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Air pirate

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Everything posted by Air pirate

  1. We have counter measure capabilities that are tracking everything in the sky and can actually obliterate an aircraft in seconds and even shoot apart the falling pieces. Tracks threats 15 miles out and can fire on them at anytime.
  2. Maybe they’re just cold?
  3. Don’t know how “tasteless “ this is? I for one will NOT be tasting it.
  4. One the guys driving a Viper did that at Reno a few years back at a low level pass awesome !
  5. New campaign slogan as of today “Joe/Blow 2020”
  6. Me too , nice people I worked for the past 15 years didn’t want to pay me anymore forcing me to not want to work for them anymore . Aeroplane shopping on hold until I find someone that would like to pay me to work for them. Beautiful M20 best of luck selling her !
  7. What is the MLB you speak off ?
  8. What do a gynecologist and a pizza delivery man have in common? they can both smell it but they can’t eat it! i think I hit the curb with this one
  9. Hate to hear this , we had three aircraft go down this week. Always hate to second guess these , but, 4 people in a light single up here is not a good idea, especially in the heat. Also better to be on the ground by 11am. The winds and thermals are a challenge especially in the summer, I climbed at 2000 feet per minute in a c185 with power at idle on the sunny side of a canyon once . Sad week indeed
  10. Be my guest ! GOD Bless the USA
  11. “There’s a lot of money in aviation... I know I put it there “
  12. Just a ballpark, depending on weather in the SR 22, 12 to 15 hours flight time, 3 to 4 fuel stops ( figure 30 mins each). Also keep in mind summer storms that pop up in the middle of the country
  13. Have fun , be safe and enjoy the day in the greatest country on earth!
  14. Dating myself , but I also remember being upstairs in a 747 bar, there was even an impromptu crab game happening against the back wall. Continental used to have “pub flights “ their DC 10’s has a lounge area between first class and Coach, complete with a bar, cocktail tables ( some with pong games). If you were in first class , they would mix a ceaser salad and actually cut chateau Briand from a cart. The “stewardesses “ were all babes in heels , there was a certain amount of panache . now days airline flights are like pushing cattle down a squeeze chute , a surly “flight attendant “ tossing you a small bag of chips and handing you a half plastic cup of Diet Coke , the experience is akin to visiting a proctologist’s named “Dr Hook”
  15. You sir... have a very cool wife
  16. I ran the SIU radio station in the old days “ WCKO Carbondale’s rock and soul”. Didn’t have the $ to fly back then and hardly had enough for food , good times
  17. I had a Cherokee 140 , flew the hell out of it on the Midwest, easy to fly, easy to maintain , cruise 110, back seat for small folks or bags. Pretty good little bird for the money . If you can swing a few bucks look for a Warrior. 160 hp. Just a bit more performance. J3s are a blast to fly , but limited to wx and winds, they only thing I did t like was solo from the rear seat. Best of luck
  18. I kind of like these, Okay I’ll be going now
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