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Everything posted by haymak3r

  1. On my flight home from LA a week or so ago, I had my bottle filled at McClellan Jet Services. Great FBO btw just east of Sac intl. It was 80 bucks to fill it up. It would be nice to use o2 from my oxy/acetylene welder, but am weary of doing so. It is usually about 40 bucks to replace the tank when I run out. That's much cheaper for a lot more o2 lol. Getting the adapters to fill my portable seems like it would pay for itself pretty quickly.
  2. LOL. right? My instructor has asked me a couple different times now about egt's as I start leaning the engine. Old school thinking. CHT's are primary. EGT's just give you a point of reference.
  3. Yep. It was way warmer than it usually would be. But even at 7500 on Sunday the temps were generally the same spread. Not saying there is an issue here, just wanted to come by and compare with other people's 'numbers' If there is a wild change from this 'norm' then I'll investigate further.
  4. All new probes for the garmin EIS system that was installed in November. I do not have factory probes anywhere anymore.
  5. Nothing wrong with having them slightly open. I may just move them back to where they were, and continue slightly opening them. But now I know that 1. the cht diff is not concerning to others, and it also not abnormal to need to run them less than half out to control the temps. I would rather do that, and then not worry about it in the cooler months, than always having to adjust. Thanks all for the responses as always.
  6. I believe on this leg, OAT was +5C
  7. Agreed, but that was after the small adjustment. Before, cyl3 would creep up over 400 in that same man/rpm config. also my oil temp would be in the high 190's too. In these cases, I had to open the flaps just a little. I could pull the lever out about an inch and the temps would come down. So, making the adjustment, I didn't need to pull the lever out slightly anymore. I definitely plan to re-adjust the flaps as the temps come down.
  8. Hey all! Curious if what I normally see regarding my CHT's are typical for other J owners. I am noticing that my #3 cylinder is always the hottest by 20 or more degrees. Here is a pic with the cowl flaps adjusted to be a little more open than they used to be ~1" to 1.5" opening on the right side now. Other side is right at 1" open. Everything seems to be running just fine, but was curious about this. My baffling is definitely not new, and so perhaps I am getting some leakage around it back there on the right side that could be contributing to this? Or this one just runs a little hotter, and I should not think about it until the current norm changes.
  9. There is one company in the US that would insure me as a student with a retract plane. And the premium was over 7k for the year. So glad that didn't last very long, so that I was able to get back most of that premium..
  10. Just a little jealous right now!!
  11. I was hoping not to go that route. I already have a mug and shirt from them. Definitely agree that the print was very nicely matched to my plane. The shirt brand quality was ok. I sure hope so. I want to support Mooney (if they even made anything off the swag).
  12. Has anybody sourced where we could get Mooney swag yet?
  13. Before I upgraded my avionics, I heard the same thing. I could hear the powersupply charging up every flash. I feel like it was my old archaic audio panel and some sort of grounding issue. I don't hear it in my headset anymore. It's very nice.
  14. Congrats!!! I'm about to fly to my A&P/IA tomorrow for my 2nd annual in my J. She has been rock solid and can't wait for many more years of enjoyment. Mooney's are the best! Im not biased or anything
  15. Yes. I can also have a user field for the VOR, which gives the name/radial/distance. But, I was hoping I could get it over on the g5. I don't think it's possible. oh well.
  16. Interesting. Thanks for the tip. I am looking at those, and I see that there are different colors? Would the darker color such as red cause the cabin to heat up potentially more than white? Or does the material used breath good enough to not cause that, you think.
  17. So, I was on training the other day, and my instructor wanted me to fly out and create a hold off a specific radial at 25dme.. I have a kns80, so I just tuned to the vor, and instantly had my dme from that. But I would like to have had the gtn in vloc mode, and the g5 providing the dme as well. What I believe I ended up doing was adding the vor to the flight plan, and setting the OBS to the correct radial. and used GPS which then gave me my distance from the vor station. I just don't feel like that was correct, but it worked. So my question is. Can the g5 hsi provide the distance from the nav source when in vloc? I've googled for the last hour, looked at youtube for any video's I could find with g5's where they were in vloc, checked the pilots guide, and even used chatgpt. Which it said yes, if wired/configured correctly this should be displayed. I have my doubts that this is a thing, so wanted to check with you all as well. On the GTN I know I have a few options in the user fields like Distance to Waypoint, and there is a VOR/LOC - Tuned VOR/LOC info selection too. Maybe others.. But I would very much like to see this on my hsi if at all possible. Cheers! Chris
  18. Definitely a good idea. My preflight habit is to always physically touch the vents to make sure I look at them. But, getting the pipe cleaner idea should work.
  19. That sounds like an amazing idea lol. 1/4" I assume? Or maybe 3/16" huh.
  20. Thanks guys! Definitely ordering the cowl plugs, and I have the fuel cap silicone orings from gallagheraviation. And yes, I always sump all 3 spots This may seem silly, but the previous owner had an old pan under the plane, and would clean the pan, and then sump the gascolator. I have continued that and check, clean the pan out during my normal walk-around. This will be during the summer, so hopefully no rain, but June is sometimes weird. This will hopefully just be temporary. I was leaning towards the lighter cover which will help with travelling/weight. Thanks for the tip on the tailcone cover, I'll look in to that one as well. Also, I do have and use my pitot cover regularly.
  21. Hey everybody! I am in the market to get a cover and most likely cowl plugs for my m20j due to the fact that my home airport is going to be closing access to where my hanger is for a month or two in June. I have struck out at trying to find another hanger to put it in unfortunately, so will have to park it on the ramp. I was curious whether it would be worth it to get the more expensive fully lined cover or the lighter "travel" cover. Is the extra cost worth it, if I am only going to be using it for a month or 2, and then potentially if I go on a long trip somewhere? Also, what are some options on making sure the critters stay out of the engine area with regards to the cowl flaps? I am thinking more for like wasps/hornets, etc. Not sure if mice would be an issue there. Thanks!
  22. Ya, I also just use my home office chair. dealing with the headset cable sucks though . Can't wait for proper next gen VR. With actual wireless connectivity, and eye tracking. Will be a huge change.
  23. That will be a very nice system! Should have no issues. Congrats and good luck! I have the reverb g2 as well. If you run in to any strange tracking issues, let me know. I have some tips to improve it drastically.
  24. That's so cool! Would love to hear what the specs are on the build. And what headset you're going to get to use
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