
  3. @Matthew P, this is.how it's done. I had one at a previous job, and start a new one on the 21st--let me know if you can't find someone to do it by then, it takes a whole 3 minutes. Mine wasn't quite this clean, despite living under a cover, but it worked. Where are you based (city & state to check distance from new job)?
  4. There are only four kinds of snakes that I don't like: big ones, little ones, live ones and dead ones. This particular snake is two of those . . . .
  5. Who can tell BEFORE how their actions will be judged AFTER THE FACT?
  6. As long as he's not stopping for a "YIELD" sign . . . .
  7. He almost made it back! Glad everyone is alright. Wonder why he was climbing so slow? On initial climb I'm generally at least at Vx 85-90 mph (73-78 knots) to clear obstacles, and generally transition to Vy (100 mph initially, 87 knots). Sure, the numbers shown are groundspeed, but he was mostly in the 60s, and best glide is 105 mph = 90 knots . . . . I would expect these speeds to be slightly higher in an E than in my C, which is what I reported abive.
  8. I just got my first Milton Preparation email from Operation Airdrop. Hopefully their service won't be needed. Most of the damage will probably be south of Tampa, not sure I'll have the legs to stretch that far or not.
  9. How well do you trust the construction and current physical condition of your hangar? Either your own box hangar, or the whole row where your individual space is located? Most insurance policies, including mine, offer remuneration for relocating your plane from a Hurricane Warning Zone to a clear area. My wife, though, said if we have to evacuate, she's taking the car and packing heavy!
  10. Same thing here, except it was a 90 minute flight. I gave her the choice, we went back, landed, closed the door again with better guidance for Miss I-Can-Do-It-Myself, and took off again. And I logged an additional 0.2 hours on that flight.
  11. Get rid of the stupid Q line, it's for their system and not intended for pilot reference, so don't disseminate that line. Only provide relevant NOTAMs, not all of those for several hundred miles in every direction from the proposed flight. Put them in order of priority, where a closed runways at the proposed destination comes first. Followed by changed/closed approaches at the destination, frequency changes, taxiway changes at the destination. Unlit towers form the hundreds of miles between origin and destination should be last, well after affected runways and frequencies at these airports. Other than this off the top of my head will require study to determine a priority system, not determined by the person who files the NOTAM. Just because you have a tower light burned out 8 miles east of your North-South runway when I'm planning to pass west, 120 NM away, is not very important.
  12. So what's the point of: Putting ZAU into the header of a NOTAM for ORD? It already tells us "ORD" is where it's at. Putting the actual information last??? The Q line is unnecessary government gibberish that no-one will ever wade through except when asked by the DPE on a checkride. I plan to ignore everything else until after I decide if it affects me. What needs to change with the NOTAM system is the huge number that we are buried with, and the important stuff like closed runways is often on page 8 or 9 of the 12-15 pages of stuff. I printed out everything once for a 2 hour flight from WV to KY, and had notams from Kansas to Boston to Miami . . . . . I don't do that anymore.
  13. Everyone i spoke with last week in NC was friendly and very appreciative! They all went out of their way to say thank you and offer any help that I may want, when incase there to help them. The further into the flooded mountains you go, the more overwhelmed the people are. Homes and businesses are gone, few in the mountains have flood insurance, and everywhere is covered with inches of wet, sticky mud along with tree branches, broken lumber, cars, appliances and garbage from upstream. Can't even see the water in Lake Lure, just solid bank-to-bank debris. Recovery will take years, and some will likely walk away with nothing and restart somewhere else, somehow. Be gentle, they are shellshocked. Losing your home, all possessions, your neighbors, your neighborhood, your community and your job will change how people react. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, and reach out gently. If i knew where to go, I could collect more supplies here in Sweet Home and take more up, but with Operation Airdrop closed out, I don't know where to go or who to contact.
  14. And that is much friendlier.to.those of us with installed GPS than going all glass, all Garmin and keeping the installed GPS. If only the Dynon AP included vintage Mooneys!!
  15. That is SO much easier to do when all 100+ wires aren't all white! Stupid avionics!
  16. I generally set a small shop vac on the wing, then the hose can reach just about everywhere except the baggage area.
  17. Another mark in favor of Dynon--no expensive dealer install, just get an A&P. Under supervision, you can do a lot of it yourself. I would trust myself to mount everything, but someone else will need to build and attach the wiring harness. I can see it already: "Hey, where does the fifth white wire from the right end of the thjrd whute bundle go to again?" If only aviation used multicolored wires like the rest of the civilized world . . . . Guess that would make it too easy for "anyone" to work on.
  18. That's the number a Garmin salesman gave me, including estimates for dealer install. That's why I don't have a Garmin setup. Dynon runs in the low 20s plus the AP, call it 30 plus install by any A&P. A different Garmin dealer quoted mid-to-high 20s for just two G5s and AP (keeping the rest of my steam gauges), a far cry from a Dynon SkyView glass panel with two 10" screens.
  19. Garmin quoted me almost 100 AMU to put in two 8" screens, engine monitor and AP, including install. Dynon will sell ne everything for ~25 AMU, and my A&P will not charge 75 more for labor. Don't compare a Dynon all-glass panel with two 10" screens against two G5s, or I'll point out that a Porsche costs so much more than my Altima.
  20. Unless you ride through a puddle and it splashes up on the frame . . . . Or you.can wait until you get home and clean your back seat . . . . .
  21. Before and after every ride? It will need cleaning before you take it somewhere; go riding; then clean again before going home. No thank you. Yes, bike bags are not inexpensive, but I've read here that a grill cover often works well at a fraction of the price.
  22. The notice above says parts.are $6434, with about another 1AMU of options. Your A&P can do the install. A full new SkyView panel costs less than a GTN650. Once the AP is approved for short bodies, I'm going into all the way.
  23. I'm reminded of our fellow Mooney pilot who embedded a goose in the vertical stabilizer on approach one night. And the other Mooney pilot who had a goose come through the windshield, spraying gore throughout the cabin. Both landed safely as I recall. The photo of the goose embedded in the stabilizer, with one wing and one foot hanging down on each side was memorable.
  24. You're welcome, and forewarned--time flies faster than your Mooney!!
  25. This is what I put on as new main tire and tube. Shockingly, this was Jan 2018. Doing fine!
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