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Fly Boomer

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Fly Boomer last won the day on August 18 2024

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  1. Makes sense. Thanks.
  2. That quote is from the M20K SMM. I was comparing the J and K because one has the bob weight (elevators hang down), and the other does not have the bob weight (elevators line up with horizontal stabilizer).
  3. So something like clamp one side, and then set the other side to match?
  4. I understand that I have the bob weight, but it seems that that bob weight makes it impossible to follow the instruction "Set elevators (L & R) to be even with horizontal stabilizer. Adjust at 915007 HEIM bearings at elevator horns." My elevators don't want to be even with the horizontal stabilizer.
  5. I understand that this topic was a question about the M20C, but some of the posts in this topic demonstrate a deep understanding of how these things work. Both @PT20J and @N201MKTurbo were discussing bungees, which I don't think I have, but I'm interested in understanding how the rigging on my M20K works. The first image below is from the M20J SMM I have and, under "Elevator Removal and Installation", item D seems straightforward enough. The second image is from the 2014 M20K SMM for my airplane. Here, item D adds "Set elevators (L & R) to be even with horizontal stabilizer. Adjust at 915007 HEIM bearings at elevator horns." Now, I understand that the K has the bob weights while the J doesn't. Because of that, my elevators hang down against the stops unless someone is pulling on the yoke, or 200 MPH air is helping them align with the horizontal stabilizer. So, what does the SMM mean by "Set elevators ... even with stabilizer"? Do they want some kind of clamp to keep them in that position?
  6. @Gilt that's a super-clean panel. Nice!
  7. I like this plan! I was poking around ForeFlight yesterday looking for warmer temperatures, but even well south of the border, it was only in the 50s (F).
  8. As @Jsno says "buzzing is good". No buzz=no good. But you still need to confirm that it's working. Here is an article from DMAX that discusses some troubleshooting steps. Read and understand the whole document. Don't get whacked by the prop. Shower of Sparks by Don Maxwell (mapa log 31.03).pdf
  9. That's what I get for not paying attention. Searched for M20M, and my search engine coughed up M20R. Can't wait for artificial intelligence -- no more mistakes ever!
  10. Parts inside your muffler can come loose and partially block the exhaust gasses from escaping the engine, which prevents your engine from developing full power. Someone should stick a borescope or endoscope up there every year during the annual inspection to be sure the muffler is not beginning to disintegrate. EDIT: Dang! @KSMooniac beat me by seconds.
  11. Also looks like a copy in the Downloads area of this forum: https://mooneyspace.com/files/file/237-m20r-service-and-maintenance-manual-pn-man161-revision-b-may-2014/?do=getNewComment
  12. I didn't try to download it, but this looks like a possibility: https://data2.manualslib.com/pdf7/160/15910/1590961-mooney/m20m.pdf?60c9a9629d0d8e37e813436000178bd1&take=binary
  13. That was cool. So, you pop a flare before you jump into the darkness?
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