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Greg Ellis

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Everything posted by Greg Ellis

  1. On my C model, I use this Mooney Cabin Entry Door Seal. Mooney 3117-1, 912018-1, 912018-001, BA-189-139 (knots2u.net) It also says it will work for an M20R but not sure. It does seal well on my C model (I know, I know, it is not an R) but is a little more expensive than the stuff that @PT20J mentioned. They also sell an adhesive remover, Adhesive Remover from Knots 2U, that works pretty well but do not let it sit unused for a long time even if unopened because it will dry up. And they also sell the adhesive, Aircraft Door and Window Seal Adhesive by Knots 2U which you may find less expensive elsewhere.
  2. And you know this must be the right stuff when one of the reviews given, albeit in 2012, on the website was from Brian Kendrick (Modern Mooney Guru).
  3. @philiplane A question for you and I am serious with this. If you have too much fuel that is diluting the oil on the cylinder walls as you mentioned in your previous post, would fuel show up in the oil analysis? I am one that searched for help on cooling my CHT's. I have the doghouse style baffling that was replaced with a brand new one quite some time ago back when Airforms were making them for the older Mooneys. When installed the mechanics said it had tighter tolerances than original and fit perfectly. Anyways, I always struggled with high CHT's even after the new baffling. I went around and around until someone looked at my fuel flow and said that 15 gph was too low. So I went with the richer carb and got about 18 gph fuel flow and my CHT's never touch 400 even in the Texas summer (they come close though but no where near as high as before). I was one that as @Shadrach says, exhausted my efforts sealing baffles, etc...
  4. @Echo Congratulations. Enjoy your new plane. Just out of curiosity, what's under the red cover?
  5. Is that light required if the EDM 900 is installed on the pilot's side of the panel? Or is it only required when the EDM 900 is installed on the co-pilots side away from direct line of sight? Mine is still installed even though they moved the EDM 900 from the co-pilot to the pilot's side so I was just curious. Thanks.
  6. Check with LASAR. They list visors on their website, sold as a pair for $28.75.
  7. I saw an A&P clean the spark plugs with 100LL once. They came out pretty clean.
  8. Interesting to read. I like where they said the manual gear could be converted to electric for $700. How times change. And the Mustang came fully equipped except for radios.
  9. And, by all means, please don't ground anything.
  10. Interesting. I looked at my EDM 900 downloads and it varies but it ranges anywhere from just under 19 gph to just over 19 gph on my flights. I will have to double check everything.
  11. @C.J. I am getting 19 GPH on takeoff with the stock richer carburetor. There is no mention in my logs about a jet change. I do not have the power flow.
  12. It does not sound right but I hope for his sake at least it is in Knots because 115 mph would only be about 99 knots!!! 115 knots is at least 132 mph. Still way off for a J or even an A, B , C, D, E, F, or G.... Heck, that's Cessna 172 speeds!!!
  13. Just an aside note....is the only difference between the 930 and 900 is the size and the ability of the 900 to be mounted vertical?
  14. So, Marvel Schleber has two different carbs for the Lycoming O-360-A1D. I made the change from the 10-3878 to the 10-4164-1. The 10-3878 was only giving me about 15 GPH on takeoff, close to sea level, full throttle. The 10-4164-1 gives me 19 GPH on takeoff. I was told that it required the change of carbs and not just a jet change. I did this back in 2018.
  15. Just looked at page 2 of the AFM for my airplane. This is what JPI used when they adjusted the settings for my EDM 900. It states low pressure is 60, high pressure is 85 and of course green arc is from 60 - 85. So I am operating in the green arc but at the lower end so I will have all of what you mentioned checked out. Thanks.
  16. The oil pressure was on the EDM 900. It usually runs in the green anywhere from 64 - 67 in cruise. It dropped to the red which starts at 59 went down to 57 and fluctuated between the two. And as I mentioned in the original post, this happened on the first leg which was about 3.5 hours of 15 hours of flight time and it did not happen again.
  17. I have a 63 C model. I had a funny thing happen. Not haha funny but curious funny. I went to Oshkosh this year. Put a little over 15 hours on the plane to and from. The first leg was about 3.5 hours. When I was about 2-3 minutes out from landing, the oil pressure dropped to 59 then down to 57 and fluctuated between the two. I landed with no issues. I sat in the FBO for quite a while waiting to see how much oil I had in the airplane and to see if there were any issues. After waiting, the oil level was almost at 6 quarts but I knew that there was more in there because I only waited about 15 minutes before checking and the engine was still hot. The oil temp never went out of the green and the highest it got was around 190-195 on climb out and stayed anywhere from 179-185 throughout the flight. I put in an extra quart at my first stop just to be sure. I then flew another 2.5 hour leg and landed. Plane cooled off overnight and there was around 7 qts registered on the oil stick. So, my question is….Is there anything that can cause a fluke oil reading low in the red even though there is at least 6 qts in the plane? Anything I should be looking for, maybe a sign of something bad happening? Cylinder head temps were all good. Don’t think they ever went above 400 and stayed in the 360’s or so. I have not had a chance to send my JPI readings to Savvy yet but will probably do that on Monday.
  18. I have been using this tiedown kit for 8 Oshkosh's now. It has never failed me. The Claw Aircraft Tie Down | Aircraft Spruce The folks up at Oshkosh say to avoid the screw in type because they can back out in a good wind.
  19. I have one chrome and 3 steel. Never really has been an issue.
  20. This happens to me as well. The all begin to overlap when you fly often.
  21. I'm going on 3 weeks now I think.
  22. I'm not ashamed to say....I'm a little envious. I was always taught to not be envious of what someone else has but who cannot be a little envious of this....
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