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Everything posted by Skates97

  1. I think I still have mine out of my 65 D, I will have to check the box down at the hangar tomorrow.
  2. Spend the extra money for the inertial reel belts. It is a one time purchase and over the life of the plane a drop in the bucket. I put them in my plane and never really thought much about the benefit of the inertial reels until I flew a plane without them where you have to adjust the tightness of the shoulder belt. Here is Dan's video, it is worth the full 42 minutes of your time.
  3. ^^^^^^^^ THIS^^^^^^^^ If it does not have shoulder harnesses this should be the first upgrade.
  4. The OD is the same on all the shafts. The later model's had a thicker shaft, smaller ID, which is why they don't have the AD that the thin wall shafts have.
  5. If you go to the newer ones you have to replace the yoke (control wheel), the shafts, and the actual yoke (#1) in the picture because of the way the control shafts mount. I upgraded mine to some off an M20R. I have my old ones just sitting in the hangar and there is a push to talk wired into the LH yoke. If you're interested we could work something out. I can send you pictures probably this weekend of it.
  6. I have a M20D (short body) and it is set for 80 mph (1965 is in mph). When I first flew after having it installed I had it pushing the nose down as I was on short final about to come over the fence. I was fighting it as I don't come over the fence at 80 mph if I am alone and light. I would get below the altitude where it cuts off and the yoke would "pop" and fly normal. At first I thought there was something wrong with the install and then realized what it is. Fortunately it is easy to over-ride by just holding the AP disconnect button on the yoke. Now if I am feeling it pushing the nose down on me as I am getting ready to land I just hold the button down with my thumb and complete the landing.
  7. I don't know, @M20Doc I'm sure knows. I was just swapping out the old senders with CiES senders so didn't touch the pickups.
  8. I second the Travel John. No worry about spills. https://smile.amazon.com/Travel-John-Resealable-Disposable-Urinal/dp/B07Y5QSXQZ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=travel+john&qid=1634058082&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExVDZBT09HVEJVUTJEJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzEzMzA0M0lYNUNPODJGVzJBNiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNjA4ODM0MTZSU0JURVBFNk42VyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  9. On every long flight I run a tank dry, the same MO that @Greg Ellis outlines below. And if you are paying attention to the fuel pressure in a carbureted model you can keep the engine from ever stumbling because there is the fuel in the carb bowl. My understanding is that in a fuel injected model you will have the engine stop on you. The good news is that the prop is still spinning so switching tanks will have you back running again. I have had the engine stop on me a couple times when I didn't notice the fuel pressure dropping, switching tanks brings everything back online in about 2-3 seconds (although it feels like about 30 seconds).
  10. Here's the write up of the check ride. https://intothesky.com/2021/10/10/ifr-checkride/ That will close things out, at least until I get the itch for some more training. I'm thinking sometime next year for the Commercial rating, not so that I can get paid to fly, just because it is fun to keep learning and improving.
  11. I have a rescueME PLB1 in the plane. It hangs from the center post when I'm not flying. (That also has it hanging down in the way of the engine controls so I can't forget to put it on before startup). Before I put my headset on I put the lanyard around my neck. Even if it is just a local flight I am wearing it, you don't have to be far from civilization to not have a cell signal, and if I land off airport somewhere I am just pushing the button on it to let people know where I am.
  12. Spinlock Deckvest 6D https://www.landfallnavigation.com/catalog/product/view/id/98684.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw2P-KBhByEiwADBYWCuqBHDjTKZh1CDXeKLx5bRMbcZw50AjDK5vubVpkyNuG5PqCSZXqRhoCCPgQAvD_BwE#132=30589 It is more expensive than the others that you can get, but in the grand scheme of all things aviation is not very expensive at all. I have four of them hanging on the wall in my hangar and anytime we are flying over water or just along the coast we are wearing them. They are comfortable to wear, you forget you have it on. You can remove the auto-inflator easily and turn it into a manual inflator. I'll invite Andrew @Hyett6420 to the discussion. He has more experience on the subject than most, flies over the English Channel, and has spent time in the water with the Spinlock Deckvest.
  13. Ah, that's where I got it from. I downloaded a few of them and yours was the one I settled on and then tweaked for my plane.
  14. This should be a good starting point for you, adjust as necessary. Approach Settings.xlsx
  15. This stuff has worked well for me. 2" wide - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00823JFAI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 3/4" wide - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00823JEUO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  16. My experience as well... I put the grease on, then wait a bit, and wipe off the excess. I still seem to get some one me from time to time putting stuff in and taking it out.
  17. On my plane the cabin door has the seal on the door and the baggage door has the seal on the fuselage. There were options for the cabin door to put it either on the door or the fuselage. After reading different comments I decided on keeping it on the door to prevent damage from people getting in and out. That was a number of years ago and it is still in great shape, just add a little silicone lube to it a couple times a year to keep it from drying out.
  18. I love it! We bought a place in Pagosa Springs, CO back in June. It isn't on the airport but is a mile from the airport. Sitting on the back porch looking at the trees and golf course with the planes coming and going is wonderful. I would have loved to have a place on an airport in the mountains somewhere but everywhere we looked within a reasonable flying time I couldn't make it work.
  19. Maybe it depends on the size of the kneeboard? I have manual gear and have always had my kneeboard strapped to my right thigh, never any problems swinging the Johnson bar. I do sometimes have to wake my wife up and get her to sit up straight so she isn't in the way after an in-flight nap, but that's a different story.
  20. I've been using iFlyGPS for a couple years now. I previously used DroidEFB but I like the interface and features of iFlyGPS more so will be sticking with it.
  21. I have tried off and on to get away from paper and pen, but I find that having a knee-board with a pad for me to quickly jot stuff down on is the best option for me.
  22. No post flight pictures, no fanfare, but I passed my IFR check-ride this morning.
  23. Are the exhaust pipes the same on an IO-360 as an O-360? If so I might have what you need at the hangar.
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