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Everything posted by daytonabch04

  1. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS lock your baggage door before flight AND give it a tug to ensure it is shut/locked. I'm speaking from personal experience, and have had it happen cruising at 6k... Luckily, mine did not depart the aircraft and the hinge was strong enough to stay on, but it did crinkle up the metal baggage door and have to be reskinned.
  2. I overhauled my Bravo engine about 2 years ago...I'd have to go back and review the logs but my down time I believe was around 8 months. I purchased the cylinders myself. Quote I received in Dec 2022 was $63k with new cylinders, but did not include the turbocharger system and exhaust. I'm about 150-200 hrs since O/H and haven't had any major issues. Had a coil go out in the mag, but sent it back and was covered free of charge under warranty.
  3. I fly from VA to GA to get my oil changed there...should tell ya what I think of them..
  4. I live in VA and fly to GA for my oil changes and TX for my annuals..
  5. I go to Cole Aviation in Dalton, GA for oil changes...shouldn't be too long of a flight from DAB.
  6. +1 for Cole. He will do right by you and give you a fair assessment on the plane. He does my oil changes for my Bravo.
  7. Definitely would recommend Cole Aviation in Dalton, GA. He's a MSC for my Bravo I trust on the East Coast. I fly down to him from VA for my oil changes and mx issues.
  8. Last weekend, I was AOG due to dead batteries. I paid right around 870 and then shipping/tax came out to about 1k total. Luckily, I found a place that had them in stock, but when your plane won't start at the fuel pump your options are rather limited...
  9. I have 2 Concordes, but the last time I can find in the logs it being replaced is 2017. So maybe it got me. I've heard about Gills but haven't used them. I'm hoping it's not an alternator or voltage regulator. Should know in the next day or two hopefully. For now, my plane is AOG. :/
  10. From what I read in the POH, the plane should be started on BAT 1 only. So I guess you can switch to BAT 2 while running, but avionics OFF. I flew about 35 mins this weekend, went to get fuel and after fueling up, the BAT died on me and couldn't get it restarted. I think my APU plug is bad, so now I'm waiting on a new BAT to be delivered. I couldn't get it to crank over on BAT 1 or 2.
  11. I refinanced mine end of last year at 6.99% through USAF Aircraft Finance. Before my refinance I had 4.25%
  12. I'm not near Vegas, but I never sat in a Mooney until I bought my Bravo...just jump in and do it!
  13. My Bravo was used by Hartzell for the test bed for the M20M TopProp STC approval. I can definitely say the propeller is more smooth in flight and have seen an increase in climb performance and in cruise flight. I'd say the gain is somewhere in the realm of 3-6 kts. but is much smoother in performance than I have anticipated.
  14. Any tips on the install? I've got a landing light out I need to replace and looks more difficult than unscrewing out and then in...
  15. Within the past year or so I just went through this. I went with a field overhaul from an engine shop that was recommended by 2 MSC's. I did have to replace all 6 cylinders and my camshaft was sent out for overhaul as well. I feel confident that my engine was well taken care of in the rebuilt and assembly process. I was down probably six months or so, but felt the value was well worth it. I'm within my first 100 hrs from O/H but no issues yet and running smoothly. All-in costs including re-installation was under 100k for my Bravo (about 78-79k all-in).
  16. Yes, I have the white exhaust streak as well. My engine likes to stay at 8 qts and anything more will spit it out. I have a pretty good white streak going on and it's normal..
  17. +1 for Cole Aviation. Short flight up from South FL.
  18. Are you selling a tug/electric towbar? Have someone in the local area looking for one..
  19. @MikeOH Mine went to Mena Aircraft Engines in Mena, AR. Not sure why GMAX sent it there, but 27 hours in have had no issues and the engine is running butter smooth. It looks pretty too!
  20. I just had my engine overhauled by GMAX and it did not go to Jewell.
  21. Rust on the crankshaft and bad pitting requiring all new cylinders.
  22. High metal in 2 consecutive oil analysis and going the wrong way...
  23. 6 new ones....what could go wrong?!? *fingers crossed*
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