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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. Thank you for the info. It seems that's a two year program.
  2. Good evening. Here is my situation and question. I have sold all restaurants and other concerns. I now have time and money to actually fly where before I had zero time. I have found myself helping other owners working on their planes, doing what I can to help get the plane back in the air quicker. I have experienced first hand how much time is burned up waiting on A/P's to make progress on any and all given projects. I am not talking about waiting on parts. Waiting on the wheels to turn is like pulling teeth to me. Everybody has experienced this I am sure. That is the situation, now for the question. I have half a mind to go enroll in the Hallmark A/P 16 month course in San Antonio located at SAT. The other half of my mind says go ask for a job at Dugosh, be an apprentice and get real time GA experience while logging A/P hours. The end goal is, when I do get the flying club started at Kerrville and have more than one plane, the club will have a leg up on keeping the assets flying. That's what I envision at least. I am about to be 59 yrs old, my wife is supportive either way, though she likes the Dugosh path better. Which way would you go? Thanks David
  3. Probably not the issue, but some folks have found that their brake pads are installed backwards. Something to check.
  4. Congratulations on your retirement. Don't drive your wife too crazy. David.
  5. Hmmm. That has possibilities.
  6. I include hail damage.
  7. Not sure that would be capillary attraction more so than just a result of a vacuum. Not a scientist or mechanic. (for Anthony)
  8. Makes sense. Have a good trip.
  9. Thanks Andy. That response was above and beyond. Appreciate it.
  10. Isn't KWEA closest to Weatherford?
  11. I caught my error on cylinder #4, as you guessed. I did each cylinder individuallyand do not know if reassembled correctly.
  12. Thank you. Just to be clear, the rocker on the right in the picture above, with the large visible oil orifice is Intake. The rocker on the left with the tiny hole, is exhaust?
  13. I am not an engine builder, but I am mechanical enough to get in trouble. Which of these go on the exhaust side? I ASSUME the one with the larger oil hole goes to the exhaust side but I messed up. I was not paying enough attention when I pulled these off.
  14. More like a stowaway than a hijacker?
  15. The plane in question is too far away for a visual inspection unfortunately. Any numerical way?
  16. Please tell me how to know the difference between a wide deck or narrow deck engine? Yes I know "search" is your friend, but I like asking the group better. Thanks in advance.
  17. Oh yee of little faith. Never doubt the Casper!
  18. @Ed Cruz Hey there. Questions are being asked. Good luck.
  19. I think I'm going to go to an AP school so I can do my own work. Watching these guys work gives me anxiety. How many smoke breaks does one really need!!! Grrrrr
  20. We are about to put on two new cylinders and pistons from Aircraft Specialties, and re-use two original cylinders and pistons. The A/P says that there is no need to hone the existing cylinders, just put them both back on and without new rings either. When I was racing my four cylinder motorcycles, I would never had considered reusing rings and not honing the cylinders. Please advise. PS. Yes he has the big Lycoming rebuild book, for my reading please, but it makes my eyes cross with boredom.
  21. We have the Darters engine in pieces. We have everything ready to reassemble. The engine has 400 hrs on it. 150hp Lycoming. Don't know which model(sorry) This all started with a per-snickity A/P who stated the crank had corrosion, at the 100hr inspection. We were skeptical, and were proven correct getting the green light by Engine Specialties. The cam did not pass inspection though. Neither did the con rods. So here is the question. Would you take the time and monetary investment and send in the cases? Do what it takes to zero time the engine? What do you need to actually zero it out? Also, we have two new cylinders which we have decided to install. Thanks David
  22. Congratulations, and, my sympathy.
  23. Has anyone viewed the SpaceX rocket launch in South, TX? Where to park? South Padre too far? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks David
  24. What? No cup holders. Just kidding, obviously. Congratulations on a beautiful job.
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