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Everything posted by mooniac58

  1. Still waiting to hear from Tapatalk support on this. Their system said 3 days and with the holiday it could still be a couple days until I get assistance.
  2. Make sure you are logging in with "aviatoreb" and not "Aviatoreb" - for whatever reason the new version of the site is case-sensitive on login names. However you can now login with your email address as well if that helps. Let me know at admin@mooneyspace.com if you need more assistance.
  3. I believe the previous version had reputations too - you just had to go to a members profile to see it. I believe this comes from people "liking" your content, etc.
  4. I don't have code level control of the software but I will pass on this suggestion to the IpBoard dev people. Thanks!
  5. Nothing I can do on my end to control this. Sorry
  6. Well, it looks like the Tapatalk integration is not perfect yet. You can see trending topics and the timeline but for whatever reason you can no longer see the list of subforums for the site. I have a support ticket in with Tapatalk to try and get this fixed. Thanks for your patience!
  7. Ok, Tapatalk support should now be live. Mooneymite - the only thing I can see on my android phone in the chrome browser is if you click the "3 bar" icon in the top right then "More" and then activity stream you will get all the latest content.
  8. Thanks all. I know change can be hard but this should be a much better version for mobile and new features.
  9. Hello all! We have successfully installed the new 4.0 version of the forum software. Some things are still working in the background to complete the migration and this might even take a couple days. Some notes: 1) We seem to have lost the home page layout. I will look into getting this restored but it might cost some $$$ to get a developer in to do it. 2) Usernames seem to now be case sensitive. I always logged in as Mooniac58 and could not login until I realized my official username was "mooniac58" in all lowercase. If you can't login - this is likely a problem. 3) I am still working on upgrading Tapatalk to work with 4.0 so this could be a day or two as well. If you see anything else please let me know. Thanks!
  10. I am still in a holding pattern waiting to upgrade the new 4.0 version of this forum which will likely fix all this and chance a lot of the interface. The last time I tried to do it we had to reset to the last backup and lose 12+ hours of data. I am hoping to set aside the time this weekend to try it again after the folks at Invision claim to have corrected the thing that caused the failed upgrade.
  11. Is this using the Tapatalk app or the regular web interface?
  12. I have done this in a 1.5 T hangar like you describe as well as my new 60x60 square hangar. The first one cost me about $4800 using a local company and the big hangar ran about $10,000 which was actually about 2850 sq ft because I build offices into the back of the hangar that did not get epoxy. This was using a local company that does garage floor coatings. If you want it to look perfect and uniform you might not want to try this yourself. It is awesome once done though - everything cleans up easy and I also had them add some high tech heat barrier compound that was like another $400 that acts as insulation for the floor (the hangar is heated and insulated as well). In the new hangar I went with a "full chip" coat which gives it really great texture (at the downfall of being a little harder to clean out marks and oil, etc). I like this compared to my first slick floor because if you come in with wet feel you are likely to wind up on your butt pretty soon. Attached are pics of the new hangar floor. You can see it kind of has a "sandy" look to it. It was done about 2 years ago and still looks good.
  13. Please email me at admin [@] mooneyspace.com and tell me the email addresses that your main account could be under
  14. I have changed the defaults to 25 positive events and 5 negative ones per day (was 10/1 before).
  15. This is from other users rating one another. You earn reputation when people rate your profile or "like" your posts and other contributions.
  16. Hard to believe a commercial rated IFR pilot with 700+ hours would do such a thing. Crazy
  17. My J was a 1987 actually. Sold to a nice Dr in Texas by the name of Chip. Boy how I do miss her though!
  18. Thank you all for the support so far - much appreciated!
  19. Hello everyone! The coffers are getting a little low for the Mooneyspace site - while we do tend to get a random donation here and there which really helps out - since the big drive we did a couple years back we have slowly been slipping on the funds to keep the site online. Currently we have enough money to run the site for about 2 months. Whatever you can give will be a huge help! Just click on the Donate banner or THIS LINK (obviously if you have donated this year disregard this request and thank you for the support!) Thank you for your help!
  20. Hello all, I have created a new forum just for our EU mooniacs! Thanks to our member Awqward for the suggestion! You can link to it here: http://mooneyspace.com/forum/18-european-mooney-pilots/
  21. Ok, I have tripled the allowed storage to 150MB. Enjoy!
  22. For what it is worth I have frozen feet in my Malibu Mirage this time of year in the FLs. No air leaks (pressure shell) but it is just hard to overcome all that cold around the aircraft. The Mirage has an electric aux heater that helps (basically a hair dryer rigged into the defog blower that pulls 40A). My instructor advised me on very cold days to place an electric heater in the cabin the night before. He said that starting with the interior of the aircraft pre-warmed will help you from getting too far behind things...trying to warm up a cold soaked airplane is a harder battle. Looking forward to warmer months for sure!
  23. My dream ship! The jump from the Mooney to the Mirage was perhaps 1/3 of the way there
  24. mooniac58

    IMG 0276

    I have - some of the prettiest scenery I have ever seen from the air!
  25. Yeah, I LOVE this feature! Out of the 4 flight plans I have filed with this feature I have been given exactly what the FF alert said I would.
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