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Everything posted by redbaron1982

  1. METAR in KTME (8NM NW) and KSGR (10NM SE) indicated winds at ~8Kt NNE. For 17 it would be a ~6KT tailwind, not much. Although on his way back to the airport he would have the wind almost 100% from the tail.
  2. I live literally 2 minutes from the airport. By the picture of airplane I'm he landed south of the airport. So for me it makes sense that he overran the runway. Also, ADSBExchange shows 350ft over the Walmart, which is way to high to land 17. I always think "hey, this airport should move somewhere" but then I remember that the airpor was here before all the urbanization around it. Anyway, the airport property is too small around the runway. The threshold of 17 is literally on the perimeter of the airport. The airplanes landing 17 fly over the Westpark tollway at around 25ft. The powerlines (the regular, small ones) that are on the other side of the westpark tollway (1093) need to go underground to clear the path of landing aircrafts. To the north there is literally nowhere to go if you have an engine failure at say 200ft.
  3. I'm not going to get into the legal aspects of your question, I'm not an expert. I'm sure that the "return to service" after removing the AP must be signed off by an AP. But going to the more technical stuff, the hose you're referring to, has the static pressure used by the altimeter, VSI, and airspeed indicator. If the hose is left open, it is like having the alt static port open, the effect would be a higher altitude indication and a lower airspeed indication. To what extent, I'm not sure. So, the short answer, yes, that "hose" should be terminated so the static pressure in the pitot-static system is not affected.
  4. TapeCase 1" wide 423-3 UHMW is the one I got, I hope it works well.
  5. Thanks all for all the info and especially to @0TreeLemur and @StevenL757 for kindly offering to ship some tapes for free! I will get some UHMW generic tape and see how it goes. Owning a Mooney is not just owning the best GA airplane (at least the best value you can get!), but also being part of the best GA community!
  6. Do you happen to have the Scotch product code? I tried to find it and I couldn't.
  7. Hi, I couple of months ago I did some cosmetic maintenance on my front landing gear doors and replaced the anti-chafing tape (one that was white and looked made of a material similar to fiber glass) with a black 3M tape that is supposed to be the correct one, but after the last flight I notice that it was kind of "burnt", as when you expose a tape to high temp and it shrinks/wrinkles. I'm quite sure that this was to not handling the friction between the parts well. Which is the best anti-chafing tape I could use? I'd like to find out what is the brand of the white one I used to have.
  8. I live in South Texas, shipped Jake the unit for him to repair, and then installed it back. You just need to have an AP that can sign off this in the logbooks.
  9. I had some intermittent issues with my KFC 150 and @Jake@BevanAviation helped me troubleshooting it, and after isolating the issue to the flight computer itself, repairing it. As an additional data point, the previous owner went through 3 shops trying to fix the issue without success, and Jake was able to fix it and haven't failed again. BTW: In my case I also discovered that the avionics fan was not working, so I think the failure mode was: avionics fan broke, the KFC 150 ran for some months without any cooling until something started acting funny. This is to say, check that your avionics fan is working properly.
  10. My only experience is with a 3-blade M20J; it is not difficult at all. I do it by myself most of the time. I don't know how to describe the process, but is not hard. The prop has one blade pointing up. The cowl flexes a bit as I do this process, but that's about it. It doesn't hit any blades or anything.
  11. It's wood treated with resin, as far I known.
  12. This is what I found in the operations and install manual for the prop is: 6.8.3. Small crosswise paintcracks in blade surface Crosswise paintcracks are just cosmetic and no reason for repair. In any case, monitor those cracks for possible change. In case of coubt (sic) contact manufacturer. My understanding is that is something not worry about, but I would like to have another's opinion.
  13. Today doing my preflight inspection I found this? The prop is a 3 blade MT. Is for years old. I know at some point I will have to refinish it, it has some paint chipping on the tips. But my question is: how likely is for the crack line in the picture to be anything more than just the paint/finishing? Is it safe to fly it like this? I'd assume that such a crack would have made the blade to fail if it was anything more than just paint. But I need some experts opinion. Thanks!
  14. Did you find out what was going on? Do you mind sharing what the issue was?
  15. AFAIK, Mooney has not STC´d Mogas for any model. Lycoming specifically says that to legally fly with Mogas the Airframe has to be STC´d. Oh, and one often overlooked data point: the mogas that you can use in some aircrafts has to be Ethanol free.
  16. I'm amazed that even after a not very polite first message you got very good answers. That's great proof that this forum is full of people trying to help, no matter what. BTW, am I the only one that think this account sounds like a bot and not a real person?
  17. Regarding owner-assisted annuals, can anyone recommend a shop/IA in the Houston area that is okay with it? For my last (kind of first) annual, I tried to go this route, but all the shops that Savvy contacted were not open to get the owner to help with the annual.
  18. I think your numbers are not bad at all. Getting the same numbers as in the POH means a perfectly rigged airplane, an engine that is producing full rated power, new/smooth paint, etc. Also, my understanding is that 3 blades are quieter and have better climb performance, but slower cruise. Finally, being light doesn't mean faster. Most likely your CG was closer to the fwd limit which means the elevator needs to generate more lift to keep the nose up, which means more drag.
  19. That's what I did: PPL + IR on a warrior (with a few hours on a 182T for the hp endorsement). From there, straight to the M20J, I completed my complex endorsement as part of the transition training.
  20. I remember how exhausted I was after every lesson during my ppl training, and much worse with the checkride! Congrats! And as others have mentioned, this is more a license to learn solo than a certificate of proficiency.
  21. Based on my own personal experience, corrosion, corrosion, corrosion. A corrosion free airplane with an engine that doesn't have hidden problems (oil analysis, borescope, compression test), can't give you in my opinion a lot of bad surprises. I'm a new owner, so don't have a ton of experience, but the experience I have has been quite painful.
  22. What about turning the fuel valve to the shut-off position and the master switch off? I guess landing in "almost" one piece is key, but it is also as important not to burn to death after landing.
  23. They said at 210kt is 1.5lb... doesn´t sound much.
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