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Everything posted by 201Mooniac

  1. I'm going to try to work out my schedule to be there, sounds like a great day.
  2. I have been paying all the taxes as required, I was asking about the registration mentioned several times. I have not registered my airplane in CA, only with the FAA. I get my yearly assessment for property taxes but this is because I am on the roles due to my hangar lease.
  3. Do you get taxed for the dog?
  4. I'm also on the county assessment list but that is because of my hangar lease, not because of registration or ADS-B.
  5. I've seen several references to registering your plane in California. I live in California for 32 years now and have owned an airplane for 29 of those. I've never registered my plane in California, only with the FAA. I do pay property taxes to the county the plane is based at but there is no registration I'm aware of. Am I missing something I've been supposed to do?
  6. Welcome, looks like a nice grass strip. Hopefully you will get to land there soon.
  7. Thanks, I don't do FB but I've now gotten several suggestions so I'm sure one will work out.
  8. I once landed at a joint civilian/military airfield in a piper warrior and was told "cleared to land, check gear down". I was later told I should have responded gear down and welded but as a new pilot I was just confused.
  9. Thanks, I appreciate the recommendation. I'll give a call.
  10. Over recent years of fires I've found the Leidos brief insufficient for accurately identifying smoke location. I find the data available on Windy to be more helpful. I've tried to stay visual whenever possible but that can be tough as well when it is as widespread as it gets from some of these large fires.
  11. While I also have the TXi and GI 275, I think the cost versus interoperability can be an issue for some when doing an all Garmin panel where the interoperability isn't an issue. I find the TXi display looks better and I would do the same thing today (the G3X wasn't available for certified aircraft when I did my install) I can understand the cost argument. I also think having everything connected by HSDB with 100Mbps ethernet is definitely valuable as well and you don't run out of RS-232 ports.
  12. I did mine several years ago and my cost was about $10K for a 4 servo configuration and 85 hours of labor including removing an S-Tec 55x.
  13. On my J have the LoPresti cowl and have an inspection door on both sides that spans the baffling so I can see both in front and behind the baffling at pre-flight. It really helps but there is still just so much you can see. I find I can remove and replace the top cowling by myself with little trouble but I don't recall if it was like that with the original cowling.
  14. I would have disconnected the GPU and turned on the master to see if for some reason the batteries had been completely discharged, like leaving the interior lights on. Otherwise as Eric says, there is a load somewhere
  15. Mine was $1800 from Pure Medical.
  16. I haven't used that one but the idea of an O2 concentrator is a great one, I use the Inogen G5 and it works well and is much easier than filling bottles.
  17. I had no issues with mine but they failed to update for one of the software updates and I had all 4 of them replaced. No charge and nbo issues since.
  18. My 1980 M20J also doesn't have an alternator switch or a split master, just a single master switch. It was that way from the factory AFAICT.
  19. As Richard points out, it could be needing a snubber, many who go to electronic instrumentation find they need it. If so, let me know, I have one or two around.
  20. Not Mark but if you go to use a waypoint that doesn't exist in the database it will ask you if you want to create it. When it asks you for the waypoint, just type in a name that doesn't exist such as USR123. Once you define the point as either Rad/Dist, Rad/Rad, or Lat/Long you can then use it for creating a hold.
  21. I really wish you good luck with this and hope you are successful getting this done but when I tried to replicate a field approval that had previously been approved I was told don't even bother trying as they won't approve it. I asked what additional information they would need and they told me to speak with a DER but not to be hopeful. This was to add a B&C standby alternator to my M20J. This was during COVID though so maybe they have loosened up a bit, at least I hope so. If they approve this for you maybe I'll take another go at my project.
  22. Here is the section from the AFMS on Runaway Trim:
  23. I've seen where you can control one GTN from the other but I haven't seen where you can control them from the Txi, I didn't see that listed in the new software, is it in the manual? Actually just found it in Rev P of the TXi manual. I missed this, very cool.
  24. I thought about that and while it is likely better for routine flights, I was concerned with the heads down when I really needed it as a standby. Given the very low incidence of that I probably chose wrong here but it isn't really hard to switch. Given I also have the EIS display on my iPad with Garmin Pilot, I haven't really noticed any operational issues with it in its current location.
  25. I had the same problem and Skip recommended the dual lock, I haven't had an issue yet and it's been pretty hot some days recently.
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