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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. My only argument: ....... Cirrus seems to sell enough $800,000 airplanes.
  2. I did some snooping, and it seems that these numbers will jump this quarter. I hope that I wasn't just fed a line of poop.
  3. Cirrus continues to dominate the piston market, selling nearly a third of all piston airplanes in the first half of 2017, but the growth came from Cessna. In the first half of 2016, Cessna sold only 65 airplanes. That number is up to 90 this year, mostly from the 51 Cessna 172s the Kansas-based company delivered to their owners. Despite certification of the new Mooney M20U Ovation Ultra and M20V Acclaim Ultra earlier this year, the legendary Texas company was unable to ship a single airplane in Q2—down from 2 airplanes in Q1. Saw this snipitt and thought I would share.
  4. Welcome to the forum. Thanks for saying hello. How is the lake snow effect where you are located? Candidate for FIKI? let us know what your mission is. Are you 5'4" 140lbs or 6'3" 235? df?
  5. Oh snap. Can't have any of this...... I like my numbers in the Red Box. I love the way she sings when I have her there. Whew. Okay. Back to normal.
  6. Well Crud. What do I know? Thanks Lance.
  7. You took advice from @Piloto ???????? WOW Just kidding'
  8. Okay. got it. Take it to San Marcos. They have turned that shop around and have had great reviews. Okay, booked up I just read. Good luck. Wing it! No pre-buy! Buy and fly! have at it! Just kidding. D-Max then. Get a hold of him. DF
  9. If you are at KSAT, then Kerrville is a no brgainier.
  10. Welcome to the forum. Hope you stick around. Please post in the main board and introduce yourself.. df
  11. My only question is that of weight. In General terms, aren't Diesel engines heavier than their gas counterparts?
  12. Let's get down to Brass tacks. How wide are you at the shoulder? How wide is the person that is going to sit next to you, at the shoulder? The person sitting next to you, how much of the decision making process is that person? Did they fly in the Bo with you? Any Mooney will do what you are asking of it. Are you comfortable, is a relative question, not easily answered on a message board. I prefer the sports car feel and vibe that the Mooney has that most other GA four place certified's don't. It's personal. There are reasons Mooney's are more efficient and faster on less horsepower than its competitors. Those same reasons are also the source of popular misconceptions about the plane. It's time for you to find a ride.
  13. Todd. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will receive offers soon. Please tell us your mission and requirements. Give us a little information and it will go a long way. Thanks Df
  14. Welcome and thanks for lurking and signing up. We only have one fast rule.........Don't get on Marauder's bad side. If you have been lurking long enough, you know what I mean. There is no stupid questions no matter your experience. Please post often. df
  15. Hair is mandatory, knee optional.
  16. Welcome to the forum. Please take a moment and introduce yourself on the general page. Let's some of the guys take a shot, uh, I mean say hello.
  17. Welcome to the forum. Thanks for finding us. df
  18. Yeah, but does it have a @Piloto certified relief tube? Well does it?
  19. I may have missed you. Welcome to the forum. Thanks for finding us. Df
  20. With that UL, Why not?
  21. Look guys, we fooled another one....... welcome david
  22. OH come on!!!! That's not a onesie! Solid burn. Good one.
  23. Pictures taken at old Dugosh. 280 hp, correct?
  24. Simple. Don't show the wife the Bonanza. He he.
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