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  1. They said that it was an unassigned parking spot and some people think an empty spot means anyone can park there.
  2. The covered parking at KFFZ is getting a makeover. The airport official told me today that everything is being moved out, including this Mooney. If anyone knows this guy, let him know. The official could not locate the owner. They are starting repainting tomorrow 4-8-18. It is N6524U.
  3. Wow! She’s a beauty.
  4. FYI, I have a 1974 M20C Ranger. There are some rotund and burly relatives in my family. We found this belt extension works great in our plane.
  5. That is crazy. If mine ever breaks I think I would try using a paint mixing stick. They are free at Home Depot.
  6. Just had mine sealed. That fixed the slight smell of gas that I had been searching for.
  7. What a great experience. Congratulations. I had a similar experience last year in my M20C, 250 total hrs., Alabama to Arizona, my flight instructor made the trip with me. I got a lot of hood time. Enjoy. Be safe.
  8. I took my M20C in for an annual Dec.26. Last week was the first time I was able to fly it since. I still haven’t received the bill. I decided that I better go flying because once I get the bill I may not be able to afford the fuel. One of my big concerns was radio noise when I am in close proximity to the airport. I am not sure all that was done just yet but I was told that they put new connectors in the cabin ceiling. Not only did they not fix the radio noise but as soon as I took off, the tower said I was not showing altitude and told me to squawk 1200 on my almost new GTX345. Also, traffic no longer shows on the GNS530W or ForeFlight on the iPad. I was connected via Bluetooth. The avionics guy at the shop has since moved to another state. I guess I would like some ideas on where or what I should look for or do next. Any ideas would be welcomed. Thanks.
  9. Great story ragedracer. There is nothing better than spending quality time with family and making memories. I hope to meet you sometime at KFFZ. My M20C based there. Do you have trouble switching tanks with your shoulder harness? I can’t reach the floor with my shoulder harness snug.
  10. I am just finishing my first annual inspection. I spent two hours last week with my AI going through the log books. It seems the previous owner’s method for maintaining the log books was to keep everything. I even found brochures on hotels nestled in the log books. I’m not sure what relevance that has with the last time my mags were overhauled. Anyway, I am trying to stream line things a little. Has anyone tried using any aircraft maintenance software? I found one in particular called CompuTrak. Before I purchased it, I wanted to run it by everyone here to see if you have any feedback on it.
  11. She’s a beauty. Treat her right, and congrats!
  12. My dog goes where I go or I don’t go. Usually.
  13. Forbes Best States for Business Rankings, Employment Growth (Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers), GDP Growth Rate, Mercatus State Fiscal Rankings (George Mason University), etc., when did they get into the moving business?
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ocregister.com/2017/04/23/leaving-california-after-slowing-the-trend-intensifies/amp/
  15. My Mooney is currently at Falcon Executive Aviation, at Falcon Field (KFFZ) undergoing an annual. They have worked on my Mooney on several occasions since I purchased the plane, including a few minor squawks and a lot of avionics upgrades. The entire service department seems very knowledgeable. They are very thorough, professional and friendly. I have no complaints. Give Bruce a call in the service department. Here’s their website: http://www.falconaviation.com/
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