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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. The Medeco locks from Aircraft Security use the flat key locks, not the round keys. How many baggage doors have actually departed the aircraft? I keep hearing about the UK one, but only that one. And if others departed, did any wrap around the stab like the UK one?
  2. The first two STCs sold to the public were to Mooney owners. I have STC 0006. The first 5 were part of the site testing. 0001 went to American Bonanza Society.
  3. Tell GAMI, they won't sell me a set.
  4. Yes they do. And for the new AD the expect that the rod bushing inspection is 1 hour. Hmmm, maybe if the rod is out of the engine.
  5. Also, like someone else mentioned, with the single bolt, there is slack for the tension side to not stop the jack from tipping.
  6. I'm not in CA, but I bought mine before you bought yours.
  7. Race tires harden due to heat cycles. Rarely do they last long enough to be effected by O2. No racers I know store their tires deflated. Hard to do when they are on the car.
  8. My M20K came without a belly beacon. I had one added. For this purpose. Plus, it is a warning to people around that the aircraft is hot and that the prop may start turning at any time.
  9. Just going by what JP at GAMI said when he got my data. You have looked at the same data.
  10. My plane no longer uses a key to start, so that doesn't work for me. I used to do that though.
  11. Actually, I really don't like the flat straps with a bend to stabilize anything. NO stability in compression
  12. I put them on my M20K 252. LOVE them. When I had my avionics done, I had the shop install a wire to synch the strobes. While studies say that random is better, I like them flashing all at the same time. I also had the run a wire to the tail for the tail nav light. My plane has the wingtip rear nav lights.
  13. Insurance will not cover the actuator, but will cover the damage from the gear up. They will not cover the cam and lifters failing, but will cover the damage related to the engine failure.
  14. I am planning on doing the windows sometime soon. They are a bit cloudy. I will go with the Solar Gray on the windshield and the forward windows. I will go with Dark Gray for the rear windows.
  15. G100UL STC is for both the engine and the airframe. It two parts. It is approved for ALL piston aircraft engines and ALL fixed wing airframes. Helicopters are not yet approved. They were supposed to be over the past summer, but as usual, some paperwork/bureaucracy issues slowed things down. Some of the potential competing products may not work in all aircraft/engines. Valve recession was with Swift UL94, NOT GAMI G100UL. GAMI did some testing of some theories and were able to duplicate a similar issue with 94 octane fuel. UND was running their engines at around 75% at peak EGT, so about the worse operating for your engine. GAMI has done a LOT of testing in aircraft and their test stand. Lots of different engines. Over many years of flying. You are not a beta tester.
  16. I have seen several airports with that exact same fuel truck.
  17. In installed an LED one for that reason. Also warning to people around that the prop may start moving at any time.
  18. Not sure where it goes to first, but it is controllable from the G3X. I have to ask my avionics shop
  19. Closer to you, but not me. And not cheap enough to make the trip. Burn 20 gallons round trip to save 53 cents per gallon.
  20. Upgrade to GTN navigators and it gets even better. Some guys on Beech Talk have experimented with 0-0 landings using the synthetic vision.
  21. Actually G100UL opens up the possibility of MORE competition. GAMI does not make and sell fuel. They license the formula and right to make it. Since there is no handling of TEL, ANY refinery can make G100UL. Heck, you would get a license and a big blending tank and make it yourself. No need for dedicated blending and piping. No dedicated trucks. AVGAS already has a higher profit margin than MOGAS, so other refineries are likely to start making it.
  22. How many Mooneys are still under warranty? Or any GA piston aircraft? And since the FAA approved the fuel, it would be interesting to see how the manufacturer voids the warranty without data showing that the failure is due to the fuel. What STC issues? There is no way for the FAA to waive a magic wand and make it legal without an STC. You need to do an STC to modify the requirements in the TDCS.
  23. Lycoming already has a Service Instruction that allows you to double the oil change interval up to 100 hours with UL fuel. Plugs should also last longer. Less chance of sticking valves. Lots of good things.
  24. Maybe they were running shorter props. You do loose prop efficiency with the tips supersonic, but the big deal is the noise level goes up a LOT
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