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Everything posted by rpcc

  1. Of course there is never a simple answer but I will try to ask again - does the prop pitch control work if the engine has failed or has been turned off I guess from your description maybe or maybe not. My point being if it wont work without engine power and or oil pressure who cares what is done to control it. It is going to do what it is going to do correct?
  2. I have seen this a few times before but the discussion seems to degrade into xyz and there is never a conclusion. So... does the prop pitch control work if the engine has failed or has been turned off? If it doesn't work then this seems like a moot point.
  3. Ok .... everyone pump the breaks a bit. Pick a platform - j, ovation, bravo - what do you think a factory certification should contain and what would you pay for it?
  4. Hi Don - do you think there is a market for "certified" aircraft with updated electronics such as yours? It seems like mooney's competition is all of the existing airframes out there - really why would you buy a new one when you can get very close for 50% less.
  5. Does anyone have a high level P&l for mooney now?
  6. What is the current asking price for this business?
  7. Not sure what this means but there is a financial component as well that is significant. for a laugh google Florida Man and your birth date
  8. There are many threads on this.
  9. you might want to check into @mike_elliot
  10. Great to see the progress you are making. Do you have an idea where you will finish up cost wise now that you are close to being back together?
  11. Some good background reading on the tc vs tn comments above - https://taturbo.com/tnvtc.html
  12. Just paid 500 for a change on my 991.2 so the prices you are quoting seem ok.
  13. Terrible. Was there an instructor onboard the 152 too? I see some mention of that on bt.
  14. Ask my girlfriend. I have some great days and some bad days.
  15. It makes me laugh thinking about all the meetings that must have occurred where everyone discussed how offencive the term Student was to potential pilots. The wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth must have been tremendous along with the expense involved. I wonder how many man years in total went into resolving this offense. Were there protests and letter/email campaigns sent to the company to cause this change or did some manager wake up one morning and say, hey, time to justify our existence, lets change Student to Learner and make ourselves valuable. This is just meaningless noise.
  16. Hi Steve - good decision. Hope it works out well for you. Enjoy.
  17. Lacking the ability to monetize the existing inventory says to me that there is little or no value in this company other than real estate. Hope you get your gear door soon - perhaps they could send you the parts and assembly instructions - but I'm sure you could figure that out as well. I'm not familiar with the FAA regs on manufacture, but could the factory license the construction of component parts to businesses like yours?
  18. I am amazed honestly at how the management has let their employees down and of course their customers. In the current market - You can't build clean sheet planes without 200mm behind you so - let's table that. You can't build a business around 1mm in revenue and untold liability problems - let's table that. ( the dunkin doughnuts where I bought my coffee this morning makes more revenue each year than that and I can't recall the last time someone was killed drinking coffee or eating a doughnut) Most of your customer base is quite happy with their 80-200k aircraft and there is supply to meet demand on the used market. You do have a highly skilled workforce that is capable of doing lots of things - perhaps the future is not in servicing the mooney fleet and building clean sheet craft, but in figuring out how to monetize your production facilities and workforce. Maybe someone could tell the current management that there is a big problem producing parts for all sectors of the economy. How about building parts for lets say the automotive industry or the aviation industry - but pick a big company like GM or Boeing to work with so you have constant demand.
  19. this was an interesting analysis - https://generalaviationnews.com/2021/06/07/the-impossible-turn-debate-continues/
  20. Lots and lots of info here on this topic! One thing I would add is how you arrange the pre purchase inspection with your mechanic. Make a no go list with him so those items are checked first and if they are ok proceed with the rest of the inspection- that saved me a bunch. Good luck!
  21. Id just love to see this company build a cash flow model that works somehow. This hand the factory the keys and send me the bill model works for some and probably would work for Mooney.
  22. Look at Hinckley Yachts as an example of what I am talking about this company building. It works, and can be a cash monster for mooney and help them develop something new. https://www.hinckleyyachts.com/yachtcare/
  23. IMHO it's a parts business first and foremost to start. Focusing on what existing customers want, the g1000 upgrades seems like a great idea as well as the UL improvements. I'd love to see some type of subscription plan where owners pay mooney some significant $ per year for low or no cost upgrades as they become available. Would be great to get someone to figure out how to improve the landing gear and put a parachute in there before wasting more $ on trying to sell airplanes again.
  24. There are many who say if you can't pay cash for the plane you shouldn't buy it. That's fine, but if you think in those terms, eg how much per month will it cost me to get the money to buy this or that plane it helps. If for example it costs $200 a month to buy a much newer plane with the right electronics, paint, engine, fuel tank condition, shock disks and all the other little things sorted out, I think you would be way better off to spend the $200 and have the new plane than the one you are going to have to bring up to speed. I learned this looking at a low priced eagle with nice electronics, but the fuel tanks and paint were not so nice so I passed after a limited inspection with my mechanic. Also, give some thought to an initial and ongoing training plan. Unless you are lucky and have someone experienced nearby either you or the instructor will need to travel. I added my instructor into my w+b calculations figuring that I would need to take him with me on any long trip until I had the experience I needed. I was planning for 3 people total including the instructor so the mooney worked. If I had 4 plus an instructor, it would be an A36 or other 6 place single. That was how I looked at it.
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