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  1. I looked back at this thread and realized I had complained about my $15 increase . Like you, we got ours raised to 1350 but they were nice enough to lower it to ~$1200+ for signing a 2 year lease. Since the 60 day out clause stays the same it's a no brainer to sign the 2 year lease (I should have asked for the price on a 10 or 20 year lease . Unfortunately this is probably a function of someone in the sheltair corporate office thinking it's a nuisance to deal with 100 little tenants when they could just knock down the hangars and build large jet ones. I don't think that will happen in our spot but that's what is happening at the old Lynx ones in the northwest corner. I'm thinking that the airport has some incentive not to kick out all of the little guys because maybe total arrivals and departures affects their FAA funding? I'm also sure the new longer waiting list (with the demolished hangars) has something to do with our draconian increase.
  2. Poor Dan, seems like he may have "lost control" of the airplane. I've always loved how the "D"TSB calls all accidents loss of control, regardless of any mechanical failure that may have occured.
  3. Hi Everyone, it’s been a while since I posted but glad to be back (a lot of life events over the last 2 years!) I sold my Bravo and now we fly my wife’s ‘89 J. It’s a little slower and lower but my 10 month old wouldn’t do well with a 02 mask ;). We are thinking of flying the plane out to the LA area from FXE later this year and will leave it there for a month. Any leads on temporary hangar space would be greatly appreciated. Maybe someone has their plane in annual or avionics shop for the month or knows of a vacancy. VNY, CMA, BUR, WHP or others would be good options.
  4. When I installed the G3X on my previous Bravo they removed the factory fuel pressure sensor and installed the one specified by garmin. It’s a slightly different setup on the engine but your installer should see this in the STC docs for the Bravo. I can’t recall the specific brand sensor they used in place of the factory original but it may have started with a K?
  5. No, they didn’t know, only that there was something internal with the clutches that showed there were some defective pieces.
  6. I’ve said this in some other threads, but I spent 6 months chasing a similar only to found out it was bad servos. Once the Servos were replaced it was 95% better.
  7. When my brakes were sent back to precise flight for overhaul my mechanic (Experienced MSC) just covered the holes with aluminum tape which lasted fine until the brakes were returned. They are relatively easy to take out and install yourself.
  8. When I replaced my turbo transition I believe Knisely welding sold me the gaskets. You may want to give them a call.
  9. I had a different engine, but when we replaced the turbo transition on my Bravo we reused the existing clamps. My mechanic (who only works on Mooneys) inspected the clamps for any wear and put them back. 300 hours later and didn't have any issues.
  10. This is great Don, what a piece of ingenuity!
  11. It turns out that leaving your oil dipstick on your wing before departing on a night IMC flight isn't the smartest thing to do. Thankfully both my aircraft and myself made it back safely with no damage.
  12. The 500txi is newer technology but doesn’t have the same amount of features “out of the box”. The G3X also lets you control other Garmin devices such as radios or transponders from the screen vs. the txi that just lets you view the information from them.
  13. So you’re not getting adequate start power? Is that why they were ordered? If it’s starting fine and you’re worried they are going to die why not do 1 at a time? The second battery is nice for redundancy but largely ballast.
  14. One way to tell if your pitch servo is bad is to engage the autopilot on the ground then try to overpower it. If it smoothly lets you pull the yoke back and forth with some friction it may be good. If it suddenly releases after some pressure it may be bad like mine was before I had it replaced.
  15. Interesting, how's the top seal integrity during turbulence when it's on its side?
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