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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. this reminds me, anyone know the magic to get the visors to stay up? mine come loose 5 mins after i tighten them
  2. G5's are being installed in my bird as we speak which leaves the brittain as the only thing using the vac/stand by vac systems. my step somehow fell off the plane a few years back.
  3. mine follows pink and green lines, has a knob to follow magnetic heading but not the DG, i guess they align if i sync the dg to my compass 8) wish it had altitude hold. I'd really be interested if i could find the bi-818 to make it follow the dg. even has an approach mode that actually works. but if i had to install something today, i'd probably pay duncan and go trutrak for 8 to 10k
  4. To be clear, the pma8000g is an AMAZING audio panel, i'm just saying as a hobbyist, i don't get enough use out of it
  5. I decided to go with 2 G5's instead of the gi-275's, they have a cleaner upgrade path to the gfc500 and g3x also i could get them and have them installed immediately instead of waiting months. most of your panel, well except for hte ADF i'd keep, dme isn't necc but if it works why bother removing it. as for the kx165 a navcom is a navcom, what's the point of upgrading? worry about it if/when it breaks. also to save some money i'd think about sliding in a psengineering instead of the 350c, my audio panel upgraade from a kma20 to a pma8000g was EXPENSIVE. don't think i'd do it again. really like the new audio panel but after owning it, i think i could've spent money other places first.
  6. I'm planning for the same trip in my m20e, hoping to get the long range tanks installed next year. good autopilot the year after.
  7. cheapest to get all you want, gnx-375 + 2x g5.
  8. just so happens, the only guy i know with aBravo, talks constantly about how much he misses his M20E. i'm sure he's just trying to keep me from asking for a ride 8) Glass is a big nothing burger, you'll get to used to it very quickly. First thing you'll notice is how everything is presented rougly like a 6 pack.
  9. come on now, you know we use vice grips
  10. Just put mine in a toolbox on top of a few paper towels, no issues.
  11. Just finished the magnetic survey for the gmu-11, what a pain. Tip: take the magnetic tablet/phone pencil out of your pocket before starting the survey, the gmu is super sensitive. was totally confused why i kept failing when trying to turn on switches and things.
  12. far as i can tell the brittain is well into the owner maintained category at this point, my last contact for brittain repairs is no longer answering the phone. I'd try the mooney service centers, most likely Don or Paul Maxwell @KGGG.
  13. I'm still thinking the trutrak is the absolute best value, 90% capability of the others, much cheaper. so i had this plan, if trutrak came out before i purchased a g5/gi-275, i'd install trutrak. sometime in the next two weeks, I'll have a pair of g5's installed and while technically trutrak was first, you still can't get one. so now, that i'll have prereqs for a gfc-500, i'm in the same boat, trutrak or gfc500. personally, i'm hoping the perfectly working brittain sticks around for a few years more, as in 10, so i don't have to make a choice. what i'd like to know, what is the install estimate for the gfc500 once you have the underlying components. if it's still 20k+ no question, trutrak.
  14. G5's arrived, was super excited until amazon sent a note rescheduling delivery of EVERYTHING we need to install
  15. purchased 2x g5's, waiting on the harness to be built. Thank you Saint, aircraft spruce and sarasota avionics. No thanks to Garmin and a number of other "Good" avionics shops.
  16. Same boat, my AI took a piss couple weeks back, finally decided on the g5's due to availability and upgrade path to the g3x and gfc500.
  17. Brittain b5, unfortunately, due to not being on any drawing or compatability list, no avionics shop will connect it anyway. trutrak or gfc500 are most likely in my future
  18. I'm trying to decide between a g5 ai or a gi-275 but am stuck thinking about upgrade paths. thinking birdy will eventually be upgraded to a g3x as primary with a g5 or gi-275 as backup and would like to know what those configs looks like from a hardware/wiring point of view. anyone have the appropriate installation manual they can share?
  19. Kit panels - Pacific Coast Avionics
  20. Not sure on the make, it has absolutely no markings. unfortunately no pics, totally slipped my mind. Yes, was on IR but thankfully was cavu. It's vacuum powered, heck might be the original 1974 instrument. The Vacuum powered autopilot( Brittain ) worked perfectly which makes me think it isn't vacuum related. I did tap the glass with my finger, which then caused the gyro to behave normally for the rest of the flight. already reaching out to see what 2x gi275's cost hopes aren't really high, i hear there's something like a 6 to 9mos wait
  21. Something weird today, during my flight from Dallas to Houston, my attitude indicator started careening all over the place, looked like a game of ping pong. not sure what to think, def not what i was expecting, was really disconcerting; glad i wasn't in actual. any clue ?
  22. hmm, let me see. Diamond DA-62 Cessna T337 Commander 1000 phenom 300e cessna cj4+ etc...
  23. yes, the wheel bottoms out in either direction
  24. One thing i've noticed about my birdy, starting to think i need rigging, she's usually trimmed full nose down or pretty close when straight and level with a passenger and bags. Anyone else?
  25. I've left it open, it's never popped open on its own
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