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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. Not to completely change the subject, bladders can or cannot be removed from the plane, and go back to sealant?
  2. For a fee, and he is not what I call "cheap", Brian Kendrick will fly his Mooney to the plane in question and do a full inspection. He probably has a wait time but I would trust his inspection.
  3. Okay. Please educate me. What was the purpose of the lower gears?
  4. Where do I look? Up through the wheel wells?
  5. I was looking at an F model, and while I was sitting in the plane, the A/P had me swing the electric gear, and manually lower the gear with the emergency handle for the annual he was performing. The left seat literally sank when the gear was lowered, and raised when the gear came up. I will say .25" conservative number. I made the A/P aware of this. He said the seat shared a support with the gear? Is this correct? Is something broken? Do your seats flex? Thanks David
  6. Thank you Lance
  7. Hmmm. The circuit breaker says storm scope. The face plate has a "BFG" Maybe it's not a strike finder?
  8. Anyone know what usually goes wrong with them?
  9. Well that explains a lot.
  10. I looked at a plane today with a strike finder with an inop placard. I see the screen in the cockpit, but don't see a sensor, an antenna, some instrument on the plane that tells the screen what to say. One, is it worth fixing? Two, what is usually wrong with them? Yes I will look it up but I like asking you guys(and girls) Thanks David
  11. Maybe there is something???? Good Luck.
  12. We as a group started a known rental thread a few years ago. Let's see if we can search it up. I don't remember the name of the thread but it was something like "known rentals"
  13. Just an update on my efforts on getting a club up and running. In a word, frustrating. I am to the point of buying a plane that I want, and then offer up to partner's, and then to a club. I've had several folks offer, maybe 20 people, but no one actually putting money where their mouth is. I am not giving up. Plugging forward.
  14. Good luck.
  15. I did some research on a complete new sail and motor unit, with instructorn training on a two person machine. $17,000 USD
  16. My perspective is from the outside looking in. I have asked many owners at my home airport to allow me to partner up with them. I Haven't had anything serious come my way. Always, the same negative reason I get from an owner is, "I want my airplane when I want my airplane." I have not put out flyers or advertised, but I have put it "out there" to the Fbo, A/P's, owners, line guys etc, asking if they knew anyone that would consider a partnership. Most everyone says no one they know will partner up. Wish someone would take up my offer. I know financially it makes sense to me. To those who don't need or want help financially, it's just a flat no thanks.
  17. Deferred maintenance. I'm sorry for your troubles. We are rooting for you.
  18. There is an Impression that Mr Lopresti was not only a good engineer, but also a braggart.
  19. The owner is flying it to Oshkosh this year he told me. May have a second one there this year he added. FYI
  20. I know, not particularly interesting, but it's still cool. I've read on here a lot about how a poorly rigged Mooney is "slower" than a well rigged one.
  21. The owner of this plane stated there were only five remain flying, which percentage wise I guess is pretty good considering how few were made. He also said it would go 200mph.
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