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Everything posted by haymak3r

  1. I've soldered wire that is pretty small. including other pc fan wires. Not a hard adventure to tackle. But, if you've never soldered before, I would take it to an avionics shop or something.
  2. get it from digikey? https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/sunon-fans/SG40281B1-000U-G99/2356472 Looks like the fan is obsolete, and there are subs. Top substitute shows over 1600 available. I haven't tried that specific fan, but have ordered from digikey a LOT. It also looks like you'll need to either get some pins, and pin the plug on, or cut and splice the plug on to the new fan.
  3. Thanks guys! This is the next project to tackle, and will be starting my planning soon.
  4. I am a freshly minted Instrument pilot, and that was very painful to listen to why would he not have any way to even charge his ipad, let alone have a backup like his phone to use... Not to mention, he should have easily been able to load the approach with his GPS navigator. That is scary that there are pilots out there taking those risks.
  5. This is an m20k??? Is the interior paneling, and seats stock? Or a retrofit. Aside from the awesome work by Hector..
  6. Hey All, Just wanted to follow up and state that after added the snubber, my fuel pressure fluctuation has continued. Not quite sure where to go from here. No other engine indications show an issue. FF is consistent, engine sound does not change when the FP changes, EGT's look good too. I am going to try and fly today, and will try and remember to pull the logs and provide them for analysis to see what the FP shows in them.
  7. It's a Delta, and they said no straight in's? I didn't see anything in the CS about no straight-ins.. Definitely a strange lol.
  8. Nice. One of my fuel gauges had been messing up, and so I was really looking at getting rid of them. But 179 kt GS!?!? and 72.3 Gal remaining!!
  9. I too had the 275 eis installed when I did some avionics upgrades: It works amazingly well. Love the additional data the eis brings. A couple of issues that you may run in to. The sensors are so sensitive, and if there were "snubbers" built in to the old lines, or the old gauges just had dampening built in to them, we lost that at install. So MAP, OIL, and what appears to be fuel pressure(just got my snubber in to fix the spiking with it to see if that is fixed) fluctuate all over. I couldn't tell what my MAP was at all. Buying Omega snubbers PS-8G and PS-8E resolved the issues. You have to buy the 500 garmin temp probe to get the %power, but utilize that pretty much all the time. For me, it seems to align pretty well with the poh. You'll need to get new fuel senders (definitely suggest CiES sensors). Also, I had a problem getting the fuel pressure sensor. There is a sensor kit you buy with the instrument, and it doesn't come with the fuel pressure sensor. Call Garmin for it. Nobody seemed to have either sensor in stock. Garmin didn't have their garmin brass part, but had the GPT Stainless Steel one in stock. Calibrating the fuel senders was a bit pita too. That's about all I can recall from installing it. Good luck with yours! Sincerely, Chris
  10. Exactly. Mine bounces high. Never goes below 23-24. boost pump makes no difference.
  11. I have the 8g on my MAP sensor. I ordered the 8E yesterday to try with my FP sensor. Will definitely let the thread know what the result is once I get it installed.
  12. I too had to get the 8G for my MP. Rock solid now. Hopefully the 8E solves this in my case.
  13. Ya, well I have a checkride scheduled for the 12th... Hopefully the DPE understands what he is seeing. I don't think FP is a required IFR instrument, but still.
  14. Yep. It's a bit annoying though, as it shoots up over redline every so often, and that's causing an alert with the system. it didn't happen right away either. Maybe a few months after the install was finished.
  15. I haven't wanted to post in to this thread, since it is a bit old.. But, my gi-275 is showing the same thing. My pressure fluctuates from its norm of about 26-27psi up to 30-maybe 35? It spikes so quickly that I can't really see the max. No change in engine sound/FF. Here is a flight that I had with the issue. It seems to be doing it every flight at this point. https://apps.savvyaviation.com/flights/shared/flight/7126879/b3505625-7cbe-4ac0-95b8-0ecae8eb3724 If a snubber fixes this, then I will go that route. It sounds like it only temporarily resolves the issue though.
  16. 1979 Weighed after panel upgrade. 1791.88 Empty - 948.12 UL.
  17. agreed. Was hoping that link would get you to where you can find the right one though. Good luck.
  18. I think this is what you're after:
  19. Meh. That thing will never see the light of day.. But, this may??? https://www.jetsonaero.com/ Would love to get my hands on one of those
  20. Definitely on the list to investigate once I get my hanger back.... Eugene is doing a bunch of construction and the north hangers are inaccessible right now. So lame...
  21. Yep. has been pretty warm here. Mine is a gi-275 and is all primary, and I installed the CHT sensor probes With my A&P/IA right there. EGT's are all at the same spot as the stock location was at too. So there isn't really any variation in those temps too due to install location.
  22. I have also thought about really looking at the baffling and maybe getting new.
  23. I think it was around +5C at 10500... So quite warm. It was a couple weeks ago when we were having the pretty warm weather. Though I think I took the pic when we were in northern cali on our way back home. But still super warm.
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