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Everything posted by oregon87

  1. What we have found is that SureFly's tach output signal does not appear to be consistent. What isolator value works for one system, does not work on another. Having discussed this further with SureFly's engineers, we calculated that a 4.02K isolator should work to interface their system with our CGR/MVP systems. Of course, after we made that determination, we have had reports from customers that 4.02K is still too high a value. SureFly has developed an interface box, however, the first one we have had experience with results in RPM displaying half of what it should. We believe it is because SureFly only triggers 1.5 times per cycle instead of the industry standard of three times per cycle for a six cylinder application. However, it appears they did use the industry standard to triggering twice per cycle in 4-cylinder applications.
  2. A good estimate is 25-35 hours x your shop rate.
  3. Following up on the above post, we also offer a digital fuel probe (P-300M). It's powered by our system, so no need for a separate breaker, limiting a potential difficult troubleshoot during flight.
  4. Chris, if you have any questions regarding the CGR-30P, I am happy to help.
  5. I can't speak intelligently as to how to calibrate the TIT function in question, however I can offer that we use type K thermocouple and our systems are calibrated at 23uV/°F (microvolts/ degree F). Additionally, type K is mostly linear and works well due to its useful range. The area where type K is not so linear is well outside of normal CHT or EGT/TIT ranges, so it is really irrelevant.
  6. Best to play that one safe!
  7. Pesky?!?!?
  8. I believe JPI does use type K CHT probes and I also believe they are grounded. I'm assuming a replacement will need to satisfy both criteria. The easiest way to determine a type K thermocouple is by simply looking at the wire colors. Type K in the states is red and yellow.
  9. What isolator (resistor) values are currently installed between the slick mag and EDC and between the SureFly and EDC? We're the RPM inputs to the EDC ever connected without isolators? If so, the EDC's RPM inputs may be blown and the EDC will need to be returned for repair. I always recommend starting with a single 79k isolator (provided in the package) for Slick and Bendix mags and observe how the RPM indication behaves. If the indication is jumpy and high, there isn't enough isolation and an additional resistor should be added (79k or 47k). If the indication is jumpy and low and may not read until higher power settings, there is likely too much isolation and that value should be reduced. The SureFly system is a bit more difficult as what SureFly recommends to use with our systems, doesn't always work. We have contacted their engineers to ascertain exactly what signal their system outputs and from what we can determine a 24.1k isolator should work with our systems which utilize and EDC-33. Worth noting, that value of isolator will not be enough with our standard R-1 tachometers which are configured for standard magnetos.
  10. I'm here! Previous post is correct in that we will re-configure the instrument for $125.00, plus shipping. Included in that, we will make sure the instrument is calibrated, operating properly and will include a return to service tag. Additionally, the STC is available at no charge on our website. A link is provided below: https://iflyei.com/downloads/
  11. Always a good idea to compare your AI to your turn coordinator, as well. I practiced a lot of partial panel with just the TC and compass going through IFR.
  12. The K-factor on our FT-60 "red cube" is 68000.
  13. Absolutely! We even offer an upgrade package which will save a few bucks on the hardware as well as what you will save on the installation.
  14. If you missed out on our Sun N Fun rebates, we announce new rebate on all products purchased before June 1st! Not only does the rebate offer attractive discounts on our extensive line of engine monitors, there are available discounts on just about all of our products. If you have been searching for an engine monitor, tachometer, fuel flow computer, etc, we likely have what you are looking for! Have a look at our spring rebate. https://iflyei.com/wp-content/uploads/EI_Spring_Rebate_2020.pdf
  15. Flat rate repair/config charge is $125.00. If the LCD display requires replacement, the cost is $195.00.
  16. As most of our legacy instruments have a power requirement of roughly 1/10 amp, the FP-5(L), M-1 and R-1 can be wired to the master bus via single 1A breaker or fuse.
  17. James- As mentioned above and per the FAA, primary functions displayed on the CGR must be programmed with the POH limits as they supersede the engine manufacturer's manual. We absolutely understand your frustration and will try to do everything within our ability to help. Do you use the boost pump for start, takeoff and landing only? Basically, is the boost pump only turned on conditionally? I guess another way to ask; is the fuel pressure normal operating range under 6.0psi in cruise? The CGR includes a delay feature for the external warning lights. We could try to set a small delay and see if that helps your problem. Worth noting, the delay is not conditional. As such, if fuel pressure were to exceed the maximum allowable in flight, you would not get the external warning until after the delay period expired. Alternatively, we could turn off the external annunciator entirely. The fuel pressure indication would still change color if a limit was violated, but it would not trigger the annunciator lights.
  18. As Sun N Fun 2020 is currently postponed and may be cancelled, we are offering amazing rebates on purchases through April 10, 2020 that would have only been available for attendees. Have a look!https://iflyei.com/sun-n-fun-2020-rebate/
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  19. Happy to help. The splash screen looks great! Nice job getting that uploaded.
  20. The MVP-50 does have the option for audible alerts on the experimental and OEM versions. It may be possible to add that functionality to an STC'd version via field approval. Unfortunately, the FAA required additional testing as to how audible alerts would be prioritize in the event of multiple functions violating a limit simultaneously. As such, it was decided to suspend further development (certification) due to cost.
  21. As this is a certified unit, any changes to the limits will need to be justified by what is specified in the POH, STC, etc. The FAA will not allow us to provide passwords to users in the field to amend the markings beyond what was specified by the manufacture or STC holder. If a mistake was made when completing the worksheet, we are happy to make simple changes to the limits and we would very likely waive the fee to do so. In regard to the charge for the configuration fee, configuring/re-configuring the MVP-50P system and amending the drawings is fairly labor intensive when large changes are requested or when adding functions when the system has been completed and delivered. The fee is to cover the labor of our calibration team and was noted on the worksheet that was signed and submitted with the order. I have attached a copy for you to review. Worth noting, we would absolutely provide a password at no charge to change your tail number. SKM_754e20022412110.pdf
  22. Unfortunately, if fuel level or landing gear indication is not currently configured on the MVP-50P, it's not a simple matter of enabling it. Functions need to be created and mapped to the EDC, voltage thresholds and limits set, etc. We can reconfigure the system via e-mail, but we need to have a look at the current config to determine the best way to move things around to make room for the new functions. I tried to dig into the configuration, but I can't make out any of the serial numbers for the EDC or pressure transducers. If you can provide me with one, I will be happy to look into it further.
  23. We'd still like to work with Mooney owners if they would like to participate. I will discuss details with management and create a new post as to avoid threadjacking the OP.
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