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Everything posted by rcwagner

  1. https://www.barnstormers.com/classified-1678485-1978-Mooney-M20J-201-IFR.html?catid=20590
  2. I would put an ad on the classified section, but can't figure out how you make a contribution to qualify.
  3. Just put my 201 up for sale. It's a good one, flow over a 100 hours per year. https://www.barnstormers.com/classified-1678485-1978-Mooney-M20J-201-IFR.html?catid=20590
  4. I bought a 1978 M20J from Air Mods in 2018 that had been totaled. They had to replace the wing and tail cone from other sources. They did an excellent job on the rebuild. I have gone through two annuals now with the plane with no problems. The only issue I have had is that the tail cone they used is from an L model, so getting an STC for a GFC500 install was not possible. I had to go with an STEC55X. The first annual found an omission in the Air Mods paperwork for the rebuild, which they quickly got corrected. Air Mods was very good at standing behind their work. Dave and his wife, are the owners and are good people.
  5. I switched back to an Apple dual port usb adapter after having radio noise issues with an off brand. Problem solved.
  6. Today I tried an Apple iPhone Charge adapter that has both the iPhone and Ipad outlets. Charges the iPad and does not create radio noise.
  7. Recently I have been experiencing radio noise in both my G430W and Kx165. The G430W would break squelch so I would hear "white noise" in the headset. The KX165 would squelch out transmissions I should be hearing. I got to enjoy this on a long round trip cross country from Washington to Texas. Very irritating to me and my passenger. I was ready to take my M20J to the radio shop and open my check book. In a phone conversation with an experienced shop, they instructed me to go fly and start turning electrical loads off to see if the RF noise can be isolated. It worked. The culprit turned out to be a USB power adapter plugged into the cigarette lighter for powering my Ipad. After a little research about this, it seems to be a common problem with USB Power adapters. Whew, dodged that one! Anyone know of a USB Power Adapter for and Ipad that doesn't create RF noise?
  8. Where can I get one?
  9. I removed the vacuum pump, back up vacuum system, Artificial Horizon, and filter, added a Garmin G5 and increased useful load by 7.9 lbs. All equipment was weight after removal and before installation of the G5.
  10. Another item to think about: When buying the ring type probe, you have the option of a "J" or "K" thermocouple. They read about 100F different in this application if you get the wrong one (I learned by experience and they are not returnable after being used.)
  11. I have had my M20J for a little over 2 years. It had a fresh annual when I bought it from an MSC. I have had two annuals since. 1. MSC missed two outstanding ADs that either were not addressed, or the actions taken were not recorded in the log books 2. My first annual cost me over $3500. It was done by Western Aviation at KSFF (Spokane). They also did not address the same ADs. They did however decide to make adjustments to the control surfaces, leaving the airplane in a condition to go into a steep left bank if you let go of the controls. It flew straight and level prior to their adjustments. Those issues have been corrected. They also left my right main bearings loose, which were caught at the next annual. I don't recommend Western Aviation in Spokane for any service. 3. My most recent annual (Dec. 2020) was done by Lake Aero in Chelan, Washington. It cost me $1050 with me assisting. Although not an MSC, Will Mutter, the business owner, is a very detailed and practical AI/AP. His crew found the outstanding ADs and has addressed and recorded both. His crew also found a couple of other items to watch. Will has been maintaining several of my aircraft in the last 8 years. I am convinced from my experiences that a smaller well established business with a good reputation will get you a better annual than say a large business. It's all about the people doing the work and how and why they care about the quality of work they perform. Small businesses have to provide good service or they aren't around very long.
  12. Concerning the remark about noise fatigue, I have of lately been using hearing protection ear plugs inside my noise attenuating head set, and turn the volume up so that I can clearly hear the intercom and radio. It helps a lot with the noise bypassing the headset ear pads.
  13. Does it have any damage history? I bought a 1978 J from Air-Mods that they rebuilt. They used it as a rental for 9 years before I bought it. It's a good airplane, but they had failed to do all of the paper work properly. An IA found the shortcomings, and deemed the aircraft not airworthy. Air-Mods helped get it straight, but had to go to the Mooney engineers to get it approved. With the shutdown of Mooney, it took a couple of months, and I doubt they would be successful now since Mooney has been closed longer. We had gotten to the point where they were going to buy it back from me, but finally got Mooney to provide the engineering needed. It was a nightmare. I also could not put a Garmin GFC500 in the airplane due to it has an L model tail cone. Air-Mods are good people, and good to work with, but be careful of rebuilt airplanes. I would buy from them again, but now know what to look for, and totally recommend a pre-buy inspection of the airplane and log books by an independent IA.
  14. A previous owner in 2009, didn't sump the tanks after the airplane was parked outside all night in a pouring rain. Engine quit on takeoff, he got it back on the pavement, but went off the end and hit a fence post with one wing. The inertia bent the tailbone. It was replaced with an M20L (remember the Porsche Mooney) tail cone. M20Ls were 28 volts, two batteries. A bulkhead was moved about an inch to accommodate the new design and higher gross weight.
  15. Just make sure your M20J is 100% M20J. Mine was rebuilt with an M20L tail cone, and Garmin would not create an STC for my aircraft. They found out about it after they were about 90% installed. Had to remove it and I ended up with an STEC 55X. The STEC works fine, but I was not happy with the shop that went down this road before looking into the paperwork.
  16. I tried the funnel method. A little tricky getting it in under the filter, but once I got it there, it worked great. Drained the filter completely, only caught a few drops at the gasket with a paper towel. No oil spilled!
  17. I would also like to know how much trouble to remove the yokes for a powder coat. That is a huge improvement and would be a good project for the J.
  18. No, I just tell everyone I know that Western Aviation in Spokane, Washington is not a place to get work done on your airplane, either avionics or mechanical service. They have had a huge turnover in personnel in the past year or so, and in my opinion don't have a clue how to work on a Mooney. They are not a Mooney Service Center. My airplane got stuck there due to the annual being due when they took 5 months to install a new audio panel, transponder, and autopilot. The original plan was that they would have it for 3 to 4 weeks. I figure they costed me about $10,000 more that it should have.
  19. I got my M20J back from an annual after they made adjustments to my control surfaces. They said they were out of tolerance. I think they ran out of work. It was quite obvious when I picked it up, that it would not fly straight and level anymore. If I let go of the yoke, it would immediately go into a left bank and the ball wasn't centered when I kept wings level. I made a simple inclinometer, using a piece of plexiglass with an aluminum pendulum. I found the elevators two to three degrees off from one another and the flaps about 4 degrees off from one another. Made adjustments to set them equal while in my hangar (tires inflated the same). It now flies hands off and the ball stays centered. A huge improvement!
  20. I have had success using one of those absorbent pads for someone that wets the bed. Don't remember what they are called, but they will asorb a lot of drips.
  21. Did anyone consider the weight of the continental diesel. 548 lbs may be a bit heavy to hang on the front of a Mooney.
  22. I have a recently rebuilt engine in a J and it vibrates when in the yellow arc where you are not supposed to run continuously. I just don't run there and there is no problem. At just above the yellow arc, with landing gear down and full flaps, I get 90 knots with a 4 to 5 hundred fpm rate of decent on my approaches. Works good for me.
  23. On my 78 J model, on my initial takeoff of the day, I need to reach 100+ mph IAS for the switch to activate. On subsequent take-off, it activates at about 80 mph. I use the red button to retract on my first flight of the day and listen to the beeping until reaching about 100 mph. After that it is consistent at about 80 mph. Not sure why it sticks. Anyone have any ideas?
  24. Does anyone just have manual trim without the magic trim button?
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