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Justin Schmidt

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Everything posted by Justin Schmidt

  1. For me, it is height. I sit 3 sometimes 4 notches from front even with 3" pedal extenders (I am 5'5"). Thus, my body is close to the yoke and no room to bend down.
  2. I too made mine out of PVC, Additionally, I notched it so it would only go over the selector in the direction the selector is. Then put an elbow on top to point in that direction. completely idiot proof.
  3. I forgot to reset my totalizer once, I refuled (ended up more than I needed) at OSH and that was an interesting climb.
  4. ME I NEED my Mooney, you truly don't understand until you are down for 6 months and counting for OH (Not all from OH, started with work in the Avionics then Annual then turned to an OH
  5. Options, it gives us options! I enjoy very long legs, flying is a high I don't want to come down from...because I have to then see people haha!
  6. But I thought it was suppose to be fun to fly right behind and below an A380
  7. I live in Eastgate, based out of Clermont. Currently, my Mooney is down for Overhaul but hoping by July.
  8. That is almost exactly what happened to me. For my issue it ended up being a broken wire at the crimp at the connector of field wire and alternator. I would check all connectors.
  9. @Mooney RI There is a C at SFZ...I have an F at SFZ. Was there another question in there?
  10. Have a look at the Field Wire connector on the alternator. They get old and brittle, happened on mine.
  11. You should figure out why you have and find out how to address each one. Doing a root cause on them.
  12. Interesting, I will have to test one. I have never seen a paper filter not be destroyed by using compressed air.
  13. Why because it is a real thing where people try and scare new owners/new pilots from entering the market, getting their own plane and learning in it. I had no less then 10 older pilots 6 being Mooney pilots that it is a horrible idea to learn in a Mooney, that I won't learn how to fly, that I will die such and such. I say it how it is, if you don't like it tough. I rather help others that are looking into this than worry about feelings of nay-Sayers
  14. Don't clean filters with compressed air. For rechargeable filters that is how you damage the filter and will not work properly; can get filter oil going through. Non rechargeable will damage the pleats and you should change anyway,
  15. I bought my '75 M20F with about 20 hrs just before soloing in a Cherokee. Yes, insurance is an issue so I would get a quote first. Mine is a fairly well equipped bird with an Aspen and such so knew I wouldn't have to upgrade much. With that said had some downtime with some issues such as to starting vibrator. However, if you have the means and you are up for ownership, why not, long run will save you money and you will learn YOUR plane better and be a safer pilot. Now to make some mad...I have seen many that are real opinionated on not doing it are either mad because a younger, less experience pilot can get a bird or some weird elitist that thinks only a high time pilot deserves a plane.
  16. Depends who gets sued...The other insurance company or the person. For a person you can actually file for garnishments as well as other ways. The issue is they then usually quit working. I sued a guys insurance company (his fault) for repairs to my car they were refusing to repair.
  17. It is why insurance fraud is becoming very common. Someone cut you off and slam on their brakes. I now have 2 dash cams for that reason.
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