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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. It is owned. Finally, the little piss-ant threeway toggle switch, something that looks like I could have found at Grainger, showed up. The damn hangar is opening again. Now the gears are grinding. Grrrrrrr
  2. Only some of the GPZ 750's were turbos and they were excluded. At the time, anything above 550 was a different class. I raced them all.
  3. My thoughts also. The popping was at the top side of the run up at 1800rpm.
  4. We called it SuperStock GPZ 550's GS 550's Seca's Etc. We could not do anything to the engine other than aftermarket air filters and tires. Curiously, you could use high octane fuel.
  5. I am not sure one way or the other. Time for me to do some research.
  6. I'm such a duffus. I got lazy, didn't do my research, and now will do double work becase of it. I discovered the A/P had one mag configured on all the bottom plugs and vice-versa. This resulted in the crossfiring several of you had mentioned. A little research (Thanks @LANCECASPER) shows me I swapped the wrong side of the engine. I switched 2&4 top to bottom where I should have done 1-3. Back to the hangar tomorrow but atleast it didn't backfire when we tested her.
  7. Yes. Everything has been trapped for two full weeks now. The motor did make noise when the tech's came out. Slightly perturbed but only just, because we probably could have caught the on/off switch problem if we were not so short sited and lacked thoughtfulness. Yucky capacitors, wonky motor, should have told us to keep poking.
  8. They sent the motor off and break to be rebuilt. got the assembly back last Friday. Put it on and it did not work They did some more tracing and found out. The actual switch on and off switch was bad. It is an old style switch that is not found everywhere. But they should be back today to install it. the saga continues.
  9. And I am still slightly unclear. The first click to the "R" position means we are grounding out the right mag and running solely on the left?
  10. Okay. Finally got the A/P cornered and I have pulled the cowl. The left mag has all four of the bottom plugs. The right mag has all the top plugs (obviously).
  11. No longer in business. I did call a company named Schweise. They were very helpful even though it is not one of their doors.
  12. The motor is turning, the door does "move" up, but I am talking millimeters here. We took off the capacitor cover. There are two capacitors and one is rusted through. Going to replace it as a matter of good practice. See if that helps.
  13. Good morning. What do you think could be the problem?: The symptoms are the door will not open, obviously. The movement "up" is at a snails pace, the chains barely moving. The motor is spinning and sounds normal. The "down" movement seems normal, but I am assuming that is because of the weight of the door itself. No mechanical grinding or obvious bad noises of any kind.
  14. I am pulling an MP gauge out of a Twin Comanche tomorrow. It is the twin needle style where the needles are marked "1" and "2." Who overhauls these? Thanks in advance.
  15. Okay, this a couple of towns East of KERV at 5C1 Boerne, but cool enough to post regardless. Nice Aerostar!!! Happy New Year Y'all!!!
  16. This is the size of the wheel?
  17. Merry Christmas to all. Headed to candle light service right now.
  18. No, I get it. The question put forth was why did they have a bad wrap..
  19. The consensus is; why? add anything to the wing that will slow the airplane from its intended purpose of efficiency while going fast.
  20. My Brother-in-law has a new to him Cessna 170. Smooth flying plane that I am crap at landing correctly, so far (tail wheel endorsement). The damn thing is a pain in the butt to hand pull/push into the hangar. I want to get him the correct tug. Advice would be appreciated. Thanks and Merry Christmas. David.
  21. Same here, but I bought the 99 octane from VP because I couldn't justify the price difference for the gains. GS-550-ES
  22. Correct. Only one mag. That is why I am skeptical of the A/P's reasoning. Engine runs smoothly in normal operation, or atleast it seems so. I do not hear any rouge detonation. Only pops on the first click during run up.
  23. The A/P who put it all back together is sticking to his guns and saying we need to adjust the carb saying it is too rich. Carb is new, less than 50hrs on it, FYI. My brain says if it is too rich, then it would make the popping regardless of the position of the mag check.
  24. Please expound if you don't mind.
  25. While testing our new cylinders on an O-320, 150hp Lycoming, the first click on the mag check the engine went pop pop pop, but did not drop rpm under acceptable levels. In fact, the rpm drop was just 75 or so. Second click was no popping with normal rpm drop. Is that a timing issue?
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