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Sue Bon

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Everything posted by Sue Bon

  1. I had mine installed December 2020. I will get the G5 HSI and GFC 500 this December. I love mine. Zero problems (not on the recall list, though).
  2. I love weather like that. Here in Switzerland, it's called "hochnebel" or high fog. Breaking out on top is just magical What is void time?
  3. No, unfortunately not. As good an excuse as any to go back
  4. Same here. I spent a long time trying to decide between HaHa and Like..... I learned something today, and that is always a good thing
  5. Cool. There's still lots of time. No pressure. If I don't hear anything by next Spring, I'll revive this thread to see what happens
  6. I don't need J experience! I have that. I know my airplane. I need someone who can help me navigate summer weather at lower altitudes (FL 80 - FL 100). I just need help with all that goes on outside.... Plus, it's nice to share cool experiences with other Mooniacs. There aren't so many over here....
  7. So... I'm looking for a safety pilot... A good friend of mine is going to the midsummer rally in Sweden next year. I met him in Sweden last year for some other car-related event and he wants to meet again next year for this. Here is the link from this year. I can only expect that the dates will be similar. https://www.midnattssolsrallyt.com/content/en/index.php The flights would be from Switzerland (LSZG) to Sweden (ESSB) and then back home, staying in Sweden for a week or so (scenic flights totally possible). I know that Americans don't have the luxury of long summer holidays like we have here in Europe, so I'm not optimistic about someone joining me for the entire time, but maybe someone would be interested in flying to Stockholm with me, or maybe meeting me in Stockholm and flying back home. I have all the experience necessary for flying in Europe, so that is not a factor. Where you can help me is weather. I can't climb that high (unless @EricJ comes and shows me how to climb to FL170 in my J), but it is flat, flat, flat between CH and S. In the best case, there is high pressure all over Europe... happy days. In the worst case, you help me navigate thunderstorms, CBs, and/or landing in gusty, rainy crosswinds. There is room for a +1. If any of you are interested in maybe coming out here next summer for a week or two of cool Mooney flying at only the cost of a normal European holiday, please hit me up.
  8. Shhhh.... don't tell @Ragsf15e He'll out-cool me with a few keystrokes....
  9. I will be chasing that high for a while
  10. You should swing down to Switzerland for a few days. You can log some international flight hours with me in my J (Note: I don't think you can fly PIC with an FAA license, but that is just a detail...)
  11. You can also look at planecheck.com for the European market.
  12. I love flying in Europe! The regulations are SOP, so I guess I don't know any other way to do it. It is spectacular. Expensive, yes, but IFR flights going country to country is usually super easy and the experiences are amazing.
  13. Awesome!
  14. May I ask why this is a thing in the US? I've been rerouted, but only in CH and only on routes that I know well. I think the controllers know that I know the two airways that they might interchange for me. I've never gotten multiple new waypoints on a filed flight plan, especially while already airborne. I've been dreaming about flying in the US, but now you guys are making me nervous.
  15. I actually found the story funnier from the other side. Imagine scrambling US fighter jets to force down a Cessna, only to find out that it's Cutie McHandsome from Canada (Not that our presidents are as important as that....)
  16. Yes. For sure. When I am flying in France, I am always in the minority on the frequency with a HB registration. If they get four out of the five letters, with, most importantly HB, I would definitely ask if they are calling me.
  17. As a bit of comic relief, I thought you guys might appreciate this. Especially you active and ex-military pilots. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/switzerland-s-alain-berset-is-no-teflon-man/47783698?utm_campaign=teaser-in-channel&utm_source=swissinfoch&utm_medium=display&utm_content=o TL;DR We have seven presidents in Switzerland. In July, our most scandal ridden one was forced to land by French fighter pilots for flying into restricted French military airspace. He rented a Cessna from a local airfield and was on his way to western France.
  18. Go J!! Congrats. Beautiful airplane. I bought my J about a month before finishing my PPL. It was intimidating at first, but so exciting.... I'm still excited six years later
  19. Mooney of the Month? One more try....
  20. It feels like it! Portugal is next forecast is up to 36C, but we will see....
  21. I'm so glad you asked this question! FYI, I just had a couple of hot starts in Spain at 32C+ weather after shutdowns that were between 30 min and 1.5 hours. I tried all the tips I learned here: opening cowl flaps during descent, opening oil door on the ground during shutdown, not too much throttle during the start. I had the boost pump on, but didn't touch the mixture until starting. My engine started right up without any fuss to maintain the desired rpm. No problems at all. Thanks a lot for all your help on this. It was a timely thread for me.
  22. Hello from Gibraltar! I can't believe this all worked out. In Swiss German this was what's called a Mwurks - like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole through asking, begging, coercing, forcing... I got so lucky! Of the five available parking spots, EasyJet and British Airways are taking four. At the very last minute (one hour before arrival from an airport one hour away) they let me have the fifth and then said, "Well, your plane is so small. If we have to, we can just move it somewhere."
  23. I'm heading out tomorrow on a two-day mission to Gibraltar. During the trip there and back home, I will have fuel stops in very hot places, and for varying amounts of time. I will check for a click and try starting at less throttle than usual. Thanks for the tips!
  24. Yes, I agree. The thing about the hot start for me is that my throttle is relatively open, almost half way. As soon as the engine catches and I go to full rich I have to be mindful to pull back on the throttle to not let the rpms go wild. I was taught 1100 but I'm not at all saying I meet that number every time. With a cold start, the throttle is not as open so it's easier to coax the engine to the 1000-1200 sweet spot.
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