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Everything posted by redbaron1982

  1. wait, what? The manufacturing process included manually drilling holes. Sure, it would require some investment in CNC machines, but that process can be 100% automated. Same as cutting metal, if laser is not possible due to micro-fractures caused by localized heating, I guess a water jet could be used. Same with wiring, I guess a glass panel has less wiring (data bus vs discrete IO), and the wire harness manufacturing can be automated 100%.
  2. 9000 hours per airplane (4.5 men years), seems awfully large amount. I'm sure that even with the Mooney old design that number can be significantly reduced.
  3. Maybe getting into the UAV market? Not quadrotors but fixed-wing unmanned aircrafts?
  4. I would take three steps (I have no idea so that they might be completely non-sense): Focusing on servicing the existing fleet could make the company profitable again. If the market is not large enough with just Mooneys, we could even consider extending support for other makes, like Cessna. Design a killer trainer aircraft, assuming the greatest demand for small single-piston engine airplanes is on the pilot training market. With a profitable production line running, I would design the new M20J/K. Basically one airframe, with turbo and non turbo versions. I would make sure to offer a jet-a piston engine in all the airframes.
  5. It seems that KSGR rode the hurricane without much damage. Even the few airplanes that were left on the ramp look ok. The airport has power too.
  6. Maybe Alternate Gothic? G, R, and K matches. Also M.
  7. If you get a good picture with the text not skewed and not rotated, you could try to use https://www.fontspring.com/matcherator. If you want, send me a better picture, and I can run it through that app to see if there is a better match.
  8. That's true, how about this one:
  9. Looks similar to ETA switches, the font is "din 1451 mittelschrift std"
  10. I left mine in KSGR I guess it is not going to be that bad.
  11. That doesn't mean that is the right thing to do. I hate when I see us evolving into a society where nobody wants to get involved just to avoid being liable.
  12. I like my 1985 201 LM, is not one of the options though...
  13. Usually you have better chances by starting a new post than commenting on an existing one, even more, if the question is unrelated. I was not trying to be a PITA, just helping you out getting more/better answers.
  14. I expect he is going to get a very personalized insurance premium.... I don't want to pay for his mishaps!
  15. Hey @Non-Mooneyguy, IĀ“d suggest starting a new thread. This thread is for IO-360 (converting from dual mag to regular to single mags). Your post seems to be about the IO-540.
  16. My design has the text engraved and filled with black paint. I found it to be the best way to have sharp and well defined text. I'm using a resin 3d print, the resolution is much greater. With a regular filament 3d print I agree that is not good to make the text engraved. I'm going to (well, my wife actually) do the Klixon. They should be ready by August.
  17. Did you check your fuses? Are they all in? Anyone popped?
  18. Is the electric trim working if you use the trim switches in the yoke?
  19. I can do a full 360, stopping at each cardinal point, and getting correct readings while in free gyro mode, while in slave mode I get incorrect readings. I'm quite sure the issue is with the slaving rather than the gyro. Now, wether if it is just a calibration issue or a component failing, or in the latter, which component is failing, I don't know.
  20. When in free gyro the heading seems to work fine. That wouldn't rule out the KG102?
  21. Thanks, Jake! I did the procedure today and I got N/S perfectly aligned, E was already ok, but when I tried to do W the pot was already all the way to the side I needed to turn it. So I was not able to align W. I guess the next step would be to do the average of all errors and rotate the KMT 112 and re-do the KA 51A calibration. Is that correct? My second question is, how the **** I get to the tail to rotate the KMT?! I donĀ“t see any access panel nearby. Am I supposed to crowl from the avionics bay down the tail cone to reach the KMT 112?
  22. The font size can be changed, for sure. The angle of the picture is what makes it look different, I measured the size of the font and is within 0.1mm of the original font size.
  23. This is how they are looking now. I'm finishing my first batch this weekend. The covers I'll have are: * NAV LITE * RADIO MASTER * PITOT HEAT * ELEV TRIM * BOOST PUMP * LDG LITE * RECOG LITE * STROBE LITE * PROP DE ICE I can do Klixon too. What I cannot do now are the split ones, like L and R ldg lite. Basically because I don't have an original cover to copy from.
  24. I have own the airplane for 2+ years now and AFAIK it was never calibrated. Thanks for the advise, I'm going to look first around Houston and if I don't find anything I'll send it to them or Bevan.
  25. I've noticed in the last weeks that my HSI is not aligned with the mag compass. The HSI is a BK KI 525A. The HDG flag is out of view and slaving is active. I flew different headings and the difference is not always the same, seems to be worse flying west (+15 degrees diff with compass), a little bit better (+7) on north/south headings and finally flying east there is not difference between the HSI heading and the mag compass. I was flying straight and level. Also, looking at the track in FF, I would tend to agree that the mag compass is reading correctly and the issue is with the HSI. Any idea what can be causing this?
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