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Fly Boomer

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  1. Or, if you are going to be in hospital for a procedure, tell them you are feeling nauseous, and ask them to bring 40 or 50 barf bags.
  2. The short answer is "Send it to Hector", but I don't know how to fix it.
  3. It's gone. If you go after the topic without reference to page or comment number (page 1, first post by OP), it responds "Sorry. We could not find that topic" https://mooneyspace.com/topic/50135-g100ul-fuel-leak/
  4. I have read (above) that you can damage your exhaust pipe by clipping on the ground clamp. Any idea how?
  5. I don't know what the voltage or amperage is inside an ohmmeter, but it seems possible that touching the fuel filler opening might generate a spark.
  6. There was a thread on here a few years ago about someone who was gifted something older than a J--maybe a C or an E. Anyway, by the time he was comfortable putting his family in it, he had spent $83,000. That was quite a few years ago, so you could at least double that number today. If I remember correctly, that didn't include an engine. The guy was an A&P, and somehow the engine came back to life just by overhauling some accessories, new hoses, etc. So the math is $0 purchase price + $83,000 in repairs = an airplane worth less than $83,000. If you just want to spend a few years working on an airplane (and you can afford it) go for it. If you ever expect to have something you can fly, look elsewhere. Sorry to be the bearer of brutal truth.
  7. Why not twist it for fine adjustment? Maybe I don't know what I'm missing.
  8. As noted above, Concorde RG-35AXC. Friends don't let friends buy Gill batteries. That battery will not magically fix problems with your alternator, regulator, starter, or cables, but if everything else is working correctly, it will last quite a long time.
  9. From the horse's mouth: TCM Engine Model Numbers.pdf
  10. Nah, they won't get any minerals, but it won't hurt them--it's just distilled water.
  11. That stuff confuses me too (not that hard). I'm thinking "Didn't I just read this a couple of hours ago?"
  12. I would also try Don Maxwell in Longview TX (world's most renowned Mooney shop). He used to rebuild them. I assume you have bench tested it to eliminate switches, breaker, wiring, etc.?
  13. Give LASAR a call. Sometimes their web site isn't accurate.
  14. How about Vertical Measuring Equipment--companion to Distance Measuring Equipment?
  15. Welcome! How about LASAR? https://lasar.com/fuel-system-1/fuel-boost-pump-regulator-880047-503
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