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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. Just saw this. Very nice. Good job.
  2. The FBO in Kerrville had a big ouch on the tarmac last month. Pushing a big jet out of the FBO's hangar, the lineman forgot to peg the tow bar on the tug. The pavement has a negative camber immediately outside the hangar doors. Gravity took over, the jet gained some speed and port side engine of the big jet jammed itself in and through the cockpit of a slightly smaller big jet that was parked on the opposite side of the tarmac. I know accidents happen. I know that the FBO's insurance will take a big hit. I fear the trickle down economics in a sense.
  3. Here in the Hill Country of Texas, there are lots of private airstrips on all sorts of land shape and sizes. All I'm saying is, if you want it, build it.
  4. Is the 'popping' you both hear the sound of A tim-tom style bass drum? More bommm, bommm than pop pop pop? That is the sound I am getting. I turn my head, the bass drum goes off. Window open I also hear the drum.
  5. I recieved the beacon back from uAvionix. It appears they swapped a new unit to replace my malfunctioning one. Mounting plate, fasteners, gaskets, Allen wrench, stickers, the whole nine yards. I guess $600 is fair for a brand new unit?? Will install today.
  6. I sent in the Darters tail beacon to uAvionix because it was not transmitting elevation The email came back to say the lens was cracked with "moisture residue present" and that a replacement was needed. My first impression was one of puzzlement. I had that unit in my hand, took many pictures and I would think I would have noticed a crack in the lens. About $600 dollars later and the unit is being shipped back. I'm not sure yet if they are replacing the lens or just swapping out the whole unit. How convenient is still my thinking. What can I do though? Nothing.
  7. Yes. Sidetone changes when trying to transmit, but nothing comes out. I don't hear myself in the headset. When the issue is happening the sidetone does "click" correctly when pressing the PTT but the tone is different and nothing transmits, nothing comes out from my microphone. Also and I forgot to mention, when the issue is happening, nothing is heard in my headset from my micrphone at all when the PTT is engaged. When I hit a bump in the air, I hear a click and the system works for a second or two, or five minutes until the next bump in the air.
  8. Affirmative. Sidetone does change when PPT is engaged but no transmission happens. Tone goes back to "normal" when PTT is disengaged.
  9. Side tone does change when PTT is engaged. When I push/pull the volume button, the "rx" icon does appear. Don't remember exactly if the ""tx" shows when PPT is engaged. Will confirm that today.
  10. My radio(430) is now making it a habit of not transmitting all the time. Interestingly, it does not seem to affect the receiving side of the equation. I was on the taxiway, and I could not transmit. I did the run up and I heard in the headset a "change" and I could transmit. During the flight, it was on again, off again with being able to transmit. Upon landing, nothing all the way to the hangar. I do not think it is the PTT button because it seems to be doing its job and using the right seat button makes no difference. Any thoughts?
  11. They (the airport board) have put lots of preemptive measures in place to mitigate potential risk. Kerrville airport is booked and closing on Monday. Weather is perfect today, 50-50 on Monday, says the forecast. KUVA is an alternative. HONDO TX is also an option.
  12. Uvalde, TX KUVA has made ZERO preparations for the event. I talked to the FBO today and they are ill prepared. They have space enough for planes, but no organization for the actual event. I feel Kerrville has restricted itself somewhat. IMHO
  13. Hondo is big and basically unmanned. It is equal distant to Bandera as Kerrville is. Fuel is usually less expensive than Kerrville by a good amount. Bring tie downs. Line up transportation. Go to HEB grocery store in Hondo before driving to Bandera.
  14. Thank you for that. I will begin the process next week on Wednesday. Fingers crossed.
  15. Hey Steve, nice set up on the web site. Good stuff.
  16. Let's see if this has a trouble shooting guide.
  17. Yes. The owner did say the heater needed fuel pressure. Thanks for the reminder.
  18. Can they be tested on the ground?
  19. I will get down to brass tacks soon. The owner asked me who overhauls them and that is the extent of my knowledge right now. I figured I could ask here on the forum and get direction. I think I will tackle it. How hard could it be? Hehe. Did I just say that? Thanks. Get back with you soon.
  20. Question please. Where does one send this kind of heater for overhaul? It has low hours on the Hobbs meter, less than 200, but the owner says "something " is not working and it won't turn on. It is out of Twin Turbo Comanche.
  21. Ha. No worries. I didn't know until it was brought up in the airport board meeting. It is a permission request of sorts. It is more a military thing than a private pilot thing I was told.
  22. Thank you for your efforts. I am very pleased.
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