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Everything posted by mooniac58

  1. It looks like we have an issue with this after the move to the new server. I have asked the tech guy to look into this for me.
  2. To my knowledge there is not an option like this. Every forum system I have ever used had the newest post at the end. I can search around and see if there is a hidden option for this ;-)
  3. Yeah I think you have to comply with the 50kb size for avatar images. You should be able to do this pretty easily by using any photo editing program and getting the dimensions shrunk to 150x150 or less - this would make any JPG under 50kb and it will be reduced anyways. I don't know why this system does not auto-shrink the avatar upload but for now this should get around it,
  4. Not sure on that one Flyboy. I have tested it in IE9 and it looks good. You might try flushing out your IE cache as well. IPBoard is such popular forum platform I would be surprised if it did not work with IE8...
  5. That is the one. I have the tech guy working on this now - we should have Tapatalk support by the end of the week
  6. I have not tried them yet but reading the reviews on the App Store it looked to have some issues. A friend of mine was just telling me the other day that there is some generic app for interacting with many common forum platforms - for the life of me I cannot remember which App it was though...
  7. I am guessing this is from some ISPs that are hanging on to some really old DNS data. If you were to try and access the old server you would get a 404 error - which would likely happen because your ISP is holding the old IP address (or even a local network router or computer in your house could cache this in theory). A check of this - if you open a DOS Prompt (Command) window and type in: "nslookup mooneyspace.com" it will tell you the IP address it thinks that is. It should be
  8. We are working on some things. Being the weekend it is slower than normal to get assistance. Hank, I am not sure about the auto-caps thing - are you using a mobile device on the site or something? Normal computer based browsers don't get auto caps that I know of.
  9. That is exactly why. Currently we have a 2GB limit on this host and are at 2.1GB. The new host is 30GB - should take us a while to grow into those pants! Cost was twice as much as what is paid now (plus $400 to buy the forum software outright) but the current host wanted more than that just to bump up to 5GB.
  10. Odd. Well, we are moving to a new server in the next few days I hope that will help.
  11. Yep, I have been told to be ready for about $450-$550 per hour operating costs - much of that from maintenance ($200 per hour or so on average). Not much of a choice left - my mission requires something that can haul 800lb+ of people/stuff with 900+ nm range. This is why I aim to keep the Mooney for those shorter company flights with just my business partner or short hops with the family, etc. You just can't beat the $120/hr operating cost of the M20 given its overall performance. From what I hear I will also be required by the insurance company to take an initial training course (~$8000) and an annual refresher (~$3000).
  12. For me a turboprop is just out of my price range. I can get a pressurized twin in this market for $200K - a pressurized turboprop single is $800K at least.
  13. I insure through Wells Fargo who put me with Global Aerospace. This might make you sick but this is what I pay for: Model: 1987 M20J Hull Value: $150,000 Pilot Total Time: 700 hrs Pilot Ratings: ASEL, Instrument Annual Premium (liability and hull): $1498 ($201 liability, $1297 hull). I was paying about $900 more per year with Avemco before this switch. Note that I was told NM is one of the cheapest states to insure aircraft plus I insure my business and $100,000 worth of flight simulators with the same master policy so I am likely getting some kind of break there. As I look to move to a cabin class pressurized twin I dread what the insurance companies might do to me!
  14. You have to view the user profile to see the gender on this forum.
  15. I routinely fly my normally aspirated J out of high airports being based in Santa Fe (6300 MSL) - it gets near 100 here in the summer and density altitude will be around 9,500-10,000. As has been mentioned here, takeoff distance is important to look at but you really need to consider your climb out - and consider that any turn you make will sacrifice your climb as you will sacrifice lift for the turn. If I am max gross weight on a 10,000ft density altitude I will climb out at 150fpm near Vx. That can be pretty damned scary if you have terrain to get away from - and a standard rate turn will easily stop your climb. My non-professional advice would be 1) take a mountain flying course 2) Don't take more fuel than you need, it is amazing how much 100-200lbs less weight can improve takeoff performance 3) wade into these things, don't just go by book numbers, load up to max gross and attempt to blast in and out of Leadville on a summer day ;-) I did the first 3 years of flying with my J in Hawaii with no airports over 2,700 feet I had a big shocker coming to be moving into the high desert mountains...after a few hundred hours out here I do finally feel like I am comfortable within the limitations of the aircraft as well as my own very padded safety margins.
  16. Carusoam - I also found that clicking that blue dot on the left of each item in New Content will drop you on the newest post. Much easier than what I described earlier ;-)
  17. Making a run to Raton, NM today :)

  18. I have removed this. Note that you were only seeing your own warnings (others could not see your warning numbers, etc). Thank you for the feedback!
  19. As soon as you click gallery at the top menu you should see an "upload" button (black) a the upper right. When you click this there are "select album" and "create album" buttons. As for linking photos from other places like photobucket, etc: I think you will just need to know the full URL of your image on photobucket. I don't use their site but I am guessing somewhere they give you the source URL. Just use the image button in the editor when posting and enter the URL to that image.
  20. As for PMs - I think you might have more than is allowed. I logged into your account yesterday and it did look like you had a lot of PMs. At this time we are maxed out on storage (working to increase this without spending $1000 per year as they seem to want). You might want to see if you can get rid of some of these. To see your PMs, just click on the envelope "mail" icon at the top. A smaller area will fly out - click on "view all messages" - from here there are some simple methods to delete mail. As for the new content, you can jump to the first unread message, with a little effort. If you hover over an item in the list you will see a little down arrow appear, click that and it will give you a preview of the topic. At the bottom of that preview you will see a link to view first unread post. Hope that helps!
  21. Ok, I think I fixed this. We still need a bigger hosting package - however the limits were not set right in the admin area for members. Now you should be able to upload photos. Note that each user currently has a 20MB limit. Soon I am going to break out all of the members that donated recently and give them higher limits (more PM storage, images, special title, etc). Thanks for letting me know about this!
  22. Hey all, I need to work with the hosting company to upgrade our package to a bigger one. Currently we have a 2GB limit and we are over that already. Once I have this up to 5GB we should be able to expand everyone's storage capacity.
  23. From the album: #mooniac58's album

    On the ramp in Salida, CO!
  24. My pleasure Mr Lyons. And thank *you* for creating the coolest GA retro-glass units in the world ;-)
  25. Wishing I were in the air!

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