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Everything posted by 201Steve

  1. @donkaye While I've got your ear, I've got an easy one for you. As it pertains to an ILS approach and the auto-switch feature in the GTN from GPS to LOC, is there anyway for the box to tell the G5 HSI what the ILS final approach course should be? In a real world scenario, I am flying a DME arc with GPS guidance to intercept the localizer. Just before reaching intercept, the GTN box auto switches from GPS guidance to VLOC, BUT the course on the HSI pointer is set for something random, I assume perhaps the last course that you used. Is there anyway for the box to know the ILS course so that when it switches from GPS to VLOC, it also sets the course pointer on the HSI to the final approach course for the ILS? I can't find anything in the Pilots guide about it.
  2. @donkaye what would you use vnav direct for, then? I assume it would just give you a vertical cdi to hand fly should you choose?
  3. Hmm. That makes sense. Thought we tried with and without but cannot recall. Hard to recall the steps (or missteps) when you push every button in the system trying every variation
  4. The g5 is hooked up the the pitot static system and reads dead on with the analog primary, but I guess the question I would have from your suggestion, how would the box know one way or the other? Perhaps a setting telling it so… but it would t make sense for it to track vertical on a precision approach but not for VNaV
  5. VNAV calc is just a tool in utilities, is it not? I’m operating the VNAV through the flight plan, adding values, and using VNAV direct
  6. Man, I opted out of YD but that’s a real testimony there. What model do u fly
  7. The auto trim on the 500 is unbelievably wonderful.
  8. I usually dump flaps pretty quickly after positive rate and acceptable airspeed, just to get it out of the way mostly, but I have long runways so no biggie. I took off from a shorter field with large obstacles last weekend and delayed the retraction, outside of my typical routine. Guess when I noticed the flaps were still down… only my 2nd mistake ever in aviation, though. =)
  9. Thanks Mike, appreciate that. I have reached out to the Garmin shop about it, they have extended an invitation for them to look at it, but it's an hour from me, I work, and so I figured I would query the group for anything we may have missed.
  10. Lance, he did not use Kelly- to bring clarity to that comment.
  11. Oh I see. Yeah, I got 5 prices in 2020. Price ranges by a $25k delta.
  12. Yes, but another good suggestion.
  13. Worth every cent
  14. Awesome job! Hate to hear that, though. Thanks for the write up, I’m always interested in dual mag issues. This is, for me, the first one I’ve heard failing for another reason outside of improper clamps or torque (falling off), which is pretty simple to keep track of. lightening never strikes in the same place twice so you’re good now!
  15. Hmm. I want to say we were 50 miles out at 4,000 trying to set it up to get down to 3,000 2-miles before the IAF. I believe we set it at 3 degree. Should have been plenty of time before TOD for it to arm. I see where you're going, though, and will take it into consideration on the next fiddle faddle test flight. I thought I was doing something wrong, but my instructor (only difference is his has GI275's) could not figure it out either. Has same setup and is proficient with it.
  16. I just did some training last weekend and worked with a guy that has the same system in his airplane. (Big shout out to @mike_elliott and his guys for a great session). One thing that has still yet to be resolved is the VNAV function on my autopilot. We simply could not get the VNAV to arm on the autopilot head. Quick Reference of my setup: -Dual G5's -GTN650 xi -GFC500 Autopilot -I have "VNAV Enabled" turned ON in the GTN box -I have set the lowest altitude on the G5 Altitude bug -I have entered all the parameters for the descent profile (altitude, fix, descent rate, etc) Once all of this is done, all that should be left to do is arm the VNAV on the autopilot head, but the button will not arm. Can you think of anything that may be preventing this from working properly? Setting issue? Software issue? Hardware/wiring issue? I have put out the same query to the installing shop as well. Curious what feedback comes. Thanks for your feedback! Have a good day
  17. There is only a hole in the reinforcement layer but not in the main tube itself. Looks funny but it’s sealed up. I don’t know
  18. io360 J I have digital engine monitoring now, so we removed the old Alcor EGT probe on cyl 3. Since there was a hole in the exhaust header for the probe, we just left the hose clamp style probe installed to keep the hole plugged. The clamp has gone Tango Uniform. What’s the move here to plug the hole? Thx for any feedback.
  19. More details will probably yield better answers to a broad question. a good intro outline that’s sure to be a crowd pleaser: who are ya where are ya send pics (the panel, too) *also congrats! A Special time indeed
  20. Get an engine monitor
  21. @Evan I’m going to give this thing a full write up, it was my intent to be professional about it and give them ample time to do the right thing before I got to really hammering about it. Since they have been radio silent, I’m now working on it from a couple of angles that are more pressing in time. I had the unfortunate addition that they also did my install, which was done equally terrible. the good news is, for you, they only did the block/cylinders so, if it’s not making metal, you’re getting good consumption, your boroscopy looks good, probably not much to worry about. (I would double check your magneto clamps and torque values if you have dual mag bc they don’t believe in the dual mag service bulletin) Someone else did all the accessories, someone else wrenched it back together and looked it over. A bad job will have evidence, I had plenty of that. If yours isn’t showing bad evidence don’t fret about it.
  22. LJ (John Warren) ran the shop under Charlie. The way it was described to me, it was a passing of the torch sort of ownership change.
  23. Paul, can you elaborate on this? Just curious your thoughts on the value of a repair station.
  24. I saw them too. They made me feel confident as well. Cheap prices, good reviews from 10 years ago, what’s not to like? Now I have the full story. Parts falling off mid flight. Awful craftsmanship, bare minimum build, cylinders reinstalled without proper honing and reusing rusted exhaust studs, a brand new cam shaft chewing itself up, zero care about it. Yeah, I guess you could say bad experience. One thing I’ve learned is, never accept the lowest bid on something your life depends on.
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