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Fly Boomer

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Fly Boomer last won the day on August 18 2024

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  1. Were you able to acquire a new servo, or get the old one rebuilt?
  2. Chris, you quoted Austintatious, but somehow your comment didn't come through. Please give it another try.
  3. You will get a flood of advice, but this line from @Hank above is a golden nugget (emphasis mine): "Note that there is no standard for this work [pre-purchase inspection], whoever you hire will do whatever you want, and likely not do whatever you forget to ask for."
  4. You will get a lot of responses. I would suggest getting a hangar as soon as possible -- before the airplane is a good idea.
  5. Instead of the adjustable tension coupler, I have been wanting to try one of these: https://locknlube.com/products/locknlube-grease-coupler?variant=32586284204116 Any experience with these lock and release types?
  6. Anyone know the difference between 40-87 A, B, C, etc.?
  7. What's wrong with these? https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=cleveland+40-87+wheel&_sacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2510209.m570.l1313
  8. Shhh. There may be wives reading this forum.
  9. Compared to 1600-degree exhaust, I wouldn't be too concerned about any air that might pass by.
  10. Those charts are gorgeous. That's a lot of work. Thanks.
  11. I have read about this happening to both 550s and 520s. I would find a Continental expert and have them do a complete "fuel system setup". It's a complicated process, and there is no shortcut.
  12. I have seen cracks laced up with safety wire. Series of holes drilled on each side of crack, and lace it up like your trainers.
  13. I have read a large number of reviews saying it doesn't go up or down and/or the little rubber plug that's supposed to keep the hydraulic fluid contained blows out never to be seen again. What was your experience?
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