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Justin Schmidt

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Everything posted by Justin Schmidt

  1. Chevron caused the entire Trent problem and for it to rise to where it is. If the founders knew what would happen to the bureaucratic side, there would have been an additional section of The Constitution to stamp out. In the last 100 years most of congressional authority has been given to the executive and in turn to the alphabet agencies and their state clones. I for one see only good things coming from it and getting back to the intent of The Constitution
  2. Some of us shorter stature guys sit very forward, really close to the yoke makes it difficult to maneuver or see it. I can imagine the keg guys have this issue too. I would say make sure your boost pump is on and try and get it within 4 seconds. If it does it even on a fast switch, there maybe air in the system or small clog somewhere
  3. Depends on if it is a Boeing
  4. The day I sell is the day someone is putting me in a box. I have specific instructions in my will about my plane. I fly 10-20 hrs a month so I opt for 45-50 hr oil changes. Oil is pretty clean at that time.
  5. Hand them a parachut
  6. I never see anything out of my separator. I put in 7qts + camguard. Burn 1 qt every 10 hrs
  7. Let's define old... If you use ellipsis
  8. The first rule about hanger elves is you don't talk about hanger elves
  9. Additionally, adhere to all regulations pertaining to planes for hire.
  10. I do not know him
  11. I'm also out of I69 75 F model
  12. One must be able to understand labor, overhead, and business financials.
  13. Didn't this happen a long time ago
  14. What if your CHTs are only mid to high 200s, max 320s in a climb with cowl flap closed. Been keeping power in 70%s.
  15. I never remove cowling (side only)...hook up hose to quick drain and out the cowl flap
  16. The shaft in the switch was corroded pretty badly. Just broke when pulling out
  17. I have anecdotal experience with this (not a crash but damn near it). When I first got my F, I was still a student with 20 hours. Taking off, first flight with this CFI (80s with many thousands of hrs) the gear switch broke, didn't move the gear, still verified the mechanical lock. He freaked out took control from me, I initially, said no I have it, it isn't an emergency. I relented as he kept taking control. He took us 300 FEET AGL MAX around the pattern with the stall warning BLARING. There was no reason for that. I say age and experience cannot say how good or bad someone is in an area only their behavior/actions. Insurance companies do need to go off something though. I did find a great CFI to do my training He lost it up there...hopefully, he turned in his wings
  18. Don't know about you but I am poor BECAUSE I own a plane...100% of nothing is still nothing lol
  19. Probably, the same shop west houston that worked on my plane (previous owner) and pencil whipped an annual when I bought it
  20. Threadlocker is not recommended for plastics. It will cause stress cracks. Mine does not come loose unless one fiddles with it. If yours is I would just throw a little scotch tape on it or place it in a plastic bag, Loctite also has a 425 plastic, I would still be wary of using it as that dial and shaft is very fragile.
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