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Everything posted by haymak3r

  1. I guess this could be on-topic? ish?? But I recently upgraded from the old incandescent to a parmetheus plus. I was less than impressed, though I hadn't actually used the old landing light when it was dark out.. The only comparison is that my instructors 172 has some 700 dollar led light, and it is super bright on the ground. Sorry, not sure what it is.. But it seems like the light output of the plus isn't really hitting the ground at all. And being as my m20J only has this one light for landing and taxiing, it makes for seeing the taxiway pretty hard. I did notice that there are three screws on the back side, that appear to possibly be adjustment screws? Is it common for these lights to need to be turned down towards the ground more? The post above by Phillip_g seems like his beam is WAY lower looking than mine. Or is the plus just not that great, and I should eat the 300 or so bucks, and then spend some more money lol.
  2. Hey mooniacs! So I am noticing that my right fuel gauge seems to be sticky. I feel that it is the gauge, and not the sender, but will still confirm. It seems to get up over halfway, sometimes is at other places. I've read other threads about sorta the same thing, and to check the ohms to see if the sender is at fault, etc. If it is the gauge, I should be able to have it cleaned by my mechanic I believe. But, I am curious about possibly switching the gauges out from by weight, to by gallon? This has been posted, and so it got me thinking if this would be possible? As long as the ohm ratings were the same for the sweep, it should be relatively the same. About as accurate as the rest of them lol. I'd super appreciate it to know if this has been done before, or if I am completely off my rocker here. Thanks!
  3. May be interested. Determining whether this will work for my J. Will PM when I confirm.
  4. This, so very much this.. As a student pilot whom bought a Mooney in October.. I can't agree more with everybody in this thread, but this right here stands out. There is literally one insurance company in the US that will insure a student with a retract plane. You don't want to know how much my insurance is.. With that said, I am super happy that this fell in my lap, and I transitioned to flying it over the 172. If you plan on flying a Mooney and nobody is going to change your mind, then be prepared to spend more than most for things. I also would like to add that transitioning over to the Mooney has been amazing. And I also have more time with my instructor critiquing things past just the 10 hours for the endorsement. YMMV, but this is my plane. I plan to fly it for years, and so why not get used to it now, rather than waiting. Plus my plane fell in my lap, and was really a no brainer to get it in my situation. If it hadn't, then I would still have been in the 172 to complete my training. And then would continue my search for the right Mooney. I guess the TLDR is. I wouldn't neccessarily try to get a plane while still training unless you just simply can't pass up a great deal/situation. Wait until you get your license and costs will be quite a bit cheaper for you. Good luck!
  5. I may need to open a new thread, but just stumbled on this while searching. I just recently installed a garmin gtx345 and both my instructor and I have noticed that traffic will almost completely drop off for a period of 5-15 seconds and then come back. Almost like the bluetooth signal is not working correctly. This is not a remote mount system. my ipad is a foot and a half away from the transponder. I've read that disabling bluetooth on the ipad and let the transponder establish a gps connection. Then reconnect to bluetooth. Would something like this also possibly be happening here? How does the g1000 connect to the transponder. is it that weird garmin device? Sorry still a noob in all of this.. It surely can't be bluetooth or any other wireless tech right?
  6. I too have the same results. Landing my Mooney seems easier than the 172 I had been flying during my training. Was a great relief lol.
  7. That is exactly what I have But only for the rear 2, the fronts have old small cotter pins that are way too small for the ID of the clevis. Since I need 4 more sets of these, I suppose I was curious which direction I should go.
  8. Hey all. Quick question on this topic sort of. From the other threads that were posted here, hopefully I don't highjack this one too much. I tried searching to see if this was asked first, but couldn't find anything. Though I may just not be searching the right terms.. So my seat rail pins need to be replaced. the previous owner or before him had replaced the cotter pins with what looks like this on that back pins: https://www.amazon.com/Double-HH-Stainless-Steel-Safety/dp/B00C4TQ9BO and then some REALLY tiny cotter pins in the front. I am thinking these are not Mooney original parts, and my A&P commented on it when he and their avionics guy were installing a new transponder. That I should replace them with the proper parts during annual. Well from the discussions here, and also looking in the IPC, I see that the newer style with the bolt/bushings/nut started long after my serial number. Since Mooney changed this out to use this new style, can I order and replace my pins with those newer parts? Or is that not allowed? Or should I just not worry about it. Also both my seats have only 2 pins. one in the front and one in the rear. I figure I should have these stops on all 4 rails..
  9. my 79 J has an A3B6D currently. S/N is 24-0843
  10. 11 hours in since my purchase in late October. Still training and hopefully will join the ranks of private pilots next month. Instructor took this whole month off!! pfft. Here are some pics from some of the flights. So much fun! I absolutely love this bird! I should also say I have 48 hours in a 172 from this year too
  11. This is what I just put in mine. No radio static from it when charging my phone or ipad. Haven't had it long enough to know if it keeps up with my ipad when in use though.. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F67EFYI?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details It is sold at aircraft spruce too.
  12. What light did you order? I just installed a parmetheus plus and their documentation is pretty spot on. it is basically the same brightness as the incandescent. I was hoping to be able to see the ground a little better than stock.
  13. What a great thread to read! I am a new Mooney owner, and am still a student pilot currently. I would like to give my thoughts on this, albeit very limited still compared to the rest of you!! So, I am about 54 hours in to my training, and 48 of those were in a C172. While, I believe that training in a complex from the get go is doable, I can't imagine how much more involved it would be. The Mooney sorta fell in to my lap, as the other GA guys on field where I train knew I was looking for one. This one was located on field, and the owners couldn't fly it anymore and needed to get rid of it. Anyways, Going from the 172 to this was AMAZING. The differences were way more than I expected, and am extremely happy that I have the knowledge, training, and hours on the 172 prior to the transition. My instructor and I sat down, and discussed at length the advantages and disadvantages of finishing my ppl in my Mooney, but in the end we both felt that I was ready, and decided to transition. Learning everything, from communications, to maneuvers is not crazy different, but enough that having the ability to go slower, and not have to be perfectly on the numbers on every landing, etc has helped lesson that learning curve of starting in a complex. With that said. I can only take lessons twice a week, which gives me a couple hours of flight time a week after the ground work. Having more time to dedicate to this may have changed my opinion on this. At the end of the day, I am thankful for starting out on the 172, and then moving to the Mooney. It also gave me WAY more respect for my instructor and his constant push for me to focus on pattern work, and speeds which has helped me 100%. For insurance. Everybody is right. Uhm, I don't want to discuss insurance lol. There is one company in the country that will insure a student pilot with retractable gear.. And they make you pay for it. HOLY CRAP! Good luck with your decision! -Chris
  14. a missionary bush pilot checklist I see there? Nice
  15. I own a mooney now can I comment? My first time out with my bird, and the tower has us slot in behind a cherokee. My instructor got quite upset as I was quickly getting too close. I was about to break off and do a 360, when the tower finally asked me to. First time experiencing this kind of speed, and can totally relate now. It reminds me of when I rode street bikes. Always have to have better SA than everybody else because people just don't pay attention
  16. Looks like I am too late :(
  17. looking in to this mooney as well. Figured I do a search on here for the tail number, and this thread came up. WHOA did I get scared for a bit haha. I will NOT be sending money before looking at it.. And I hope that it turns out to be the real deal.
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