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Everything posted by hmasing

  1. Did the STL's make it for others to use? I'm in this exact same boat.
  2. Necroposting to see if there is anyone else wanting this. I've seen 3D printed ceiling vent replacements, and I'd sure love the STL's or 3MF's for that.
  3. http://mooneycaravan.com
  4. I registered N2469 but didn’t have the guts. :-)
  5. @BobW the restoration is continuing. New panel, new paint, onerhauled prop, new windows, new led lights, no vacuum system. She’s almost new!
  6. I have my electric step on a separate switch - was my top beacon, but I moved to a single LED beacon on the belly. The default power-off position is down. While it takes 15-20 seconds to lower or retract, I find that if I put it on my pre-taxi checklist, then I have no issues with it being fully down by the time I get to the ramp. Retract is a non-factor, as everyone is inside my Mooney by the time I hit that item on the checklist anyway.
  7. I haven't read the whole thread, but is there an option to share your STL's, molds, etc? My plastic vents suck, and my next major project is interior plastics and ventilation.
  8. LASAR is out of stock on the LASKIT131 cowl mod, and I have been able to get a cancelled slot in a paint shop in November. That means I'd very much like to get this installed prior to painting. Does anyone have one they purchased and then never installed? I can probably pay LASAR for a change to the STC if you have the parts. LMK! Thanks!
  9. Necroposting this thread - looking for a 1968 M20F Maintenance Manual for SN 680095 (the one linked above isn't for my serial #) Thanks!
  10. Here's where I ended up when I redid my '68 M20F two years ago from the original shotgun panel with one G5 and the GNS-530W in place. Before: After:
  11. When do you want to go flying? I'll PM you.
  12. My Mooney was purchased with a transplanted engine, fwiw. *shrug* not a huge deal.
  13. That's actually a great idea. I was kind of hoping that someone would just know.
  14. Title says it all. I am looking to replace the ailerons and flaps in my ‘68 F, and have an opportunity to buy a scrap wing with the parts from a ‘68 M20C. Are they the same ailerons and flaps?
  15. My paint is chalky and won't hold a shine. :-( Paint is my next upgrade, once I re-skin my flaps and ailerons from some visible hail damage.
  16. Let's assume we keep the stock IO-360-A1A, but add every speed mod and every tuning out there.... How fast could an M20F really go? I was debating this with a friend, and my claim is that $100,000 in speed mods and tunings would get me about 5-8 knots at most, so 150 ktas optimistically. Realistically? Probably 148 or so. This makes the speed mods not really worth it, IMHO. What are your thoughts? Have any of you successfully modded your M20F to be a 160 knot airplane?
  17. I'm trying to visualize this - the pilot window "opens"?
  18. This is what I have - sorry it's only an image. I'm not in any of these emails, but it was fine for my A&P
  19. Fwiw, I just told my a&p about the latter F’s having the single window, that there was a letter from Mooney, and that I had the stringers from Mooney that I needed and we did the mod with a logbook entry. I love what it does for the looks and rear seat view
  20. That's my 100% go-to if the engine is even a little warm. Mixture full rich Fuel pump on for 5-10 seconds Mixture full lean Throttle to full Start As soon as the engine catches, push mixture to rich, pull throttle Works every time.
  21. I don't see anything to indicate that the chute was even attempted to be deployed in that article. Perhaps they thought they could set it down on a dirt road - which they did. Looks like landing gear damage, but otherwise they walked away fine.
  22. +1 for the auto step! We puled out the horrible suction step retract, and put that in when I ripped out my vacuum system 2 years ago. Wired it to my beacon switch, which drives the step only now, since my nav beacon on the bottom was replaced with an appropriate red/white strobe. As part of my runup checklists I now have: Passenger Step: Confirm UP It's so nice.
  23. I became friends with a crop pilot in Missouri a couple years back when I unexpectedly ended up on his airstrip during an engine failure. While I was waiting for the FSDO to show up (long story), we were chit-chatting about flying. I asked how high he flew when he was dusting and seeding crops - maybe 20-30'? His answer stuck with me. "20 feet? Mate, that's up in the flight levels for us. 3 feet is more like it." Yowzers.
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