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Fly Boomer

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Fly Boomer last won the day on August 18 2024

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  1. On the K, the aux power relay is energized by the small, short pin so that the longer, larger power pins are already engaged in the receptacle before power comes on. No effect on the master contactor. Probably the same on your J. For the OP, if you are going to start using aux power, you need to have a lot of current available -- a battery charger isn't going to cut it.
  2. Success stories like yours are hard to come by. Good to hear how well it worked for you. That kind of pain is no bueno.
  3. Prepare to get blasted by the Dan Gryder haters.
  4. Sounds pretty exotic. Where did you get these procedures done?
  5. I see the following albums, but it’s likely that some of the photos were lost when we changed servers. my visors Tow photos Mooney crystal blocks Crystal cubic block with Mooney image etched inside. Mooney screwdriver Battery capacity tester
  6. Did you bleed it?
  7. Our engines are "air cooled", but without a water jacket, radiator, and coolant pump, it might be more accurate to say "air/oil cooled". Low oil=high temperature.
  8. If you want to read it, the size will be determined by your (corrected) vision. If you just want to comply, it can be pretty small. Apparently, you have been okay without it so far.
  9. Pop the pills before you think you need them. Once you get behind the eight-ball, it's hard to dig your way out.
  10. Without Push To Start, if you have SOS, it might require a wiring change.
  11. Are you happy with it?
  12. Anybody ever try one of these? https://www.aircraft-tool.com/Detail?id=OILEASY1
  13. Were you able to acquire a new servo, or get the old one rebuilt?
  14. Chris, you quoted Austintatious, but somehow your comment didn't come through. Please give it another try.
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