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Everything posted by haymak3r

  1. For what its worth. My belt is this: on a 79 J
  2. I know this is an old thread, but wanted to close this out, and say that my mechanic, and I troubleshooted the fluctuating FP yesterday while the plane is in for it's annual inspection. Turns out that there is something in the pigtail that we received from the Garmin install kit for the FP sensor. not the connector, but something a few inches up IN the wiring. While the elec pump is on, if we squeeze/pinch the wiring there, or bend it, the FP spikes all over the place. It seems like a defect in the wiring somehow? Most likely the normal engine vibration during flight has been vibrating the wiring enough that it was causing the noise. Contacting Garmin today to see if we can get a replacement pigtail for that sensor. So strange. But happy to find the root cause.
  3. I have the DG out of my J if you are needing one. Plus a BK CDI.
  4. Can you give us a little more here? When does this happen would be a great start. Is your plane new to you? How long has this been happening?
  5. I saw some fine wire's the other day at my mechanic's shop. How in the world do those little tiny ground straps not burn away over time lol.
  6. I would absolutely love to give this a try sometime.
  7. I have tried /sigh. I trained with all the original instruments, and so memorized everything in mph.. So when I had the g5's and everything else installed, I DID have GS in mph, and my oat in deg. F. But, flight planning wasn't as easy, and so it's easier for me at least to have GS in kts, and my temp in deg. C. I also am still stuck with my paper checklists. Even though I have already created digital ones for both my gtn 750, and in foreflight lol.
  8. I was trying. it was not a very small change in just a slight rotation of the control. Not like down lower. I definitely want to try this again, and this time file a plan to get in to the flight levels. This was a just for fun experiment, so didn't bother. It was a good learning opportunity though.
  9. I went to the cht/egt page and monitored. They are there, just not reading on the main screen. They are a few hundred degrees cooler than the other 2 cylinders. in the 900's. I messed up and forgot to bring the USB drive home so I could throw this flight in to savvy's site. I will certainly try to remember to bring it home next time I am at the plane. I have a Mountain High o2 system in the plane, and usually use it anytime I am above 8000ft. I was definitely using it, and monitored my o2 frequently. I had it set at 18k ft, and my o2 was 91-95%. The biggest issue I find myself in is remembering to breath in through my nose. And to take full breaths in. Hopefully that makes sense. I have noticed that if not being on oxygen around 11,500, that I start feeling the effects. I get a euphoric feeling. or slight dizziness? This has happened a couple times, and so basically have o2 with me all the time now. no reason to risk it.
  10. Not Fair! Interesting! My mag was overhauled back in April during my annual as it was up for inspection. Didn't consider that spark could come in to play here. I do run LOP as much as possible, so may consider fine wire plugs if they work better. Will look into this further. Thanks! HA! The clouds looked WAY down there, that's for sure. It is quite the difference between my normal cruise alt around 10-12. Not sure why, but it made a diff. Time wise was about 33 minutes +/- a minute. I did stop at 17 for a minute to gain more speed, and then went to 17.5. I was the only person, and I had probably 59-60 gallons when I started this. I did loiter around for a bit over my town before starting this. So, around 2300 lbs. If I am at gross, I usually try to keep it around 500fpm. This keeps me around 100-105 mph. It has been a few years since this has been done. I think I will have it done during annual in a couple months.
  11. I should also have added that I did not stay at 2400 rpm up there. I was trying different configurations to see what worked the best. And that makes some sense. And you're running an NA J? how long does it take for you to get up to those speeds? because I was up there for 10-15 minutes messing with settings, before starting my descent.
  12. So this weekend, the weather told me that if I didn't get out and fly, I was an idiot. Sooo, I changed the oil and went flying. I've wanted to try this for sometime now, and since I was alone, I thought why not. I took off, and started climbing up to see just how high up the plane would get me. I did fill all the way up, so was not super light. I climbed between 800-1100 fpm up to about 12,500, and then to keep temps down, and my speed around 110 mph I reduced my climb to about 500 fpm. at about 15,500 I was climbing around 2-300fpm. at around 17, it was getting very hard to keep the engine happy, so I stopped at 17,500 to see what I could get my cruise speed up to. I trued out around 148 mph :(. I was hoping to see a little more up there, but oh well. One thing that surprised me though, and why I am posting this. I thought I would end up getting to a point where my AoA started getting to high, and I would lose too much speed to keep altitude, but rather, my engine was my limiting factor. In that I could no longer properly set the mixture. If I leaned any further from where I was, I could VERY noticeably feel the plane slowing down, and the engine would struggle to maintain RPM. If I richened any more, and I mean within two twists of the knob, the engine would again start stuttering/bogging? down. Hard to explain. Felt like it was loading up. My EGT's also were not consistent at all, with number 4 getting very cold down in to the 900's. I know being NA is going to be a factor, but I thought I could still control the mixture enough to keep the engine somewhat happy? Also, once I sped up to max speed, I am sure I could have climbed further and get in to Class A, but I called it off early. Was I doing something wrong? Just normal limitation of literally being at half atmosphere? Due to old age? lol. Plane, not me of course hehe. Only pic I took inside:
  13. Would be a nice replacement to my old kns80 and ky197.
  14. That is so lame. I had a feeling that was the case.
  15. My thoughts as well. And to be honest, a part of the reason why I felt that it should be posted.
  16. Nice video, that has some MSer's planes in it? Never seen a video from this channel before, but it was nice to see something dedicated to our birds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLCV-GR773Q
  17. Ah. I understand. Mine are with the overhead vents. It's almost like the tube has come off or something, as there is air coming around the vent even if the vent is closed. I need to pull the interior for multiple reasons, but not wanting to take that job on haha.
  18. Sealing wemac vents? Do tell, as mine leak badly..
  19. I leave mine on while in the hanger. When the plane moves, the towbar is removed. always. I have two of them. one for my hanger, and another in the baggage for when out and about. When leaving my hanger, I hang it on the wall, and visually check that it is there before I ever put the key in. Also is in my preflight, and before start checklist to check for towbars, and chocks, as well as other covers. if I pull the plane out to get fuel or something, I will use it as a chock too, so it is also still "removed".. Perhaps, I should start removing it in my hanger, and setting it down next to the nose gear just for better insurance of not making a mistake.
  20. I have a gas powered tug that I have no use for. It came with my plane, and I've never used it. Only started it up a few times to make sure it runs. I can try to get pics of it next time Im at the hanger. But it should work for your if it works for my J right?
  21. I blame you! On my way back over to the valley about 2 weeks ago I had a 47kt headwind that bounced up in the 50's for a bit. That was the longest flight over the mountains ever! Your waypoint was Turno, so you were headed towards the valley as well!??! Dang that isn't very common to get a tailwind like that. Excellent planning sir!
  22. Can confirm what was stated about aerocomfort. Called and spoke to Hector last week, and got on his schedule to get my yokes wrapped. Crazy expensive!! While we are all CB's at heart.. A friend of mine was blown away with the price I told him for the yokes. And then we were talking about my plans for getting the seats done next(now will be in 2025...). I still would like to get some sheepskin covers for the front seats. So have been hesitant in getting them re-covered with new leather, rather getting them re-foamed would be the more important factor. My friend asked why not just get some high quality memory foam or something, and get the sheepskin covers, and put the foam under those. Not sure how well that would all be secured down, but got me thinking. And so I guess, I am now curious what other's think about this. I don't think I would do it unless others have, and have had positive results. Thanks, Chris
  23. As a J owner, and living up against the cascades. If the situation would arise where I could get what I have right now, but with a K, I would jump on it. While the J does it, I would like to not be right at the limits for departures with higher DALT. I too have taken off with DALT in excess of 8k, from places like Lakeview, or over in eastern oregon. She DOES do it, but it just doesn't feel that great doing 400fpm and barely keeping 100mph while climbing. Plus with the slow speed and long climbs CHT's have a harder time coming down, as well as oil temps. Get a K if you have the option to. Heck, there is a rajay turbo thread on here that was recently brought up again. All I see there is MAN I wish I could get that on my J. lol.
  24. 100% agree. For anything that is important, I would not suggest soldering. But a 40mm fan seems like something that wouldn't necessarily fall in that realm.
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