Updated details, still flying great. Times are approximate and will continue to go up. Aircraft is flown 100+ hours a year.
Total time: 3440, times will go up, aircraft is actively flown
Engine: Lycoming IO360A1A, SN L-14503-51A SMOH: 2112 OH date: Nov. 1984
#1 and #3 cylinder ~200 hours TSO installed Dec. 2017, Compression #1/78 #2/76 #3/76 #4/68
Prop: Hartzell Hub Model HC-C2YK-1BF Blade model F7666A-2 TSPOH: 439
Prop AD 2009-22-03 next due ~ 3510 tach time
Annual due JUNE 2021
IFR Cert due January 2021
Useful load: 1001 LBS
RECENT WORK: Engine vibration isolators, gear shock discs, right tank reseal, nose gear steering horn, new pilot seat belt, new ELT
MODS: Lasar Cowl Closure, oil cooler relocation, brake caliper rotation, right side air vent
Transponder: Stratus ESG, ADS-B out, 1090 ES
Audio Panel: Garmin GMA 350c four place intercom, stereo, Bluetooth
Autopilot: Pathfinder P2A, wing leveler w/heading bug and VOR capture
Additional Equipment:
Davtron M80 clock, Whelen strobes, 4 place digital EGT, dual PTT, front seat shoulder harness, light weight starter, tow bar
Exterior: White trimmed in red and blue (painted 1996, Bill Potts Painting, Salinas CA) some clear coat flaking
Illustrated parts catalog, maintenance manual and POH on thumb drive
Interior: Gray leather with headrests
Complete logs, no damage history SB M20-208B CW
Owned and maintained by IA/A&P/PPSEL
Contact: Sean Siefring 901-592-7200
Price: $41,500 OBO