I have done this in a 1.5 T hangar like you describe as well as my new 60x60 square hangar. The first one cost me about $4800 using a local company and the big hangar ran about $10,000 which was actually about 2850 sq ft because I build offices into the back of the hangar that did not get epoxy. This was using a local company that does garage floor coatings. If you want it to look perfect and uniform you might not want to try this yourself.
It is awesome once done though - everything cleans up easy and I also had them add some high tech heat barrier compound that was like another $400 that acts as insulation for the floor (the hangar is heated and insulated as well).
In the new hangar I went with a "full chip" coat which gives it really great texture (at the downfall of being a little harder to clean out marks and oil, etc). I like this compared to my first slick floor because if you come in with wet feel you are likely to wind up on your butt pretty soon.
Attached are pics of the new hangar floor. You can see it kind of has a "sandy" look to it. It was done about 2 years ago and still looks good.